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Document Release Date: 
August 12, 2011
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Publication Date: 
September 15, 1986
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/12 : CIA-RDP88M00338R000100090017-3 Central Intelligence Agency Office of the Deputy Director for Intelligence 15 September 1986 NOTE FOR: D/ALA SUBJECT: Report from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property it is a reasonable group and publication, please prepare a response for Mr. Casey's signature acknowledging the receipt of the paper prepared by Carlos Patricio and any comments you might have pretaining to the paper. Let me know what you decide to do. STAT STAT STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/12 : CIA-RDP88M00338R000100090017-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/12 : CIA-RDP88M00338R000100090017-3 THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE DEFENSE OF TRADITION, FAMILY AND PROPERTY - TFP - September 9, 1986 ohn R. Span Hon. William J. Casey Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Dear Mr. Casey, Because of your interest in world affairs, we are pleased to present you a copy of an important new study on South America just published by the American TFP. Through our contacts with the various TFPs, we have came to know the internal situation of several Latin American countries. We-have noted the enormous natural riches and evident development of Latin America, particularly of Brazil. We were thus struck by the impressive contrast between the actual reality there and the concept of the situation in those countries generally spread throughout the West. The fact is that people usually imagine Latin America to be miserably poor with stagnated economies deformed by parasitism and corruption. The Brazilian TFP contacted the American as well as the other TFPs, with a view toward clarifying the matter, asking them what is said and written about Brazil in their respective countries. These discussions gave rise to the enclosed study, "Is Brazil Sliding Toward the Extreme Left? Notes About the Land Reform Movement in South America's Largest and Most Populous Country." The study was written by the respected Chilean economist, Carlos Patricio del Campo, whose works have enjoyed wide circulation in Latin America. This important paper gives a brief overview of land reform's impact on several Latin American countries. Based on that experience and the specific realities of Brazil, it provides objective and well-intentioned readers with information about what measures may be taken to help this vast area of our planet. Beyond the development of cordial commercial and economic relations advantageous for Brazil, we should also think of the political importance this nation has for North America as well as for the various countries of Western Europe. There is in Brazil a real threat of communization posed by a land reform whereby large, medium-sized and even the smallest farms are threatened with expropriation. Likewise, similar reforms are being vigorously proposed for urban property as well as industry. Considering Brazil's gigantic size and large population, the possibility of its communization is of the greatest importance. We have published this first edition of the study in English since it is a virtually universal language so that people all over the West may receive an updated and urgently needed perspective of the situation of our Brazilian neighbors. Depending on the circumstances, later editions in other European languages may follow. We are also weighing the possibility of developing analogous studies about the Hispanic-American world. Looking forward to your comments, I am Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/12 : CIA-RDP88M00338R000100090017-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/12 : CIA-RDP88M00338R000100090017-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/12 : CIA-RDP88M00338R000100090017-3