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V4'41 XORZ TIMES In Approved For Release 2006/101'7 =W88-0136560300310083-2 li tarecy Curbs A i L# 77 . S. r ve l 1l c? ,l?.r- ,r. h is the power of the 4f S pp uc ? campai ~n that an i11CCCa51ng / S ~"Y *e , number of unsophisticated I # ^ 1 rC ~2't ~ Tirades in the Press nBolivians are coming toy b ;, v,;ymac : Ii r.' ,,Fail to Xeacri'Y'uS6 capable of casting spells and ielding other supernatural of Population w powers. ry t t Gb j , 1 ll , ti +k e if 1 w tr t- MAIDENBERG PI `IIG more sophisticated Bo- a"q ~ 1. ,? . ? Xd LIf ~' b B y . ? f spec!hl to ln. w ... .,,.- -...__ ++. f A PAZ, Bolivia-0ne indi- are still discussing the latest cation of the high level :feature-length Bolivian film, Blood of~ M " a Yawar !*or illiteracy in this land unclilia nd- the Condor"l f w rie tinued today is the con which as well liness that so many Bolivians language r- received n u r manifest toward North Ame byOscarSoria I Dirc ted scans. Gamarra, it was finally te- Since the left-wing military leased with Spanish subtitles coup d'ctat here Sept. the after being banned by the the and particularly since of Mayor of La Paz as "a gross nationalization affront" to the United States,-, Gulf Oil Corn- ~'TheTalk the which, he said, has been "the erations pang s op i ?} - Oct. 17, Bolivian economic and social main- Of of Bolivia- for many taxed their staffs year in an anti-United States press. Y a' arMallku" tells o-' a "Corps yoth' ` who, peace ,campaign unmatched in the r, thi'>siaiding an Western Hemisphere outside undeguise Indian conmmunity, ofis actual- STAT 1? in pap-- -tlrr]IneRld. n~-, ~..srA \wing, church-owned Presen- chief unmasks thePlot, the I cis to the far-left Jornada, yDuff ' is emasculated and , One. of the series of 80 anti-C.I.A. cartoons from the front,; the relatively few literate k pa es of Jornada, an afternoon daily. The play on Spanislt? Bolivians are treated eater ipTl e United States then 4 Word for ,ail is part ? of the, attack on the U.S..intelli?:, STAT day to ever morn bitter orders the '8oliviaix Army to gercce agency. Readers are advised they will receive ani " j tirades against the United seiz6 the chief; ~~ho is1 amulet' to protect"themselves if they collect entire series. i `.,..' States and Gulf. eizC oclin the attempt, 'flit, Bolivians still mention% ?;United But because most of the' rest' of the film depicts how ? over, hers alt red the cnun- their other nei, Bolivians do not read -about the badly wounded chief';, try's traditional attitudes ept of ", he grr sizie of its neighbors. we r awe becaus snore, the per cent of the population conics to La Paz to seek 'toward. so , of 4.5 million are Indians and, medical aid and. is refused ., School, children lto .longer.,, end they tend to' ig .they either do not know or it because I he is an Indian rnarelt On public holidays steady stream of Brazilians s~refer-not to speak Spanish. and, in the context of Ande fshouting, "Death to Chile- across the ill-defined border. .-the burden of the cam- an sociai life, something less -ants' Bolivians no longer As for Peru,' Bolivians now `';sign has fallen bn news- 'than human- certainly ,far dwell on the harsh treatment. respect. their neighbor be- 11 paper cartoonists. - - ?i c t, below they level of Negroes, accorded their migrant labor., cause` of -her, stand against in the sugar-cane fields of rthe JJnited Statesa andt^he~c d s shave a wide audience, appeal "Yawar Maunu en n r ? .a ,:...,,, far less anti-gringo, perhaps the death of the chief, which 'neighboring Peru Iokes.t because of the popularity of, causes his people-,.to. .raise ,the butt of crude j North American music and-.,their ' rifles and swear to The change stems from th as they' 'Chile's refusal to hold up the' s ti d ea on e his tthe fact that many sta their op . , pment of Gulf il th aveng. rograms supplied' prepare to. battle throu de e ssin Pend on _' . infnr.l rials p g - --? -the t Sta es tnatfon Agency:` `The film's stana apaufsl.. ?+I ~? --' e-m-bargo- many Bel hirtlr cnntrol is atLributcd to ulf tion ship tnen s after net onaliza tried P vians are fascinated by the the fact that the p p an tio heck t omotion. device of?here is kept in c nfant' The friendly gestures harvr i F test higr the Jorprnada, whist 'publishes inordinately ' anti-United States car- death rate--more than half tended to mitigate the bitter- do not'. ess ennendercd here by the i an ''toon entitled "C.LA." on the the infants born ear. Forty 1879 War of the Pacific, 1 ft hand corner of its live. to their fifth y 1 are 1 ? h caused this landlocked a Approved For Release_2Q0611:0/1..2: C-IA-RDP88--01365-R0003003-1,,O8'3'2 day more people, Mara a tural er g ?, not, are , becoming curious about the amulet, which no one on the 'paper professes ; HL Bolivian: Government's ~o.haye seen. ,, ::::. .. ?~_?,. 5 ates,whieh'?hasreducedtaid; becaus tes0., of,,..the . Gulf take,;; Jornada s re others are advised that if! The film denouncesersons marketing petroleum and.1 they clip all 80 cartoons in : Indians and chollos (P s ,natural gas. Few Bolivians , ,the series and present them of mixed blood) who "aP 4 to the paper, they will re- or aspire to emulate Euro- mention that Argentina needs. them att amulet to protect ;peens dr sin m their acuns" l~ ropes to previont a further them from the C.I.A. Each rather than n re reg ovv t4':the left?fore...:.- h its e States agency has become: a;tuberculosis or ? ration is ; Argentina has become pop-4 ,prime political target. piing diseases: Emig aders and another population check., afar because of her recent, 94, to aid the Bolivians in ..} tower In Boli- first page each day. per cent of the peak e ountry to lose its outlet to c ' via as An Chile, the United said to have sotn+hci cripf the sea.