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Document Release Date: 
February 28, 2000
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Publication Date: 
October 9, 1956
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Approved For ReI se 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00551ROVU600280001-4 VIA AIR (Specify Air or Sea Pouch) TO HEADQUARTERS FROM Chief of Station, GENERAL SUBJECT j SPECIFIC ~?Cf'f~ SECRET CLASSIFICATION Operations DATE -- 17 1W as~,'flNT N CLASS, 13 ~y~A~1GE gECtASSl~rEdD TS J C98 AGir 7U, pL7kI s ~- SJ _R4~ 9EW ERe_ :, DATE 25X1A 112 - 1. Mission 1112 was flown b ecial equipment consisted A in p of the flight was eight hours. Take-off was as scheduled. encountered in launching the mission. 25X1A 14 September 1956 25X1A No problems were 25X1A 2, reported satisfactory o eration of the camera equipment and 25X1A nlinn din no malfunction was evident upon lan g w y of negative, from all three rolls taken and processed _ . windows. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A mission. was obtained of briefed targets. 3. No problems were encountered in the briefing or de-briefing t There is uoub any is excellent. This mission believed successful in that vertical photo coverag excel l enI, pvoa_~.~,,.1 ~.., of the oblique photography is useable. u e The ro f. Scattered cumulus clouds and haze were present over was overcast from the take-off base to the t surroun Lng waters, reducing the effectiveness of the missivile ai e i rmr+.ered over This contirj -- coast at 25X6 and the ast - nIaJ_I1_1 .lll1 U11V11 "s.v '- was e - but scattered cumulus clouds prevailed over me ..~ __ where half at Mal a in ? 25X1A I , g the Mediterranean Sea. This was especially damag umulus cloud banks b y a c the main harbor was covered The route remained 25X1A clear, allowing good photography of which merging clear until thick cirrus was encountered at with altocumulus formations, overcast the next 96 miles of flight line. The oar to the landing base. The resolution of the - - -- to was c 25X1A this mission was two hours, five minutes. 25X1A WCLO at the camera runs over Malta and , both of which fell an average of 6 miles to the left of the planned course. The plotting time for ,.9-6-"- S E C R E T CLASSIFICATION Approvepdpp For Release 2 FOR NO. MARN1949 51-28A 25X1A DISPATCH N TS#155682,, copy/ of 3' Pagel of 2 0600280001-4 25X6 25X6 Approved For Relea7W 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDR89BOO551 ROOOM0280001-4 25X1A 5. Operation of ~quipment was satisfactory with no malfunctions being reported. Normal results were obtained. Very few signals noted from 2 hours 19 minutes until 4 hours 54 minutes after take-off. Remainder of tape not monitored at time of this report. One copy of tape being made. Mission 11 . 1. Mission 1114 was flown 1956 25X1A in Special equipment consisted of Duration of the flight was five hours and twenty-six minutes. Take-off was as scheduled. 2. No problems were encountered in launching the mission. reported satisfactory operation of the camera equipment and no malfunctions were evident upon landing at 25X1A 3. No problems were encountered in the briefing or de-briefing of this mission. 25X6 4. The flight route was overcast from take-off base to Favorable conditions existed over Thic e oud conditions were encountered over water to with scattered conditions over part of the Island. The over-water con. i ion to P~~alta was also overcast. Over Malta was slight scattered clouds but good photographic coverage was obtained. was clear, but from there on in to the landing base was overcast. 11o ng time for this mission was two hours and thirty minutes. 25X1A 5. Operation of th? equipment was normal with no malfunctions reported. Results were norma . One copy of the tape has been made and given to analysts. DISTR: 0 - Hqs 1 - Ops 2 - File TS#15562 Copy/ of 3 copies Page 2 of 2 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00551R000600280001-4