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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100580001-0
I. Where We Were: Intelligence in the 1970s
?troubles were reflection of turmoil in larger society
?investigations hurt image; more importantly, hurt morale,
recruitment, collection, and production
?I.C. budget cut 40%; personnel slashed 50%
?NIEs fell to low point in 1980 of 12
?growing irrelevance of analysis to policymakers' needs
II. International Changes
?while intelligence undergoing trauma, international scene
dramatically changing
?Soviet Union reached strategic parity; moved aggressively to
challenge U.S. in Third World; comprehensive high-level program to
steal our technology
?challenges increasing as resources being depleted
?wider range of issues needed to be dealt with: many new
independent states and new international actors such as terrorists,
drug and arms traffickers, and economic cartels; the new danger of
nuclear proliferation
III Where We Are Now: Intelligence in the 1980s
?when arrived three years ago, saw three major tasks: 1) re-ignite
morale, 2) revamp analytical process and make analysis more
relevant, and 3) rebuild resources
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100580001-0
?with support of this Administration have accomplished much:
?enjoyed budget increases in I.C. of some 15 to 20% a year
?reorganized Directorate of Intelligence to facilitate
integrated analysis
?human source collection grown substantially
?increased number, timeliness and scope of NIEs; 1983 produced
50 NIEs, 25 other I.C. assessments, more than 800 research
projects; even more importantly, reduce time takes to put on
President's desk; really hot ones done in 3 days
?closer cooperation in I.C.: Watch meeting every Thursday, NFIB
functioning as a Board of Estimates, seeking alternative views
?analysts brief Vice President Bush, Secretary Weinberger,
Secretary Shultz, National Security Advisor Bob McFarlane, and
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Vessey, daily
?counterintelligence being rebuilt; KGB on defensive: 117
agents defected or expelled from over 20 countries
reaching outside for new analytical perspectives; draw from 400
companies with 1 million employees
?training capabilities expanded, new courses and programs
?refurbishing support systems: communications and computers
IV. Where We Are Going: Intelligence's Future, 1985-1990
?will have more and more information, 2 times current flow
?Soviet Union will remain most important challenge
?monitoring closely leadership transition
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100580001-0
?see no slackening in military buildup or thrust in Third World;
have identified more new weapons in first 3 years of 80's than
throughout 70's
?state of world economy and Third World Debt of great concern
?more concentration on Trade and Technology, including technology
transfer issues
?will continue to watch nuclear proliferation, narcotics (3 people a
day caught in Miami airport), and state supported international
terrorism (65 terrorist camps)
?Middle East and Central America probably remain flash points
?must rebuild comprehensive, encyclopedia data base
V. New Thrust: Improve Quality of Our Skills and Quality of Our Product
?to recruit best and brightest and to retain, will renew qualities
that have made us unique
?focus on our young ep ople, offer them greater challenges and
?boils down to quest for excellence; undergo self-examination
?start with clarifying and articulating our standards of excellence
and our goals
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100580001-0