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September 17, 1981
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Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150040-7
;COTE FOR: Director of Logistics
Chien, Real state ~, Construction Division, Oi.
SUBJECT: 2450 E. Street Complex Safet~~ and 'H'ealth Survey
1. tidith reference to the response from John '~i~~ers regardil:g
subject Safety and Health Survey of the 2430 E. Street complex,
~~~e have contacted T1r. I-lope, Director, BuildinSs ?~{anagemer.,t Division,
~l'~?'B) . ~~ir. Hope SeemeC} amenanle t0 ~~Orf:~7'i^ 'tilt}; ie Ager..C;' t0 Oil%e
some of the problems in the Safety and Health report and has ac~,-ised
t'r,at a i~ir. Ha,~kins, of his office, ~.~ill call of STAT
the Field Engineering Branch, to schedule a joint GSA Agency meeting
to outline plans for corrective measures.
2. It is not intended to prepare a formal reply to Mr. ?~Syers'
memo of I7 September at: this time.
Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150040-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150040-7
A ., inistration R?Cicn W2~ir~gton, DC _.407
1 ? SEP 1?81
i~1r. James H. McDonald
director of Logistics
Central Intelligence Agency
~,'~:shington, DC 20505
Dear Jim: 2 2 SE:P i~31
Thank you for your letter of August 25, 1?3i, concerning a safety
~-~d health s~rv::~~~ of th= ?;30 E Street cc:~~:~`lex conducted by ?,~o~r
-~~n~y per~onn~l.
I am a~?.are of our obligation to abate hazardous conditions that
Gre the responsibility of general Services :-.dministration (GSA).
~o~~~ever, in revie~~.ing the report it is difficult to differentiate
bet~?,een Agency and GS,A responsibilities for numerous items.
It is recommended that GSA and your safety personnel conduct an onsit~
survey to ascertain Agency and GSA areas of responsibilities, and which
items constitute specific Occupational Safety and Meal th Adr:i ni S Lr at i on
violations. lti'e will then proceed with our necessary corrective
?:~easures and provide you ~~.ith an abatement plan far ail ti,~ork t~~a_
cannot be accomplished within 30 days of the onsite survey.
Please contact Mr. Hope, Director, Buildings I~lanagement Division (1;'PB),
to schedule the survey. He can be reached on 472-1841.
XO7tJ 7. t~Yr~-t?
Assistant Pegional Administrator
PUb11C vUl idlrl~S ~ervlCe
Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150040-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150040-7
2 5 AUG 1981
i~ir. John Ti . Ayers
Assistant Regional Ac~miazistra.tor
General Services Ads+ini:~tration
1ias2iin~,ton, D. C. 2J4~?7
The health asad saf~wt}~ ?f our employees is a ma j or u~ana 5e:nent
concern at the Central Intelligence :~.,~;ency (CIA) . A recently
conducted survey at the CIA cai~znlex located at 2430 "E" Street,
Pr"4a7, Washington, D. C., cited aver 23U health and safety dei'icioncies.
I have deer askad by the I3eput}~ Tirector of Central I~atelligc:nce to
correct tl,ese~ daficioa~c:ies ms. ciuickly as possi~ale.
the resident CIA 1+~~*isties officer at the "E'" Street Complex
h~.s b~se:n working with file State l~apart Rent Groctp, Cer~cral Services
Adaai~aistration, to Correct the cit~;c~ deficiencies, and through
ti~e:ir joint effoxts pro~rass is being raadc. Additionally, I have
Enclosed a copy of the health and s?~#c~ty s~srvey for .your review.
Arsy further assistancethat you or your staff cars ~~rovide to
alleviate this sftuatio7Y would be greatly appz?cciated.
If you have any ciu+~stians concerning ti!ais raa ~ c: or if I can
i/Q of any assistance, plezse c?nt~.ct Sae on STAT
/~/ Jam. I~. P~cDona ~d
.l'ar~es rf.r~3cT~onald
Director of Logistics
cc: Director of Buildiisg Tdanagement
General Services Administration
Orig - Addressee
(~ - AEO/OL Officiaa
I - OL Files
1 - EO/OL Chrono
1 - D/L Chrono
AEO/UL: (25 Aug 81)
Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150040-7