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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 18, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/11: CIA-RDP90-00552R000201080012-9 ARTICLE APP 1RBD ON FAG1t_JJ '. t i . sAL 1IM0RE SU N 18 March 1982 Washington . (AP)-The Senate ;cleared thel way yesterday. for ap- -proval of - legislation under -which ~ journalists and government officials could .be jailed or fined for. publicly disclosing the names of covert Ameri-~ can intelligence agents.: The proposal is strongly supported President Reagan as a means of preventing terrorist attacks on Cen- tral Intelligence Agency agents over- seas. Some senators, journalism soci- eties, and groups such'as the Ameri-. can Civil Liberties Union condemned . the proposal as a. direct attack -on the :free-press -provisions' of :the - First, Enactment'. of. the .measure' has been delayed for months by_disagree ment over- bow difficult it should be: for a prosecutor. to build a .case: against a journalist who names a co- L The Senate resolved that issue yes: sion that:would allow a journalist to be convicted:provided the-.j has " . "Jack' Landau,' director ? of.. the Re porters Committee for Freedom of the Press, complained that "this bill aloes for the prosecution and jailing of news- reporters and authors: for identifying agents or-their sources,. even if the' agent or the source. is'' breaking federal . law, or is violating presidential policy, or even if their. names come from public. records. ""The First Amendment," Mr..Lan- ?dau said, "only permits the conviction and jailing of news people for publish ing information which is a direct, im mediate and irreparable injury to the national security, and does not permit - prosecutions for. disclosing informa= tion which is merely embarrassing or causes some discomfort to the gov ernment. should be required to show that a re- ,'-porter deliberately set out to "impair or impede" legitimate American in- A supporter of the intent standard,- Senator. Daniel Patrick Moynihan. (D, N.Y.),' said, "We are not enacting this :bill to ease the burden of. U,S.'attor .reason to believe" the identification of an agent would disrupt intelligence; A final vote on the legislation. was, delayed;. probably until today.' 'i A competing version recominend- ed by the Senate Judiciary. Commit tee and Senator Joseph R. Wen, Jr. (D, Del:) would have required' ' jury t o conclude that a reporter, intended to disrupt US -intelligence-.;opera- . ; agents" names,is something. we just cannot'tolerate,";said Senator John H. -Chafes (R, R.I.), chief sponsor.of,the ' m a endment that passed. Delta Chi, an organization of journal ists, said ',the- measure is unconstitu-. tional and will have a 'chilling effect on the.. reporting of US.... activities :overseas. This, bill. strikes at the right erament IIeys " _Mr. Chafee's_amendment, Mr. Moy- _ nihan said Congress should make a" clear?'distinction between "a person who engages in the business of nam=' lug `-covert - :agents, 'and' a ';journalist . -who reveals names as part of a legiti-' t The -Agent Identities Bill;' ap- : proved by the House last fall, was former' Philip.Agee`' began. naming names andlocations of undercover intelligence agents in var: station chief in Athens,.in 1975; .whose:> cation:: Critics.-of the legislation say,'.'; however,. that-Mr. Welch. was identi fled as workinin Latin America g and: A ,?: There have been`.-similar.;`:attacks well known as under. CIA control:;: ,""-iY on CIA -agents and their families The- : legislation. . seeks 'to. crack down on publications like the Covert Action 'Information Bulletin,' which has made public agents' names as part of a campaign to limit or abolish covert operations by the CIA Mr. Biden and other critics of-.the lesser burden of proof say it is possi- -ble that a reporter might be prosecut- ed for - exposing legitimate CIA abuses.: Recently, for-example, there'were stories about "former CIA-, agents, Francis E. Terpil and Edwin P. Wil- arms-selling Libya. said the legislation would. not permit Cileegai or improper actions by theH Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/11: CIA-RDP90-00552R000201080012-9