SPEED LETTER (Sanitized)

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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 16, 2001
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Publication Date: 
April 5, 1979
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PDF icon CIA-RDP89-00624R000100130058-4.pdf57.19 KB
REPLY REQUESTED DATE G APR 1979 5X1A J SPEED LETTER LETTER NO. YES NO TO FROM: 2 Chief, Supply Division, OL ATTN: 25X1A 1. Supply Division requests your c mments on the following proposed changes to monthl report., 2. It is requested that the report cover a complete calendar month or at least have the cut-off the l ast Friday of the month. 25X1A This is particularly im ortant for the s tatistical portion. On occasion when SD and have comp ied st atistics they are not in agreement. This is due to the fact that is using actual fiscal year figures and SD is using 12 reports submitted during that fiscal year. These 12 reports may start in the middle of October and end in the middle o he following Stember , thereby creating differences in h1and SD totals. 25X1A 1A X1A 3. Any questions should be directe l to in OSB. OL/SD/OSB/TAS (5 April 1979) 1A 25X1A URE REPLY DATE UL 6 1356, SIGNATURE