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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) DD/A Registry ~'~~~ ST FROM EXTENSION NO. I ST DC/New Building Project Office, OL DATE 4ESOHgs 3 0 JUN 1983 TO: (OfAcer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) h/ D/A D 3Q es /yU Mr. Fitzwater, D24 Hqs 7 7 2 Please advise any comments on . the attached draft letter to QMcLean Citizens ST 3 Association. How doeSACTI . 5 J U 1983 (Advisory Committee for Traffic Improvement) sound for an acronym? 4. ST 5 9 {_4 /~ 5 JUU :J 1983 s 5 JUL 1983 Att 7. ST 8. 9. -_S a 4P -'o . ?- 10. . Q J c ~ W-x / 11. A 12. 7 13. 14. C%~.o~1 r~Zc-C~ A FORM 1-79 REVIOd ONS 6I O uSEDITI AT AT AT STAT ,STAT AT AT n 1383 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP Data JUN )Ui a3 TO: (Name, office symbol, room number, building. Agency/Post) 1. Mr. Fitzwater Initials Date 2. Mr. .IcDonald 4. I 'on File Note and Return proval For Clearance Per Conversation As Requested For Correction Prepare Reply Irculate For Your Information See Me mment Investigate Signature Coordination - Justify- In ,:.y opinion the only commitments made were: 1, said the Agency was not locked into the current proposed traffic patterns and location of the Visitor Center and that the analysis to be done by VDHFT would be examined before final decisions are made; 2, would look into having overhead pedestrian walkways on Route 123; and 3, would ask Virginia authorities if citizen representatives could participate in the analysis of the traffic patterns. DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals. clearances, and similar actions FROM: (Name, or;. symbol, Agency/Post) OPTIONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76) Proscribed by GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 10a-11.206 STAT STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 MC LEAN CITIZENS MEETING 28 June 1983 1830 hours Mr. Fitzwater began speaking at 1838 and finished at about 1854 hours Mr. Wolf spoke from about 1854 to 1858 hours (Summary follows) All of you are concerned about the impact the new building will have on you. Nancy Falck and I have met with the leadership of your committees. Nancy Falck and I subsequently met with CIA and discussed the fact that citizens want to play a more important role in the decisionmaking process. I think this meeting is a good example of CIA's desire to ma-e information available. Representatives from Senator Warner's office and are here also. I'm sorry if any of you had trouble getting in. Let me close by saying I am committed to doing everything I can to reassure your concerns on parking and traffic patterns. I am a homeowner and I share your concern. I appreciate all of you coming here this evening. Mr. Fitzwater then announced) land advised that there would be a question-and-answer period afterwards and guests and Agency officials would try to answer questions the best way that they can. STAT began his briefing at 1858 hours and spoke until 1931. (Summary followSTAT I will begin by giving a comparison of the Master Plan of 1981 and how the Plan has evolved. I will try to point out the areas where citizens havj -- - ---- expressed concerns. I have ntes,an) (briefing but I didn't get some of the details very well so I haven't transcribed them. I also couldn't hear him very well because of the neck michrophorib. STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Questions and Answers: (Summarized--not verbatim) Mr. Fitzwater began the question-and-answer period at 1931. Ile asked individuals to use the mikes in the isle so that everyone could hear. First of all I want to thank you for having us out here. I hope I don't sound like sour grapes, but I think the only reason we were invited is that we kicked up a fuss and you felt you needed to appease us. You should have invited us a long time ago. I am very concerned about the study you had made of Route 123 showing 200 percent of capacity. The traffic will affect our neighborhood and you are going to be robbing us of the very quality of life you talked about. You are damaging our lives. (applause) Mr. Fitzwater: Thank you, now may we have questions. Second Citizen: My concern is with traffic on 193. Nothing has been mentioned about 193 which is a death trap. I was involved in a head-on collission and an thankful that I lived through it. But it has made me very aware of how bad the road is. If that road isn't improved there will be more serious accidents. That road is a disaster. I hope your building the new building will be the catalyst to take care of the problem. STAT The original analysis said it was saturated. After first considering it, we didn't go any further as the guidance we were getting is that you can't do anything to help. Mrs. Falck.... 193 is a State road. It is sitting on the county's list of other problem areas. l,ie State has yet to put a penny into improvements. There was a meeting today in Richmond. Nothing substantial has happened but we are pursuing the matter. My name is and I am from the Georgeto:~n Pike Citizens Association. STAT I had a hard time getting in this place, but you (Mr. Fitzwater) finally helped me and I went back to get my passengers. Our association has been working to improve 193 for a long time. There was a proposal to improve the grade at Friend (sp?) School and that is still waiting to get funding from the Federal Government. This is my question. We proposed 13 changes on the grades of 193 and this was done 2 years ago and 3 years ago. Virginia doesn't have the funds. This point is well taken. CIA is Federal government, right? Our major concern is this is a Federal facility. You say you want to be good neighbors. We feel the country's intelligence service is important. We recognize our problems with 193 and there is no help. Your visitor center is going to be on a State road and not on the Parkway. Redesign the location of your visitor center. You are a Federal facility; work to get Federal funds and put your visitor center on the Parkway. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 STAT It would take twice the money to solve the traffic problem in this way. (I didn't hear the rest of the answer.) Fourth Citizen: If further studies of the traffic patterns are going to be conducted, I would like to be assured that if the results show that the GWV Parkway should be used will that have an impact on the National Park Service? Will you change your plans or is everything fixed in concrete? STAT We do have plans for a new traffic analysis. It will be conducted by the Virginia Department of Highways & Transportation. Z'DH&T has the expertise. Fourth Citizen: (follow-up question) What I really want to know is if we are preempted? STAT Repeated his understanding of what. the citizen's question was and asked Mr. John Burns, Supervisor, George Washington Memorial Parkway to answer. (I believe he said that the assumptions of CIA were correct, but I couldn't here his response very well.) Mr. Wolf: Regarding the beltway, I come down that way. (I might have misunderstood and heard beltway, when he said Parkway.) I will work with CIA to see if we can modify George Washington Parkway. I will pledge that I will look at the analysis and if necessary try to get the funds, based on what the analysis says. Fifth Citizen: When you start/begin construction in the June of 1984, it seems to me you will be committed to your road design. I'm not sure the analysis will be completed in time. STAT Roads will be decided when construction begins in spring of 84. There is tir:ie before construction begins to make decisions on roads. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Sixth Citizen: Thank you for inviting us here. I have wanted to see your building for a long time. I am a commuter of the Park-rwway. I see people getting off. If 1,000 people get off, there has to be 1,000 people getting on. Nfy sons are in athletics in school. They leave school right at the peak of the rush hour. Can't there be enforced school zones. I ask that the traffic problems he resolved. Can't some assumption of growth be determined. STAT Assumptions are everything. There are reasons why assumption of growth isn't a good figure. If growth is determined what percentage can you give to the CIA? After the analysis is done, you can take a look at it at that time. Third Citizen: (Came back up to the michrophone) We have been trying to plan growth for 12 years. We have been trying to control the growth in this area. We haven't had much success, but what can you do except keep trying. STAT Assumptions again. (I didn't get the rest of what he said) I know you can't give the total number of your employees, we could get it from the Russian Embassy. How does your planning look against the quote for how much parking you need? STAT We follow the GSA guidelines. Seventh Citizen: (follow-up question) Tide standard they apply in urban populations is not the sale for rural populations. STAT We are looking at what the perfect split would be after etip ansion. Based on that conclusion we are reasonably close to GSA guidelines. Eighth Citizen: $10 million was spent bringing the Geoige Washington Park.-ay to the CIA. C, 0 at we are hearing now is the basis for moving somewhat away from that. I do this type of planning process in my work outside the govern ent and if I tried to do what you are doing, I would not be permitted to do it. More concern/ should be given as to where you put the increased traffic. 3,000 new people is a major new undertaking. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 I would also ask that another look be given to the Parkway. You should take a look at the use of your space. Parking requirements in the county have not been lavish. We must make sure that anyone who comes to your site must be able to park on your site. Ninth Citizen: There are figures for carpooling at U.S. Government installations. What is the ratio at other government agencies? STAT I don't have the exact figures in my head but I have seen them and am familiar with them. One agency is 1.5, that agency is 1.7, another is 1.3-- they are all under 2. We are under 2. Tenth Citizen: aren't I can't believe that there / a number of good locations in the area where your employees could gather and then be bused to the Agency. I ride a bus to my office which makes a stop here at your Agency and very few people get off. Everyone is driving their cars here. STAT (I didn't get his response) Eleventh Citizen: I live on the same side of 123 as the Agency. In connection with the overpasses, I wonder if there are any overpass walk ways for pedestrians. 123 is almost impossible to cross and overhead walk ways should be considered. STAT No we haven't thought of theta, but we will consider it. I would like to back up to the former question (tenth citizen) and have Mr. Fitzwater address the legal question of bus/ing employees. to answer that. Where is our lawyer. STAT STAT didn't go to the michrophone and I couldn't hear what he said. Twolcth Citizen: I wonder if there isn't sotae way we could be allowed to parti_cpate in the study to be done of the traffic patterns. We could have one or two citizen representatives involved and then we would know what is going on. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 STAT I don't have any problem with it. I will take it up with the Virginia authorities. Mr. Wolf: I don't see any problem with that. I think it is a good idea to have some people from the neighborhood participate. I don't want to belabor the point of 1,000 vehicles you say you will have parking for. Are you basing that on the fact that you have vacant spaces now? STAT There is a surplus of 8% in parking spaces now because of people that have moved out of the building the last five years. For that reason we have relaxed are requirements for carpooling as we can't justify it when we have so much parking available for our employees. If we go back to our stricter practices for carpooling there should be about 400 space available for our expansion plus the 1,000 we are going to build which make 1,400. (At some point ~mentioned a survey that had been done I think in Au(=ust STAT and he was questioned about it-being accurate because of vacations. STAT explained that the figures had been adjusted upwards to take into acount annual leave and employees absent on sick leave. also mentioned STAT dispersing the rush hour with shift work and stated at one point that 8S~ of our work force now comes to work at 0830. I believe it was the Tenth citizen above) got up and said he was glad to hear him admit that 85% of our work force comes to work at 0830 because they had noticed that for 20 years.) I was at a meeting held here the other morning and CIA agreed to furnish me a copy of the environmental study that was done. I have made 100 copies of it and will pass it out. STAT Are you passing out only the cover sheet because if you are it isn't any good with out the rest of the package. It is hard to understand and misleading. Fourteenth Citizen: (passed out the copies he had) I t,;ill read you the number of the categories (he listed thorn and then mentioned 21 was the worst) 21 is the worst and that is what was assi,ned to the CIA by this environmental study. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5 STAT You really need to wade through the whole study. to put it into perspective. It was done by GSA to indicate capacity at federal installations. If you will notice they said that we could absorb 15,000 more people here on the space that we are on. I admit it would be pretty bad to put that many more people out here. Fifteenth Citizen: Began by asking if representatives from VDH1T were at the meeting. At this point it was about 2038 hours. Tir. Fitzwater appeared to be looking for an opportunity to end the meeting but there were still citizens at the michrophones in the isle and I left for the day. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740007-5