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August 30, 1987
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/08: CIA-RDP89T00142R000700920037-2 ,HICAGC SUN TAMES AU 1987 CIA exec testifies North withheld Iran cargo data N ownouse News *Orme WASHINGTON-CIA counter? terrorism chief Du ie "Dewey" Ivembet ?985. Clarridge has told 'congres- sional investi- ptors that he did not know missiles being sent to Iran as part of a hos? tage?release deal were on a plane for which he ar- ranged la4ding rights in No- Clarridge testified before the Jran?ooatta committees in private ton Aug. R. A deposition released Wednesday quoted him as saying $tnfortnation about the plane's cargo Swan withheld from him by Marine 1Corpe Lt. Col, Oliver L. North. ethen a National Security Council aide managing the scheme from the White House. North and other U.S. officials have said Clarridge was aware both of arms shipmentii to Iran and aid to contra rebels battling Nicara- gua's leftist government. In his tes- timony, Clarridge denied that he knew about those operations. But one member of the investi? gating panels, Sen. William S, Co- hen (R?Maine), told Clarridge that he was bothered by the witnesss "major lapse in memory" when confronted with testimony and evi- dence indicating that he actually was told of the Iran and contra developments. Clarridge ehoi said the late Wil- liam J. Casey wanted the CIA. which he headed at the time, to run the Reagan administration's entire covert operation involving Iran but was opposed by ether top officials in the agency For that reason. Clarridge said. the Iran operation was turned over to North. In thret months of hearings, the committees heard extensive testi- mony about the shipment of SO Hawk missiles. apparently carried out without written presidential in- telligence findings. The "cover stnn?" developed by North and others described the cargo as oil-drilling equipment rather than weapon- Clarridge said he believed that version until ,1snu- cry. 1966+, when an unidcniifii?d U S. official told him otherwise. The cover story later was includ? ed in a series of chronologies pre- pared by North and former nation- al security advisers John M. Puin- dexter and Robert C. McFarlane as the Iran-contra story was breaking publicly late last year. Clarridge testified that the na- ture of the cargo in November, 198.'x, mattered little to the CIA's then-deputy director, John McMa- hon, because MIcMuhiin ini;ited that a presiaeni ui Int.uiKri1C* finding wa+ required to make the shipment legal. McMahon was concerned be cause a private airline empiuyed ht the CIA had been involved in the shippment, the deposition indicated Clarridge said McMahon "had learned of the flight and the use of our proprietary, and he said to me that it didn't make much difference as far as he could see whether they were oil-drilling spare part4 or it was gunpowder, weapons-or what- ever.,, STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/08: CIA-RDP89T00142R000700920037-2