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Publication Date: 
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100550047-1 ARTICLE A?,-EA?,ED ON PAGE V rIL-II"iGTON ?d- -) JOU U.tL (I ) 20 September 19081 WASHINGTON Delaware-Sen Joseph 'R Biden Jr. is urging his colleagues on the` Senate intelligence-Committee to look into the activities?ofrenegade CIA agent Edwin P. Wilson-and-- a- former. top- CIA? official 'associated with Wilson: Biden said he, sent theletters to his Demo- :cratic and Republican colleagues after, .reading newspaper stories about Wilson's- 'cornpkicated arms and business dealings.-, The chairman of the. House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Edward P. Boland,- D- Mass., has already announced that his com- mittee will conduct an: investigation -into 'Wilson's activities. - Biden's letter, sent to his committee col- :Ieagues, contradicts Son- Barry Goldwater, 'R-Ariz., the committee chairman, who has" told reporters that such'an examination by the committee would be fruitless A Sunday News Journal report- detailed Wilson's involvement. in- bribing members -of Congress to get contracts for his network of companies, the misuse of a secret Naval task force-to.destabilize the Australian gov- ernment. in 1975 and an elaborate CIA- approved' swindle of the-Iranian Treasury masterminded by Wilson. [Meanwhile, Wilson's lawyer, John A. Keats; told the Boston Globe that Wilson.- may soon open.a business in Washington: Wilson-is under federal indictment for his part in an alleged conspiracy to murder a Libyan- critic of Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Khadafy. ["I don't know=what the company would 1, be called, but certainly there's a lot-of busi- ness that can be- carried on with Libya,.., Keats said in an interview. ["He's not doing this to spite the :.government," Keats said. "If he .-opens a place, itwill be purely for -~ .business reasons, and the business :would have nothing to do with they uresecution."} ..= , 'Biden,-' a.. Democrat, - is being backed in.hisr~:call for a probe by; Sesiator WilIiamV. Roth Jr., R-Del.;.; also a member of the intelligence Committee: ,:i-'- - I . am, certainly aware of .the recent press reports concerning the activities of Edwin P. Wilson," said Roth. "I understand that. the -com- eral years ago, and I would think i would be appropriate-to-update tha examination.'" Biden saiiFone of-the-areas h wants examined is the possibility that Wilson and Theodore G. Shack- ley are using,?graymaii"-to avoid. possible criminal charges. Shack- ley is former head of clandestine operations for the CIA. " Graymai1' is a . phrase-=lawyersIcoined- to. describe how -government. officials] with access-to secrets `might use that knowledge to escape prosecu ticn Shackley'was a key figure in a--~ major graymaitcaseinvolving per- jury before -.Congress concerning the activities of the CIA-in Chile in-! the early Biden has developed national rep- utation as an. expert on.."graymail." Bidem'said that the Wilson case-i had come lip before the committee in 1977 wherran internal ClAprobe ordered by then-Director Stanfield... Turner ended in- the dismissal of two employees- who had assisted Wilson in-- transferring high-level;~ technology to the Khadafy govern--Z went. $iden said - that during the':1977'1 probe he was not- aware that some- one on Shackley's- level at the CIA would be taken up at the next regu- - lar meeting this .weet_ - Goldwater, was. unavailable- for i comment onBiden's letter. : [Boland told the Associated.- that the committee may want to consider legislation governing the - business, activities of former. CIA - employees much involve-' meet- -current-- agency employees can have with people-who have left: the agency. [The, Washington-- Post - has; -reported that: the CIA;is-already' redrafting the rules governing . ["I wouldn't.- call it a full- investigation but we'll be lool whatever -recomm endations staff comes up with on whether abuses over-the past- few'ye Boland said.] had such-a dose: relationship with. Wilson. ~.-- Wilson, 54,:was indicted in April 1980 on federal charges for his part in a , conspiracy to . murder: - the- speaker of the Libyan parliamenL-- The-ndictment. alleges that Wil son and an associate,. Frank E. Ter- pil,.. met with , :.:,two ? Cuban . nationalists; whom - Wilson. ' had trained during his. CIA days and offered them $1 million to kill the Khadafy political foe. Wilson - and - Terpil were - also indicted for their Hart in- ex porting oxolosivesinto Libya.; F 1 Biden said that he believes the Wilson revelations also require the committee to examine the need for controls on what work intelligence emAployees do after they leave th CI. Biden said that what he is asking for from his colleagues is approval for committee staffers:to lookinto mitteedii Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100550047-1 STAT