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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Addendum to OCA Memorajll~ (OCA 87-5738) --Your Meeting with Representatives Stokes/ de FROM: Daniel A. Childs, Jr. EXTENSION NO. Comptroller 7C36 Headquarters DATE 16 November 1987 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom REGAINED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. Executive Registry 16No v 1987 2. 3. Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (Has copy) 4. 5. Director of Central Intelligence 18 't? X3$7 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. DC, . 15. FOR 1-79M 610 usEEDIrRETIONSVlous Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 S 1' NOTE FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Daniel A. Childs Comptroller SUBJECT: Addendum to OCA Memorandum (OCA 87-5738)--Your Meeting with Representatives Stokes/Hyde Dave Gries asked me to prepare an addendum to his memorandum on your meeting with Represenatives Stokes and Hyde tomorrow--on the issue of GAO audit of CIA activities. As you know, Senator Glenn and Representative Panetta have introduced similar Bills in their respective bodies authorizing GAO to audit CIA activities. Senator Glenn testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week on his Bill, and is apparently pressing Representative Stokes to support the Panetta Bill in the House. This issue has ben raised with Representative Stokes on a number of occasions in the past, but not recently. I gather `:ze is generally sympathetic to our position, but might need some reinforcing in light of the Glenn pressure and the recent introduction of the Panetta Bill. I suggest you take the opportunity tomorrow to reinforce our opposition to GAO audit of CIA activities, along the following lines: -- Security: Raises serious concerns about security and the protection of sources and methods. -- Oversight: gould undermine douse Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence oversight responsibilities; and duplicate a capability the Committee is already taking steps to establish. -- Authority: Gives the Comptroller General excessively broad authority to undertake unrestricted self-initiated investigations/audits, and unrestricted access to all documents and records. If you need anything else on this issue, please let ,me know. Daniel A. Childs, Jr. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 OCA 87-5738 (16 NOV 198; MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director FROM: David P. Grie.~. Dir4gtbr-of'Congressional Affairs SUBJECT: Your Monthly Meeting on 17 November with Representatives Stokes and Hyde Your regular monthly meeting with Representatives Louis Stokes (D., OH) and Henry Hyde (R., IL), the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the House Intelligence Committee respectively, is scheduled for 17 November at 2 p.m. in Room H-405 at the Capitol. Also attending are Bob Gates and I and Tom Latimer and Tom Smeeton from the Committee Staff. A summary of the last meeting with Mr. Stokes and Mr. Hyde is attached at Tab A. Suggested talking points follow: -- A earances before the Committee: I suggest that you open the meeting by expressing your appreciation for these periodic meetings with Mr. Stokes and Mr. Hyde. Referring to your telephone conversation with Mr. Stokes on 10 November 1987, you can reassure him that you would welcome the opportunity to appear before the whole Committee at any time and hope that this can be arranged in the near future. -- Committee call for a comprehensive examination of cur counterintelligence organization, management and techniques: On 4 November Mr. Stokes sent you a letter, signed by all Members of the House Intelligence Committee, calling for a comprehensive, critical examination throughout the intelligence Community of our counter- intelligence organization, management and techniques. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 service. You can state that you share e i r concern wi this-serious problem, and assure Mr. Stokes and Mr. Hyde that every effort will be made to conduct a thorouch review so that we can remedy this situation. -- Congressional Oversicht: There are three issues involving proposals for further controls of the Agency with which you are already very familiar and which you will want to discuss with Mr. Stokes and Mr. Hyde. These issues will be particularly pertinent given the fact that the Iran/Contra report will be released on the day of your meeting. The proposals include a statutory Inspector General and Senate confirmation of the General Counsel, both of which are recommendations contained in the Iran/ Contra report. Furthermore, also on the horizon is the Panetta rill which calls for the General Accounting office to conduct audits of the Agency. We are against these proposals and you may wish to use this opportunity to express your opposition to them. Mr. Hyde at least has already expressed his opposition to the Panetta Bill, and we believe Mir. Stokes may share that opinion because the Bill would infringe on the responsibilities of our oversight Committees. -- Disciplinary action against Mr. Brown and Mr. Wilson: If the opportunity presents itself, you may wish to raise the issue of whether Mr. Stokes has taken any action to discirline House Intelligence Committee !'embers George Brown (D., CA) and Charlie Wilson (D., TX) for their advertent or inadvertent leaks this past year. Mr. Stokes shared our consternation regarding these leaks and had said he was considerinc the best way to handle this problem... r 2 T:!-- Fr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 -- Cc-cressrar Pr own'E (F r,lannec lecislatic'r t,- t ^Z. CE r'IfiCE (pr c c,, i :1k' r.C2 G~ ro c .ec ?'r. EtokEE CO.',CErr.iniC dErre tc lr- trocc ? a :111 decIa??if}'ir,c the NF.T'. E uncerEtand ca^,nct act unilaterally and must pi ocee- t`.:o-: c form I Cor.7-itte? procedures. Sore HouSE Ir.teili- CEnCE Co".-1ttee staffers indicate they do not oppose the :c". si.'?CE the; reason the ?::(, has already beer, pu:1.cize in va: io s press articles and is therefore now in tP.E Ouc dcr.air. It richt to useful to alert Air. cto~:EE a.. of or cc,ncErn ahout Mr . Frown's planner ir.:ti&tivE aric rote that clthOu^h. the NPC' has bEEr, ~' _licized, offic l_ ackr,ow1edgrEnt of the existence of the ?:F^ will likely erode the security of other, still classified, aspects of the NPC and related activities. Distribution: Cris, - Addressee 1 - IUD I 1 - Lx1'i r 1 - LI: I - Counselor to the PCI 1 - D/OC1 I - OC.-: Record 1 - DD/I L-1/O:'+ I - OC''Rc;id DD/I L1/ 0L 13 NOX S-) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Stokes/Hyde Monthly meeting) 17 November 1987 -- Appearances before the Com.rittee -- Corrittee call for a comprehensive examination of our counterintelligence organization, management and tec. nniques -- Concres_ional oversight -- Additional funding for Angola -- Disciplinary action against Mr. Brown & Yr. Wilson STAT -- Congressman Brown's planned legislation to acknowleOc the National Reconnaissance office (NRO) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/02 : CIA-RDP89B00224R000200560002-2