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Publication Date: 
December 19, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP89B00980R000600060013-9.pdf594.56 KB
I I I 25X11 25X11 I i I I I I I I Approved For Release 2006/0,t~Q'~.-~DP,'9[Je198oRoGQ600060013-9 i)L.\Ji~L. 25X1 1') 1)eeomber 1')67 I 25X1 M'tiMORA!IDU~ roR: Director a,f Central Intelll;tence iUBJECT OXCAR1'hm-11 Inf'ormat ion tor E'tCOJ.1 Meeting 1. This -memorandum 11$ tor your In:forma tion f')111y. 2. The EXCOH meeting scheduled for 1600 hours 20 ~~cember 1907 was called to revie~ the scheduled phase- OIJt of the OXCART program and determine 11' any revision in earlier dec.isions should be Bade. Yoa wIll recnll that the schedule I!~reed to earlier WDS removal of the OXCART :from hdene. in late .January o.r early FE'!br'.lary so that the3R-71 CQuld be in place and L~8ume res~)nslbl11ty for North Vietnarfl ~!igs1on8 by 15 February_ It was .further lI.greed that ~e would maintaIn an operntion.al capability at I I through 31 March 1963 .and that all aircraft would be plAced In storage l~edlately after 31 Marcb and I I 25X1 D clotled as soon thereafter as practicl?,ble. 3. During the last couple of months a number of activities bave been carried Q\lt to determine readiness Qf the3R-11 to take on the m.ission and to' reevaluate SOlie ot the relative capabilities of the. OXCART and 3R-11. The two .a,jQr ques- tlons addressed were a cOJiO..parisoo of the vulnerabl1i ty of the two aircraft in the defensive environment at Horth Vietnam~ a.nd 8. comparison of the (:pcras and other on board eqllippent. Both studies have been comple'ted and 'l.e presume that the EXCOM will be verbally briet~d by IRO on the results. A paper summar!2.1ng the results o.f the ~.-, '-', ..'. , . j:, :', " ~;'.1i ~j) ~~'. ' ti""",~ {~, )P~~ of 1- ~ _,J I Declassification Review by , "I, .,.e'llij; I I NGA Approved For Release 2ooIMt2~~~ - DP89B00980R000600060013-9 ~~X1 Approved For Release 2006/09/2IO~I~B~980R088600060013-9 studtea bas been ..de available tor our review. -2- l Approved For Release 2006/09/2& Uel~~blA&eb0098 Rnnn~nnn~nn1 ~-q I I 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 P"~ n (?'....,. .~.~, ~ ur ~ii:i~iit I Approved For Release 2006/09/26 : riA RIJPS9E100TOR000600060013-9 25X 25X1 I The 3 con- ventional cameras are called: 'f