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TOP SECRET. Approved Forease 200 - 89B0098(006000807 I 15 APR 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, CIA Reconnaissance Programs SUBJECT: Program Progress Report Forwarded herewith are three copies of the IDEALIST Program Progress Report for the period 1 January 1971 - Brigadier Genera , USAF Director of Special Activities 25X1 As stated Declassification Review by NGA Approved For Release 200'f/jP3SE Rir89B00980R00060 G11R~~OQQUPII EXCLUDED FROM IV NG M 010'fA 10FICAT ION ING Copy 4 of 13 OP SECRET Approved ForYWease 200 /12/23: CIA-RDP89B 0980W00600080007-4 25X1 DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AND PROGRESS (I JANUARY 1971 - 31 MARCH 1971) I. AIRFRAME A. Exploratory IRAN - Aircraft 058 was transferred from II 25X1 to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation (LAC), Palmdale, California to undergo an exploratory IRAN on 5 February 1971. Results of this IRAN indicate that other U-ZR aircraft will not require IRAN until they reach at least 2500 hours. total time. B. Transfer of Aircraft - Aircraft 053 was transferred from Detach- ment G to during SWAP SHOP XII in January 1971. Aircraft 051 was transferred from Detachment G to during SWAP 25X1 SHOP XIII in March 1971. C. New Emergency AC Generator - Subject generator has been flight tested, evaluated and accepted. LAC is fabricating kits for three additional aircraft. The Project Depot is in process of procuring the generators required for these kits. D. HF Radio - Serious consideration is being given to a proposal from or retrofit of the 718T-6 HF radio equipment with lightweight 718U-7 equipment. The Lockheed proposal for installation of this equipment is under review. The following are the advantages of using this off-the-shelf equipment: 1. Weight reduction is approximately 93 pounds of critical forebody weight. 2. Installation is planned to be at base of vertical stabilizer, thus vacating E-Bay. 3. There is no requirement for forced air cooling; eliminating the need for cooling blower and present "overboard" pressurization leak in E-Bay. Approved For Release 20 GROUP I: EXCLUDED FROM SSIF CATION DING Section 1 Page 2 4. Mean time between failure is increased from 750 to 1500 hours. 5. Sixty per cent of box components are plug-in circuit boards. E. U-2R Flight Test and Operational Training Summary 1 JAN-31 MAR FLTS. 1 JAN-31 MAR TOT TIME FL AL TOT TS. TIM AL E 1 - 051 26 101.8 27 2 916 .4 2 - 053 110.5 24 6 942 .8 3 - 054 77.7 29 1 944 .9 4 - 055 109. 1 33 5 1044 . 1 5 - 057 (attrited 24 Nov 70) 35 5 1211 .4 6 058 75.9 37 8 1185 . 7 TOTAL 475.0 187 7 6245 .3 II. PAYLOAD A. B-2 Camera - Hycon has submitted an Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) for modification of the B-2 Camera with a new f/8 lens and associated shutter. Upon installation of this 8-element, 36 inch lens and shutter, the camera will be designated B-3. Details of the ECP are being worked out with R&D, Contracts, Materiel,, and Hycon representatives. B. "H" Configuration - Two new 7-element, 66 inch, f/5.6 lenses have. been ordered from Hycon for installation in the ":H" configuration cameras. Flight testing of improved system-is scheduled to begin in August 1971. Approved For pease 200 I9B0098( '00600080007-4 C. Q-Bay Preconditioning - Seven Q-Bay preconditioning carts have been.ordered from Lockheed. Delivery of the first unit is expected 9 August 1971. pproved For Release 2 GROUP II ~,~EEXCLUDED FROM 89B00980R0006 A8007DvNG RADING ND DECLASSIFICATION 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP89B0098OR000600080007-4 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP89B0098OR000600080007-4 TOP SE ? Approved For ease 2005 9 B00980&900600080007-4 I on Page 4 IV. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT A. General R&D ' 25X1 1? I Iadiation Reduction from the J- 75-P-13B Engine - Efforts were concentrated on (a) tests to evaluate pyroforic decoy mechanisms, (b) additional masking agent evaluation tests, and (c) analytical modeling of the tailpipe system radiation characteristics and suppression mechanisms to explain experimental data and provide the basis for extending it to full scale applications. It is believed that a major effort would be required to establish pyroforic decoy feasibility. Masking agent testing using water produced the most- encouraging results during the series. A maximum radiation suppression of 95 per cent was achieved. Analysis of the data indicates that the IR'reduction is due to two factors, i. e. , reduction of wall temperature in the nozzle and back- scattering of radiation from uncooled areas. Approved For Release ~Gp,ROUpP p1: EXCLUDED FROM OO?8000fW4GRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Approved For F06se 200511 0121 REX. SEC 098000600080007-4 Section 1 Page 5 On 29 January 1971 the EXCOM rejected the D/NRO's request for approval to pursue thel concept. No further effort is anticipated on this program unless specifically requested. D. Apochromatic 24" Focal Length Petzval Lens During this time period the following major milestones were achieved: 1. Mechanical fabrication of all parts was completed. 2. Optical fabrication of all optical elements was completed. 3. Procurement of all ancillary parts was completed. 4. Lens assembly was initiated. V. AERO MEDICAL AND LIFE SUPPORT ACTIVITIES A. Medical 1? pilot candidates have been identified for possible U-ZR training and will be for further evaluation in April. Ultimately, two will be selected for training. 2.' Considerable time has been spent in determining the physical status of technical representatives in the field. Some problems in this area were initially presented in the Office of Medical Services (OMS) this past summer. We have worked with Contracts Manage- ment Division in encouraging vendor companies to prepare their own program of physical examinations, similar to the Agency, in an effort to reduce potential medical problems when personnel are overseas. 3. The question was raised with regard to discouraging owner- ship and use of motorcycles at in order to preserve humans for mission purposes. is believed this matter has been resolved. ,Ppproved For Release 2 89B00980R0006 JO aL4DED FROM NGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Approved For ease 200 9800980 0600.080007-4 25X1 I :A Section 1 Page 6 25X1 25X1 4. upported in a training project 5. Phase II of the Resistance to Interrogation Trainin was given under our supervision by PSS/OMS and Security atifrom 21-26 January 1971 for two new ilots. 6. A one day course was conducted at the Andrews AFB physiological training facility to assist in preparing several OEL/ DDS&T personnel for TDY at high altitudes. In addition to lectures on mountain survival and medical advice, they received altitude chamber indoctrination flight training. B. Life Support Equipment 1. Six-Line Release - The test program covering Engineering Change Proposal U-2 -61 concerning control of personnel parachutes was delayed in early January. However, the Pull tests are now completed. The results were pessimistic. Because of the question- able techniques used in these early tests, is continuing the evaluation and anticipates proceeding to for whirl tower and live jumps in April. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 - 2. Pressure Suit Data Bank - At a Life-Support Conference held in Washington, D.C., the last week of February 1971, a pressure suit data bank was started with inputs from Detachment G, 25X1 This will be a compilation of unclassi- ie i ormation related to all full-pressure suits presently in service. -y iLa c,L c 7 LCU g envy. Ap' proved For Release 20-PO '2SECTi FgP89B00980R0006~ GROUP I- EXCLUDED FROM OVVOQG7 4 NG RAD ING AND DECLASSIFICATION . TOP SECRET Approved For *fease 2005/ 2/23 : - 8009800600080007-4 25X1 I I Section I Page 7 3. S-1010 Pilot Protective Assembly (PPA) Sizing Problems - Sizing of the custom-fit 5-1010 PPA has been a problem only in isolated cases where pilot preference dictated a larger size than that which was fabricated. With the inclusion of "J" adjustments, this slight irritation should be resolved. . The only other difficult area lies in the fitting of the booties. Future sizing of boots will be by individual trial and error as well as measurement to confirm the proper fit of the booties before installation onto the full- pressure suit. 4. S-1010 Helmet - The present helmet was evaluated for the possibility of design changes which would allow the use of the same basic helmet for all full-pressure suits. The E__ I 25X1 will present a proposal on this subject and two ya . e e mets will be tested at Detachment G. 5. Automatic Seat Kits - Automatically deployed survival kits are in service in the Air Force in the F-4, A-7D, F-106, B-57, and F-104. A design engineer from presented the state of the art briefing and ma e recommendations concerning the retro-fit of an automatic device into the U-2R kit. L___~ill perform some test jumps with this device in the. spring or ear y summer to establish its compatibility with the present system. C. Training Physiological. Training - Physiological training, including full- pressure suit chamber flights. and explosive decompressions, was 25X1 accomplished for two new nd an ~est pilot, I A complete suit fitting preceded these flights with a factory engineer in attendance. pproved For Release 20 [kAW89BOO98OR00060 I GROUP I EXCLUDED FROM !'M M7 AG O RAD N N G TOP SECRET Approved For Lease 2005/ - 89B00980W00600080007-4 25X1 IDEALIST OPERATIONAL SUMMARY AND STATUS (1 JANUARY 1971 - 31 MARCH 1971) I. OPERATIONAL MISSION SUMMARY Eight IDEALIST/TACKLE operational missions were alerted during this period. Three were flown, three were cancelled at the request of the and two were cancelled due to deteriorating weather. AII missions were planned to be flown a minimum of 20 nautical miles off the mainland China coast in compliance with current restrictions. Following is a summary of accomplished missions: Approved For Release 20 LNG EC'CA558 CAT ION TOP SECRET Approved For PlMease 200 12t23 . - 89B0098Q)060Q080007-4 Section 2 Page 2 A. . SWAP SHOP. Ten ferry sorties were flown during transfer of Articles 053 and 051 to Detachment H and return for IRAN of Article 058. B. RED DOT. Five sorties were flown in support of continuing film tests using various camera configurations in the U-2C/G and the U=2R. C. IRIS II. Twelve missions were flown with the modified optical bar camera. E. PILOT TRAINING. Two pilot trainees flew a total of 10 sorties in the U-2R. I I currently in O/R training at flew four c eecckou' sorties. pproved For Release 20 89B0098OR00060 GROUP I: EXCLUDED FROM Q~(~.(yT~I~DQW N G RADING {{~~~ S~ICATION Approved For Iase 200 I Section 2 Page 3 H. HURRICANE BASE LINE. Two sorties were flown to obtain photography of Gulf Coast areas for the Office of Emergency Preparedness. 1. SNOW SURVEY. One sortie was flown to photograph Sierra snowfields for the Department of Commerce. B00980T0600.080007-4 J. EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE SURVEY. Four sorties were flown to obtain damage assessment photography of the Los Angeles earthquake area. pproved For Release 200 B00980R000600O 'C IOWFICATIO MION '6~~LA S