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Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 GIN I. PAL `,LRVIC[.S ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT NO. PUBLIC BUILDINGS SERVICE le),~ I MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT PROJECT NO. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES BI IW'EIN General Services Administration and ?1C (.(,nt r([ i I llic' I 1 l~'e1ce :A!'e11L ~' NAME AND LOCATION OF PROJECT Nely (,elltra1 Intel11h'ence :Ape11CA" 1?U110lnp, and I)iIr'Iy1O Ht11.1~nre I,a11gicyIleadcluarters (.o111l)0Und, McLC=1I1, A11,0111111 _ COG1J T QFFICQ Sy ' STATUTORY REFERENCES ~ , 1 ,ltlonal Capital I:C'4;]c)I I . 1.. SO X40; t,-1 St;1t. Public Buildings Service 117(), 40 U.S.('. 400 lit. ; 11;111 the Centr;i l Intel 1 inellce Design Ms egament Sieff . PG I3) ~ :Apcncv :Act of I (1 ;Il(I l.on, truct1oll )iy. SERVICES REQUESTED OF GSA the tent 1:11 Into ii encv (CI;A) pre)po"t.'s the 1)11111x11114',, den inn ;lily; c011at rust loll 01 it 10'.0 huI Idiili` to house eIl'I'1~'llts of t1111t :14eliov at tilt.' ex 1st lap i.;lnp 1 ev I le:1dc111arters Compound in ~lcl.e1111 , V 11'4', 111 i;1 . The nee huiIdinp, as presently envisioned, will ho 1Idioinecl to the ox1st111 :lain Rui 01114,, and wi i i provide al)hroS1111atcly SO,0(1O 5110:1no feet of use;Ihle ;Ire:: l'or Office, spec purpose 1111(1 ()thcr usc~,. Asst)c i;Itc~ti 1;1011 tile hulldinp' o%ill he a major h11I'hill strllctule for 501110 _,;)Ol) OllIS it sm:111 visitor center, ;uld necessary road and I:Inclcc:lpe in11)rovclllellt~; Modifications to the cxistinp Main 13uilciilip 1ci11 IIiso he inclilded :Is necessary to :Iltet'r';1t0 with the new buiIdlIlp. In 11000rd;lilce with I' it IL' 11, Pection 210 of the federal Property and :Adi ill1str:it Iy'e Services :Act of 1040, ;is allll 1000, the Cl:A proposes to 0114'114'0 the sllpl)ort alId 11ss I'll illice of the (Ieller111 berv1005 AJillllllstratlon (PS.A) Ill till' 1)11111111111', des 14, 11 111111 couistr11Ct loll (,I forts :rssoclated With tills hrcTlel t rills AIemor;llldu111 c)l Ilndt rst11110inn ;Intl :Agreement establishes tile 1):Irt ion' olitu:ll 1)1111 or acconlp l i slunent of the project, del i ies their proposed roles :Intl reslunls i b i l i t its, :1110 out! Ines the areas of service to he provided 1) 0 (I \. pets i is of the spre('111ellt lure provided in the attached Prole t 11"111, which is 111,1de "I PARTICIPATION BY On it was agreed that General Services Administration would undertake to provide services of the scope described above by using its own facilities and personnel or by contract. s\y~j{k~p~~k s~tillilCS~YC4~2311~~!}11E41~tN,`Px~N?~3~CT1Ci~.}(3~}F+W1 T;Q. The (.ellt)'al Intel i(,ellce :A4,ellcv agrees to make available to GSA funds sufficient to cover the total estimated cost of the project- Whenever the scope of the services requested is changed, or whenever unforeseen circumstances require revisions in the cost estimated, it is agreed that this memorandum and any attachments thereto will be amended to indicate review and approval by both GSA and the (;elltr111 Intel I '4i CC On this s-/Try day of 19fo~/, the parties hereto have executed this agreement- FOR GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 25X BY doo 11. NICI)OKALD . TITLE 1Pepiollal .AL111LIIllatr:Itor Director o1 I,op I ;t lcs GSA A`)GR6C,2100 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 C5;A, National Capital Len' i on 1`uhlic l tildhips Service I1esipn is Col Is truction l) 1F Is ioII ,January fib, l()S2 Kk\11 New Central Intelligence Aiency (CL\ Rulidin~; and 1'arkiu Fr cility 1,1S X1 10N: C L\ I.ann 1 cv I leadquarters Compound j\lcl,eall, Virginia The project will encompass the planning? design arid construe t ion of a new building',, adjoining, the exist illp, ?la in lul i ld in1,, and prov ii in,; approximately 850,000 square feet of useable area for office, special pur- pose and other uses. Associated with the new ho i ld iris' and also included in the scope of the project will he a major parkiup strut tore for some 'SUU cars, a small visitor center and necessairW road and 1andscap1rig iniprovelnents. , \ 1 1 arnc i t laly splices, f a c i l i t i e s , cdu ipnlcnt :old other improvements wi 11 also he included as appropri.lto to the proposed occu- pallcy alld use, operation, maintenance and protect loll of the lac 1 I 1 tv. }further details of the project scope, as currently envisioned, arc contained in the Master i)evelolxnent plan, dated November 10S1. 111 furtherance of its agency mission and operations, the (;IA has identifled the need for this proposed building anld has conceived and developed t11is project for its construction. Accordingly, the CIA will take the lead role in the Overall execution of the project, Broil llreiiminarv planning; to completion of the construction arid final occupancy. The setting of policy and overall nonis, and securin,, of recluirod authority and funding; are to he initiated and controlled by the CIA. However, the building will he a part of an existing GSA maintained facility, and GSA will therefore incorporate in the design those features requil-ed by CS~A for operation and maintenance. Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 The (CIA hi11 appoint ,l Proiect `1.ul,wer to, direct the l)l;lrulill:, :Ind occoniplishlnent of the project. The ("SA `I'It ioo,l I C~II~i t.11 Roe, ion, I'uhl is l,uildinis Service, ftosign and Col,structioll Ilivision bill he the 1enld ,ICtion of I iec lccitiiill CS.A in the i)erfolln,ulce (df th(, ;)rOjc~et. lllis (~I fie_ wi i l ;lj p lilt II (~S:A Pn`leet l'.Xecut ivc who will ll;lve pr'llllarv' I('51)01 li~l i Itv' I t assurin~~ the pcerforr.l:lnce of (;5:N scrvi~es as recruited. Sc,rvices to he provided by GS.A 1nill rc ludo to eel m, lit .ul(1 _oninocrins;/ technical ,ldv~ice ;u1,1 ;issist;ulce durill, ail 1`11:IS~`; Of the r)rOj(et rov iel; Of r)lannint,, hro~,r~lil develohnlent and ellviroluncrIt :I1 asse~,~;nlent off(~rts, 1111rsu1110 necessary jAd Ilulinl, and design aiMrovais throtwil col'ni~:,ult ;I(lv isOrv/rem l:Itol~' bodies, review of des inn doelluents, pl'ocurel'IC'llt of eOII`,tl'lletioll coltr~lel COnst met I O f I ;I(h I I I I 5 1 rot I ol1 :IIId post OecUp;lIICe eV';I 11101 11)11 the tellowiMc ort'~lninotlon chart depicts tIe l.l:A/Cb.`v ~)I'oleer (1lnoilln;itILtI 05 r(-kited to the a'_'enel~'s~ Internal ocbiillllsiral lve OI'II11ItIOIIs. Re'sixlll:,11)1 I it ins of the ':cv? norticipotim, off ices mind ilid ividu;:ls, ;IS shol~u on the chart, arc set out in l';lraraph -1 hereof ter. Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 c: J.\ \Cba:I1*1Stratlve Orpan7'at1Cn ~! ', for Pubiic bu i l 1 inJs and Reap', Pro;aerty 11!11te f)C~use., JIB, CoiicreS~, Cxccutlv'e -1 .C1O~ T:1 hre i cct ` \ i. and ''~ther Consultants Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 i 2G i Cwt vT i'aiii ~atlOri 4- 0,: - li1 , i~'.1G ("C-I: t ncL, - lion illy C!L t I .xecut lye Construction mesh:'1 _ nd Contractor (S Construction Cta?i Contract inn ''{ I icer Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 The CIA Proioct lan;l or 1 direct tlh.e ol win ins ,Ilid c"xLCIIt iOII of tho project He wi 1 1 porf(mn :11 I nrcossar~ rl:Inat (ulcnt Ic0rl -(xordin:lt icon within tine ('I:A and ooith other as;encIC: and/,-~r Ix11,1 is :111d prjv:ltc illtcre:t lrotlls. The Cf:A Project Oft jeer hill rnlaintun direct c(IIlinunicaIti()n 1", 1t 1, tis (iS\ Pro_j CC t Execut ive for coord j nat ton of pro j ec t nl:lnas~onlcnt i ssulo- hctl, Cull t1w ('IA and GSA. '[ho Project 011icor hill award :Ind acbnn1stoI- the contract, I on prohrwuiuinp, env I rolllucll t:l I isso`;sniolit , :A I. dos' ~;I1 and other ll' 1.1ted services as required in connect ion With the p1wi i inlt :Intl design of the project, :uld bill maintain direct culununIc:at ion With th( (;SA Pro lect l()r coordination of p1:lnniIn , deslon, olneino'crIIIp, akin toclinlc:ll Ill:ltters hotweell (; l:A ,Ind (;S:A cn_ltivo will monitor project status and provide monthly status reports to the CIA on GSA's participation in the project. Ile will advise the CTA Project Off icor on planning and project m:Ina0emont issues. The Project l:xecutice will oversee the efforts of the (;SA project troll members in the peri ornnalnce of their activities and services thnouplinut the life of the project. Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 'Ihe Contracts 1livis loll ((;S:A) aIct in,; tl'.rou;;ll ,l J(--; n,lt,,d Conltraet Iii i icer w i l l award ; 1 1 1 construct ton contracts :uld v i 1 1 I 11: 1 i l l ,11 1 has is collt mart inn authority. The Contract ing (`ff ices wil 1 deS I II"Ite the Project (":ut ice as his ;lUthol'lned represelltatiVo for adllllrllstratioll of the construction contract ~. 1'Rr)GRA i OI 1dr~UIlZli~11=.~1~5 flee ('I:A will develop the progr:un of- requirements for the hui id iu , out l in ing Space requirements, adjacencies, special equipment n11)d ut i I it ies ;1nd other appropriate information pertainillg to the user's 1-Ulk-t Ion:11 need. The CIA hill Conduct procurement actions f-or A - I. :1ncl consultant contracts as required in Connectioll with the planning a rid des pin of- the project , and w1 Il :n,ard and akhniniSter all such contracts. As construct ion Wean:lger, GS\ wi 11 approve coast mart ion ~locluncntn and i 11 perform necessary coordination with the National Capita I 1i1;lnning 1s,) I oil in securing pl:ennui, and design reviews for the proiert (;,A will reproduce the construction centmart document a~.lvert i~~and awn rd the coast l-lict ion contract (s) for the pro iect. GSA w i l l manage and supervise the construct ion o f the Pull d ins , including, adlninist rat ion ol- construe tioll Contracts. "Mlle CIA will transfer funds to GS:A as necessary to cover GS:A's costs for d~:si_gll management and review, printing, travel, invitation and hid expense, ;.i_id construct ion management/supervision. The ('1:A will. also transfer funds as required to rover construction costs, including Contingencies and rese vat ion :items. The CIA will directly ohligate and pay A-1: and consultant lees and costs of any required survey or subsoil investigation work. After budgets for all project costs have been established, they will be sumrnarined Cl, GSA 1Noun -'10O:A (Plank copy attached), which will he included :1s an addendum to the `.Iemor:lndtnn of I1nderst:tnding and ,Agreorient. Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 1111C' hl v wl 11 he l'espon';Ihle for the Colllhlut 1(11 o ;1I I !nclullents I1ucu s;ll' 111 Collllt'Ctloll Idlth ;1ssC55111ellt H>f the 11111);1ct of the proj('ct oul the enV1rOI1111ci1t. GSA 1:i11 advise end Assist the CIA in this ('1-fort. (P\ uuill he responsihle for duterminntioll of the scope of the en,ironniclite1 ;u1;11v~;is, end :isseiibIv and 1p1)roV:11 of the nlll~rol~t. irate env i rolvnente 1 ,1~~clllnent;lt ion. 'llh' Ilct~ bui 1din", will he e secure fncil its', :1n(I ;lccor('. in~;l~' :11 1 tlrec;ult ions 111ust he takell ns 11eCes~nl'~' to Illn111th111 FeCl11'ltV' (111Iills 11:11111111 , cles1~'I1 ;U1(1 constructloll. The Ch\ 1N111 establish 1111 Cou:u1lu11iCntC 10 (IF.\ ;111 sL'CUrity requirements in colulection wi th the project . Thu CIA l, l 11 process uecessal~' security clearlwces for ( \ personnel bind others Involvc'! Ill the project. Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8 PUBLIC BUILDINGS SERVICE FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES DETAIL OF ESTIMATED COST 1. SITE ACQUISITION $ O. LAND b. APPRAISAL, TITLE, ETC. DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS PRELIMINARY PLANNING 2 P H A S E , . AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATION DESIGN CONSTRUCTION a. CONTRACT - PLANNING AND DESIGN $ $ GSA DEVELOPMENT AND/OR REVIEW - PLANS AND b. SPECIFICATIONS _ C. PRINTING - GSA REVIEW d. SURVEY AND SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION TESTS, ETC. e. TRAVEL - GSA PERSONNEL f. PRINTING - BIDDING DOCUMENTS 9. ADVERTISING - CONSTRUCTION BIDS h. SUPERVISION CONTRACT OF CONSTRUCTION GSA TOTAL $ $ 3. CONSTRUCTION OR IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS $ O. PRIMARY b. CONTINGENCIES C. RESERVATIONS GSA AUGR65 2100A Approved For Release 2008/05/22 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000200420010-8