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1976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- :ie SPEAKER. Is there ,objection to request of the gentleman from issippi? McCLOSKEY. Mr. Speaker. rc- :ig the right to object. might 1in- if this extension of the committee thout any additional cost beyond already authorized by the House? MONTGOMERY. If the gentle- w?ill yield, that is. correct. There t be no additional cost to the Con- We have enough funds to operate ommittee until the end of this year. was the feeling of the committee .ve can write a better report if we e given until December. Under the tion we are operating under now. nnmittec would have to go out of nce September 11. ~. we are In contact with the North kmese in Paris and hope we can with the Vietnamese another time sing the MIA situation. I might iris committee had something to h the release of American civilians Jay from Saigon. It Is the feeling committee this is not the right o close out the committee, and I urge unanimous adoption of this ion. GILALA,N. Mr. Speaker,' will the nan yield? McCLOSKEY. I yield to the gen- . from New York. )ILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I commend tinguished chairman of the com- for this resolution. So much has :complished but so much is still .ccomplished, and so much more done if we puss this resolution. McCLOSKEY. Mr. Speaker, I kw my reservation of objection. SPEAKER. Is there objection to uest of the gentleman from Mis- 2 tHODES. Mr. Speaker, reserving iit to object, I congratulate the an from Mississippi and the com- )n the fine work that this select t?ee has accomplished thus far. Speaker. I certainly favor the m of the committee's life until Af January. There is work yet to I am sure the gentleman and his :mittee can address themselves to s still remaining and perhaps with some answers that we are of getting in the future. I cer- m in strong support of this ex- RINKLEY. Mr. Speaker, will the in yield? HODES. I yield to the gentle- a Georgia. 2INKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to distinguished minority leader in lent support for this resolution. :)port it. Beaker, there is, as one of the nntlemen said, much to be done. r, is unfinished. This will enable nguished subcommittee chair- his committee members to go' with it. I commend them and them my support. :'FINGER. Mr. Speaker, will the u yield? ;ODES. I riei'd to the gentleman York. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the request of the gentle- There was no objection. The SPEAKER. The question is on the :esolution. The resolution was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. PERMISSION FOR SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY RESEARCH, DEVEL- OPMENT. AND DEMONSTRATION OF COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TO MEET WEDNES- DAY MORNING. AUGUST 4, 1976, DURING THE 5-MINUTE RULE Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Subcom- TrOT13071ation appropriations, fiscal year 1977. H.R. 11909, Indian Claims Commission, wider an open rule with 1 hour of debate. H.R. 12944, Federal Insecticide, Fun- gicide, and Rodenticide Act extensio7; under an open rule with 1 hour of debate. The rule has already been adopted. H.R. 4634, Workweek-of Federal Fire- fighters, under an open roar: with f hour of debate. H.R. 10498, Clean Air Act amendments. with 3 hours of debate, with general de- bate only on that bill. - Mr. Speaker, I trust this meets with the approval of the minority leader. Mr. RHODES. Mr. Speaker, if the dis- tinguished majority leader, the gentle- man from Massachusetts (Mr. O'NEILL) will yield, it does meet witjt the approval of the minority. Mr. Speaker, I would like to further ask the distinguished majority leader if this possibly means there will be no session on Friday? Mr. O'NEILL. I regret that I am not able to answer that at the present time. We have scheduled the bill (H.R. 13372), the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act amend- ment- (New River). It the North Caro- lina delegation were willing to cooperate with the great bulk of the Membership , mittee on Energy Research, Develop- there is a remote possibility that we could ment, and Demonstration of the Cc pk- c=t rough on Thursday.' mittee on Science and Technology may be permitted to meet Wednesday morn- ing to receive testimony only during the 5-minute rule. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Washington? Mr. ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, re- serving the right to object, can the gen- tleutan assure us that the minority mem- ber of she committee has agreed to this hearing? Mr. McCORMACK. Ye's. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will yield, the minority has been Informed and agrees. Moir. ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for his comment, and I withdraw my reservation of objection. The SPEAKER. Is.there objection to the request of the gentleman from Washington? There was no objection. FURTHER LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM (Mr. O'NEILL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. OWEILL. Mr. Speaker, I take this time to announce that the postcard reg- istration bill, due for tomorrow, will be taken from the calendar because of ab- senteeees due to four primaries and will be rescheduled the first thing on Thursday. Tomorrow we will be doing a bill left over from today, the Indian Claims Com- mission bill In its place and begin the Clean Air Act bi11. Mr. Speaker, the program for tomor- row will be as follows: The House will meet at noon and will first consider the Private Calendar, and then consider the following bills: The conference report on H.R. 14234, MICROWAVE RADIATION, TO BOR- ROW A PHRASE, IS NOT HEALTHY FOR CHILDREN AND OTHER LIV- ING THINGS, INCLUDING STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES IN MOSCOW (Mr. KOCH asked and was given per- -mission to address- the House for 1 minute, to revise and extend his remarks and include extraneous matter.) Mr. KOCH. Mr. Speaker, an article appeared in July 27 New York Times confirming the existence of tests con- ducted for 18 months during 1967-68 "to detect genetic damage" on State De- partment employees who worked in Mos- cow during the 1960's. The reason for the tests, kept secret from the employees, was to determine the effects of micro- wave radiation beamed at the U.S. Em- bassy in Moscow. Dr. Cecil B. Jackson, who oversaw the analysis of the State Department test samples by a laboratory at George Washington University, said of the results: "Things were never really conclusive." That bothers me. It bothers me that this radiation, which has been going on in excess of 15 years, continues in the absence of conclusive evidence. Statistics show that radiation is harmful to one's health, yet the State Department does not care enough al;out its staff, about the health of its employees, to call for an Immediate halt of such radiation. I am calling for that halt. Adding to the outrage is the fact that the State Department allows the radia- tion to continue while testing is being done-certainly the fact of testing re- veals a real doubt as to the effects of radiation. As a.member of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommit- (Mr. OTTINGER asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. OTTINGER. Mr. Speaker, I also join with and congratulate the chairman for this action. 1 Mr. OTTINGER addressed the House. His remarks will appear hereafter in the Extensions of Remarks.] Mr. RHODES. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw my reservation of objection. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120110-9 ~,,,~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88BO1125R000300120110-9 - - --- I Lille:! L. e -LNI Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120110-91'.'.. >f,, 118174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE - August 2, 1976 tee, I have seen a lack of concern by the . to jam sophisticated electronic monitor- Department as to the safey of working State Department for human rights Ing devices which are being used by In the presence of microwave transmis. around the world--Chile and Uruguay American authorities In Moscow. First sions. are good examples-and while I 'deplore of all. I do not believe that monitoring Furthermore, the 1953 date AWnJch the that, I am more distressed and angry devices. If they exist, violate interna- State Department first gave as the time that we would permit the same lack of tional law. Certainly, the. Soviet Union the radiation was recognized, may be concern to be evidenced toward American has made no charges of illegality. But if closer to the truth-indeed, the review of citizens who happen to be our employees. the Russians do deem our actions illegal, medical records made to study the effects What has the State Department done? they should say so, demand that. we of the radiation includes files of em- Indeed, very little. Time magazine re- cease them and if they are correct under ? ployees dating back to 1953. A cloak of ported in March that radiation had de- international law, then we should. But 'secrecy has enshrouded this issue since creased in recent months from previous they have not made such a demand and its beginning, and the fact that U.S. em- highs, but that it was not halted. A mem- apparently the United States is not vio- ployees have been allowed to work under ber of my staff called the State Depart- lating international law in this regard. such uncertain and possibly hazardous ment yesterday to check on the current And in any event, they.-cannot take a:c- circumstances for so many years, with- situation . The officer he spoke to stated tion which threatens the safety and well- out any State Department interdiction. that' extensive discussions have taken being of our Embassy staff.. is unconscionable. The entire handling 'b' ast months with Russian ? Many in this country have been calling of the situation has been faulty. lace over the p p . authorities,' and radiation has been re- for action. In fact, the New York Times, - A Pentagon-funded study of radiation, r duced to an "insignificant level." " That . In a February -editorial, suggested that code name "Operation Pandora." went on ?i does not satisfy me. Having introduced- . the alternative to demanding an imme- from 1966 to 1969. Several scientists who two bills dealing with excessive X-ray diate cease of microwave bombardment took part in the project now say they be- i " Either total evacuation from lieve it was terminated prematurely. One $: exposure, I am familiar with this, sub- might be ject; experts have conceded that there Moscow of the- American Embassy staff such scientist, Dr. Milton Zaret, main-.; is no established threshhold below which. or the institution of retaliatory micro- tamed that experimental data was dis- radiation exposure is not harmful. Radi= wave bombardment of Soviet diplomatic carded; data which suggested potential ation is a very inexact field of science- installations in this country.'!. radiation hazards. The State Depart-.,,., its effect on human beings. What we do- Times would be so direct, dramatic, and discussions with Russian authorities, and . ; !?. some serious, among employees of the I am not saying that we will not ulti- Ford to Soviet General Secretary l3rezll- American Embassy. The March 22 Issue mately do that. but I have some other nev. But all this talk has been Ineffective,,.: IU- ____1A --- A for the ld b shou as I e have recalled suffering strange ailments dur- with withdraw our consulate In Lenin- know. - .-_ r. ..- ....... -The h .. t e thaw ~- 1- -? i.3: ?_-??__ ,` ?_____' __n"'_- ---- ---.' _`d t t requ tha ussl o er a r troubled their he sadors to Moscow Charles Bohlen and Ilewel- Y e ^ ' continues thereafter, notwithstanding. fug to the Associated Press, the current lye Thompson 'both died of cancer, within 11 ~i to- our withdrawal, we will be compelled to published Soviet standard for industrial r ?; t tw r Moscow di th la ears one oth p s e e o p rustic died of cancer, and five women who - close our Embassy in Moscow, and require exposure to microwaves is 10 microw acts. - ; lived there have undergone cancer-related - a corresponding reduction of staff of the per centimeter-1,000 times lower- thane mastectomies-although no medical authors Soviet Embassy in Washington. . . the U.S. standard. This tremendous dif- rye,' ties attribute these deaths and illnesses-.to. It'is important to make it clear that ference indicates a greater concern on ; . Only in recent weeks has .Ambassador -diplomatic- relations. We should state at citizens than we have for ours. In any Ai - - - -?+-?1 Rumors that the waves can cause leukemia, sterility in males or birth defects are circa- . simple-concern will not permit U.S. em- One last point bears repeating: This Is simply a question of American lives . feel that too much Is being made of a few As the-article states, the sicknesses and health, things which must be placed microwaves However. while facts are few may not have been due to exposure to _ above diplomatic amenities - ::_aa to the extent of a health rest:. hleh 't 'lun do notstate Department employees must like to comment on two areas that have -know: No amount of radiation is good. -1, not be subjected to possib harmful radiation !natter: secrecy and standards. situation. and thereby empathize: Would;? that we are talki> g about children as well the fault of the State Department, acid I faces daily radiation, especially if the zf '~, as adults. It bot tired me to 1Larn that An not understand tt'hy the entire situa- l li i i f emp oyer were neg gent n not orm , ,. n this past June; as l t orted in the Wash- tion has had to be to Covert. A recent lug the employee of the radiation threat? :*'%'; ?.': _ . Two thrr~--,,~'Xe"~~ f 8111 A' erie*tt 8iria living standiryt knowledge of the radiation: V In is the negligent employer, and~we Hli3 iii ea lluti= in the U5 frI Ib k4k S, Etta~ f e .. ANSIVOIR NelismbMu Laos and August 1963 must reassume our responsibility to our f i acted to 13080 ril gg f-ti8H, tidii been the e*IiNnee of these highly directional. tot State Department We must re-, sauataA ilk 00* iiAMtas With Unusual blood problems. focussed microwave transmissions beamed at move this threat eat onc OriCe and for all. ^ C; our Embassy in Moscow was found and verl-. Again, no "conclusive" evidence as to fled for the first time, and not in 1953 as may I am appending an article by Barton ? ?" . what caused the blood vide pr9blems. But have been implied. Reppert of the Associated Press which, :- American citizens should' not be sub- This brings up several disturbing facts. Points out some scientific reaction to;?-4? jetted to such potentially harmful radi- First of all, the State Department was microwave radiation and Operation Pan- ;,;'Lz4; UnltedStatls mustmake?cer- full co dorm. The article follows: c2'f , ation-the nizant of radiatio l . n as ear y as , . -TS J g FkoM "E~assr R intnrlox; ~. taro that the microwaves be stopped im 1962' and vet they did not let employees EXCER B media f ---+? - know o 4110 da11ge1. 1110 testing Was COLT The only U.S. research project Since the Soviet officials have relea ed ducted several years Inter und f l j to . er a a se have been ursued speclficalliy in t o~' no statement on the subject, there has pretext, and still the irradiated em- - the Moscow radiation problem was a secret Only been Conjecture ee to why this ra-. ploye' were kept uninformed about the Pentagon-funded study code-named ? Opera- y3`'. nation has been beamed at our embassy. situi;t1,,1L. The fact of the testing indi- tion Pandora- from or- t o 1969. Several 4 r6pulat Opl*IIOh bol t '04t It Is ir}(yi} [ p motes that doubt e#1il 1 within the State scientists who took part in that project now?~`' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88BO1125R000300120110-9 ::.- lF Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88BO1125R000300120110-9 1-11 1976 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. H 8175 :,ey believe it was terminated prema- issue of gun control is a divisive one to- About mid-way through the convention. A day, and it Is not going to go away until representative from the state of Virginia-e ever, one aclentid associated with the advocates of gun control succeed I11 tndy outstanding patriot-George Mason. ,ra- said be would not discount the wrecking the Bill of Rights, or until they recognised that the Constitution was defi- Uity that the radiation may be calcu- cient in providing for the rights of the pea- oo cause a suppressive erect" on Em- become convinced of the necessity of pie. He expressed a desire to preface the ersonnel, preserving the original meaning of the Constitution with a Bill of Rights. He said. ,ssifled State Department summary of second amendment and. therefore. aban- "It would give great quiet to the people: ,scow situation admits that some ex- don all attempts to register or confiscate and. with the aid of state declarations, a tits have linked microwaves to "a guns used by sportsmen. Until gun con- Bill might be prepared in a few pours." T'?,S of uonspeci3c complaints -such as trol advocates shift their attention and was later developed as a motion and It was tl- to concentrate. fatigue. headaches- efforts to control the use of guns by soundly defeated. As the convention pro- ber functloual and reportedly revers!- greased, Mason and others expressed serious .s her including Ahifts In the ratios of criminals in the commission, of a crime. concern and reflection over the power this at blood cells.- rather than, the control of law-abiding new central government might exert on the -rding to Moscow sources, abnormally citizens who are trying to defend them- states and on the people. In fact, it was bite blood call countshave been found selves, those of us who defend the rights through the urging of such men as Mason ards of 30 pcrceni OS'v~ pass person- of private property are not going to be that the y1fth Article, providing for amend- ,ed? impressed. menu to the Constitution, was finally adopt-. official summary noted that the Gov- The inability of police departments to d- Governor Randolph. of Virginia. George rat has paid a claim in oonneCtlotl with Mason of Virginia and Elbridge Gerry of racer death of a womausrhbhad worked defend us from criminals is increasingly Massachusetts refused to sign the Conatitu- ecretary at the lCmbaay in the 1960'6. obvious. This has been admitted freely non because of Its serious deficiencies in the claim was paid on grounds of in- by one of America's leading police chie;s, freedom. They feared that the Constitution's ate medical care, the woman's husband Edward M. Davis of Los Angeles, Wl`O deficiencies in personal liberty would soon :id he believes be-- fatal disease was heads up one of the finest police depart- lead this nation to monaithy or tyranny. to thcsoicrowaves, ments in any major. American city. He This great concern for liberty coupled with Department documerd contended that has put our plight very well: - a desire for a Bill of Rights was nothing new use land effect relationship has been es- = can tell you that today's law enforcement to these-men. Each state bad its own Constl- ned between disorders contracted by tutlon and a majority of the states had their in Moscow and Their exposure to the cannot protect. When you call, do the police own Bill of Rights. ,magnetic field." immediately appear? .. So. if -the law The first Bill of Rights, after considering tber ecientlst ?rho took part in the enforcement agencies can's insure your pro- the Magna Carta, was probably the English ors" study, Dr. Linton Zaret, Said he tection and the protection of your family Bill of rights of 1689. It was codified after the ten russIgned the job of preparing an from hoodlums, it becomes your respon- English Revolution of 1688, and after James ,is of pertinent Soviet and Eastern Eu- sibility. II lied his kingdom. Among the many provi- s scientific literature. Gun control advocates are trying to make sions of. this Bill was the right of the people analysis, be said, reported that accord- it Impossible to defend ourselves. . to keep, and beer arms thats back In the Soviet scientists. pulsed microwave I call to your attention Chief Davis' British Sill of Rights. Now, with the develop- ion of certain frequencies could pro- important speech of Api'il 22, 1975, de- meat of Colonial Charters and Laws In this L 'Sechenov inhibition elect- on nerve country, many of these liberties became a eventually causing fatigue and poorer livered in San Diego, Calif. it was re- part of our law. These liberties were further romance of mental tasks. - printed in "Tire Journal of Christian defined and included in many revolutionary in Interview at his office in Scarsdale. Reconstruction," In the winter, 1975-76 declarations and constitutions. The seven- ork, Zaret -said the Soviet researchers issue: teenth Amendment to the Maeuachusetts fitly believed that "the electromagnetic LIBERTY, TYRANNY. AND THE SECOND Declaration of Rights, for example. Includes nduced by the microwave environment AMENDMENT a right to keep and bear arms. So, when s the cell membrane and this results In (By Edward M. Davis) George Masson asked the Constitutional Con- _rease of excitability of nerve cells." that ventlon to consider a Bill of Rights, his ro- th repeated or continued exposure, the Let me preface my remark speak at quest was made as a result of long-standing .sad excitability leads to a singe o. ex- if t T came here to hear s s b saying Davis practice for the insurance of freedom lie ion of the cells of the cerebral cortex," about gun control, you may be extremely was the author of Virginia's Declaration of d in explaining the Soviet theory. disappointed. My comments will be directed Rights and he had a profound love for these -a recent Soviet and Eastern European toward two rather basic and endearing con- basic liberties. a, he added. bare shown -further evi- cepts-liberty and freedom and the tyrants However, as I said, his motion was defeated cf each s -neurawhemic aymdrorne- at who would trample them. unanimously. The Federalists, like Hamilton, .ion levels as low as Tovoaomicroaratts. Today, we stand at the threshold of cele- could not see a need for a Bill of Rights. et, an optbemologist who has studied breting the two hundredth anniversary of When the work of the convention had con- b etweeu microwave exposure and eye this government. If that celebration Is to be eluded and the representatives left for their .cis, said be believes senior Pentagon made complete, it should. continue until home states for the purpose of seeking rati- is deliberately short-circuited 'Opera- 1991. For the birth and foundation of this Station of this document. the, fate of the 'andora' and disregarded experimental government Involved move than the develop- Constitution was In serious jeopardy. Many that suggested potential radiation ment of a Declaration of Independence. Our of the delegates, like Hamilton. Washington, as. government was sired In a revolution which Jefferson, and Madison. voiced concern for the said there was fear that -if the expert- began on April 19, 1775, When a British ex- ability of the Constitution to extricate itself were pursued snore olgorot sly, "what pedition marched on Concord In an effort to from The deep divisions of the Convention.. . found could lead to unwanted restric- seize colonial arms. So you see that gun 'The first state to ratify the Constitution on our own military establishment's control way back then started the American was Delaware. The vote was unanimous. How- of its electronic equipment- including Revolution. The maturation and growth of ever, in the second state, Pennsylvania, Rob- and other Installations. the ation was nurtured in debate begin- ert Whltehill successfully argued for a Bill ,ere's no question in?my mind that this rain frith the Revolutionary War and con of Rights. The next states ratifying the Con- part of a cover-up;' Zaret asserted. tin ing even today. You have beard the .6titution were New Jersey and Georgia. Their votes of those who desire to limit your ratification did not include a Bill of Rights. .w+ 'i hts and instill government control over Massachusetts was next and because of the JN CONTROL AND PERSONAL your life. That concept has been the sub- efforts of Samuel Adams and other Antifed- LIBER.TiC ject of debate since there was government eralists, a Bill of Rights was developed by One of the very basic. liberties that seems John Hancock, a president of that state's e SPEAKER pro ttmDore. tinder a to raise serious conflict with some critics is convention. Maryland and New Hampshire utLS order of the Rouge, the gentle- the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights. also Included a Bill of Rights in their ratifica- fromTexss (Mr.1sA%'?,) Is teeogntzed Let's digress for a moment' and briefly Lion of the Constitution. The most crucial A ininut'e9. trace the development of our Bill of Rights, state In the ratification contest was Virginia. -, PAUL. Mr. Speaker, the issue of During the Constitutional Convention be- It was, at that time in our history, the largest control is intimately linked to the tween 1787-89. our founding fathers sought and most important State. The debates in of personal liberty. FTotn the days to modify the articles of Confederation. The Virginia's State Convention are well recorded- ;r Founding Fathers and the debates convention was composed of two camps of The ratification debates lasted a month. The eruing the necessity of a Bill of political thinkers. One group, in favor of a most profound and most glorious oratory de- strong centralized government, became livered for individual rights was delivered by is in the U.S. Constitution, the ques- known as the Federalists. The other group, Patrick Henry and supported by such men as of the right to keep and bear arms .desirous of states rights and a loosely knit George Mason. Mason expressed a fear that ecn setts by a majority of Americans central government, became known as the the new government's standing army, liko antral to American freedom, The Antifederalists. the British Regulars, might invade the state Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120110-9