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Document Release Date: 
June 3, 2008
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Publication Date: 
March 22, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244ROO0400740020-0 2 2 MAR 1983 SUBJECT: Te of McLean, Virgin STAT STAT 1. On 17 March 1983, called the Building STAT Planning Staff to inquire about the presence of field surveyors conducting a survey of his property. He was advised that someone would return his call shortly. call was immediately reported tom xternal Affairs, who requested that the ui ing Planning Staff respond to STAT STAT SIAI STAT 3. The undersigned returned) (call and was advised that surveyors working for the CIA had entered Office of E property without requesting permission and had STAT proceeded to measure the house and retaining wall. SIAI it stated that he had no objection to the survey but felt that would have been proper for them to request permission beforehand. I told that I was unaware of any survey outside of the STAT Agency's property but that a check would be made and that I would call him back before the close of business. 4. A call to Smith, Hinchman & Grylls (SH&G) revealed that they had directed their field team, Dewberry & Davis, to survey the topography and location of all structures 100 feet outside the Agency's property line. The purpose of this survey is to ensure proper protection of these properties in the design of the Agency's site work modifications. SH&G also advised that the Dewberry & Davis field crew had recorded that at one residence on Savile Lane there had been no response at the door when the field crew knocked to request permission to enter the property. They then proceeded to ask permission of the next door neighbor, who gave permission for them to proceed with their work. During the course of their survey, a woman appeared at the door, and they identified themselves as the survey contractor working for the Agency. 5. The foregoing was related tol Iby the undersigned in the afternoon of 17 March 1983, preceded by an apology for the action and assurance that the Contractor was directed to obtain prior permission before entering any private property. expressed appreciation for the information and seemed satisfied with the account of the event. STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244ROO0400740020-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740020-0 SUBJECT: Telecon with McLean, Virginia 6.I ladvised that as an information action and not an expression of objection, he was writing to Congressman Wolf to request an update on the Visitor's Center and the flyovers at Route 123. He stated that he was particularly concerned about the flyovers and that he had seen VDH&T surveyors in the area of the proposed ramps. I advised that I had no knowledge of VDH&T doing any survey at this time and that it was probably part of the survey work being accomplished for the Agency. 7. The conversation was ended by an expression by both parties to continue the good neighbor policy that exists between the Agency and the residents of Savile Lane. Building Planning Staff, OL Distribution: Orig - OL/BPS (Official) 1 - DDA 1 - OL/BPS STAT STAT STAT STAT (21 Mar 83) STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740020-0