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March 1, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP88G00186R001301640040-7
DDA 85-0060/8
1 March 1985
FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater
Deputy Director for Administration
Do F-n~ / a M 7 (~~ ~
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
H'Lau M
SUBJECT: Weekly Report for Period Ending 1 March 1985
1. Progress reports on tasks assigned by the DCI/DDCI:
2. Items/events of interest:
a. During the reporting period, the Office of Security (OS)
coordinated a two-day visit to CIA by the Director, Deputy Director and senior
management officers of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC),
Glynco- G During the first day of the visit, the guests
the second day of their visit, the group was given a tour of the Headquarters
compound and was briefed on the operations of the Security Protective Service
by OS representatives. Following the Headquarters briefings, the DDA hosted
the visitors at a luncheon in the DCI dining room. By all accounts, the visit
was a great success and significantly enhanced our training relationship with
heard briefings on Agency operational training programs. On
c. On 26 February, D/OS met with the newly appointed Chief of the
Counterintelligence Staff/DO. The briefing was designed to familiarize him
with the organization of OS, with particular emphasis on the points of
greatest interaction between the two offices. Plans were also made to create
a system of regular meetings to exchange information of mutual interest in the
counterintelligence arena.
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e. On 26 February, a representative from the Office of Training and
Education (OTE) briefed the Director of the Vice President's Task Force on
Narcotics and the intelligence advisors for each of the National Narcotics
Border Interdiction Service's (NNBIS) Regional Centers on OTE's analytical
training program. The training was developed as a result of a needs survey of
each NNBIS Regional Center and reflects the special orientation of each
Center. NNBIS/Southeast in Miami will receive the first analytical training
package in March 1985.
g. The Office of Finance (OF) is now paying the 9.6 percent overseas
pay to an additional full-time staff and contract employees serving
overseas designated as eligible by a recent Agency policy change. A worldwide
cable has been sent to all locations informing Agency personnel of this
benefit which became effective on 3 February.
h. OF has initiated premium pay in lieu of overtime for 74 personnel
The pay was begun on pay period 4 (3 February 1985), as approved by
the DDA, in order to compensate staff personnel for unique work requirements
inherent in PCS assignments
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k. An existing 6-inch water line fractured on 26 February causing a
temporary loss of water to the Headquarters Building. There was no
construction activity occurring in the vicinity of the fracture and the cause
has not yet been determined. Since an adjacent existing water line froze and
broke last month, this line could have experienced undetected stress, causing
a later fracture. Halco Engineering, Incorporated, cooperated with Allied in
restoring water service to Headquarters and assisted in follow-up maintenance
1. On 20 February, an Office of Logistics (OL) vehicle sustained
damages amounting to approximately $500 when a hydraulic barrier was
accidentally raised under the vehicle by the guard at the Pentagon. This is
the second such incident to take place at the Pentagon involving an OL
vehicle. The first incident occurred in June 1984 and, again, was caused by
an error on the part of the guard. Fortunately, no personal injuries were
sustained in either incident.
m. A new parking area is being constructed behind the Motor Pool. A
contractor is in the process of patching two soft areas in the new lot with
gravel. The new ground will then be rolled, and the lot will be ready for use
on 1 March. Approximately 130 spaces will be made available for parking.
Additionally, 12 angled parking spaces along the North Ring Road were added to
the North Parking Lot during the week of 23 February.
n. With improved weather conditions, the repairs to the 7th-floor
terrace and penthouse roof are progressing more rapidly. The installation of
a gravel ballast on the front side of the 7D and 7E corridors was completed
the weekend of 23 February.
o. On 19 February, Office of Personnel (OP) representatives met with
Thomas Latimer and Michael O'Neill of the HPSCI staff to discuss current
happenings on the Hill regarding changes in the Federal retirement systems.
The advice of the HPSCI staffers is to continue educating the staff on the
Agency's needs so HPSCI can better assist and meet the Agency's retirement
system needs.
p. A letter signed by the DDA was forwarded to the Chairman, HPSCI,
Lee Hamilton providing an overview of Agency personnel and requesting
continued support from the Committee for the Agency's career system. In
general, the letter contained what we think should be a general line of
approach to the Hill and specifically cited our concern over any proposed
modifications of existing retirement systems.
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q. OP and OLL representatives attended the first hearing of the
Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits of the House Post Office
and Civil Service Committee on the Administration's FY 86 budget proposals to
cut employee retirement and pay benefits. The key witness was the Director,
OPM, who presented the Administration's rationale for the proposed benefits
cuts. It was clearly evident that there was no support for any of the
proposals by either Mary Rose Oakar, who chaired the hearing, or other members
of the Committee. Representatives Barnes (Maryland) and Fazio (California),
who are members of the House Budget Committee, also testified indicating
strong opposition to any further reductions in Federal employee entitlements.
r. A Headquarter's Employee Bulletin and a worldwide station and base
cable have been prepared notifying employees about the Administration's budget
proposals, the supplemental retirement legislation, and developments on the
Hill on these issues.
s. It is clearly far too early to know exactly what action Congress
will take with regard to the various retirement proposals. Much activity will
take place in this arena over the next several months. A briefing package is
being assembled by OP for use with all the appropriate Hill committees.
t. Employment/OP is distributing a new recruiting aid called HIRE
(Hiring Information and Requirements for Employment). This handbook, a
handsome, three-ring binder bearing the OP emblem, is a consolidated
Agencywide listing of minimum college-degree requirements grouped
alphabetically by Directorate. Designed as a quick reference guide for
employees involved in recruitment, the handbook represents a significant
advance in our efforts to simplify and expedite analysis of the Agency's
diverse criteria for employment. With this aid, a recruiter can swiftly
assess an applicant's qualifications for specific jobs throughout the Agency.
u. The Student Program presently has an all-time high of 150 student
applicants in process for a variety of student positions in the Agency, and
continued growth is anticipated. In the past six weeks, some 20 students have
been placed in process for high-tech positions within various components and a
visit to the University of Akron will be made in early March to interview some
30-plus students presently seeking engineering or computer science degrees.
The anticipated growth in the number of applicants and the recent authority to
provide partial tuition assistance to the best of the Student Trainees during
their senior year augur well for a projected higher retention rate.
v. A briefing was conducted with an OMB examiner on the need for an
increase in the Agency's SIS ceiling The examiner
requested some additional details on specific positions which have been
designated at the SIS level, and we are working to provide this information.
We are hoping for a substantive response from OMB in the near term.
w. Chief, Personal Services Branch/OP attended the U.S. Savings Bond
Kickoff Rally on 21 February. Guest speakers included Margaret M. Heckler,
Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Jamie Farr, star of the
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"M.A.S.H." and "After M.A.S.H." television series. The Agency's Savings Bond
Kickoff is scheduled for 28 March, and the Campaign will run from 1 - 26
April. Although there will not be a specific dollar goal involved in this
campaign, we will strive for 30 percent on-duty-strength participation.
x. The Directorate Upward Mobility Career Day Seminars were held on
19 - 21 February, and nearly three hundred employees filed applications for
various positions throughout the Agency.
3. Significant activities anticipated during the coming week:
a ter
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- ExDir
- HEF Chrono
- EO Subj
- Ea. A OD
- DDA Subj
:be(1 Mar 85)
via AIM/Wang)
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