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November 28, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP90-00552R000403680012-9 Z AR i C; E LP? E' C MAG. 16 Letters BOSTON GLOBE 28 NOVEMBER 1982 lar to those I had conduct merans ^~ ' with the Vietnamese and Chinese, were in progress. When I learned otherwise, I refused to restrain the FBI probe in any The dictates of diplomacy . eff Stein was kind enough to send me a copy of the cover story he wrote about me ("Mystery Man of American Diplomacy," August. 29). In his accompanying note, he of.. stantial impairment to the investigation fered to interview me or to allow me With respect to the overall Water- space to comment upon his article. As gate matter, I can only say-that-every he pointed out in the article itself, I nor- step I took at that time. was scrutinized orally refrain from interviews and -sel- in numerous and endless public hear dom comment on stories. I do so not -' ings. Nevertheless, I remained in office because I am particularly opposed to until 1976, four years after the break-in publicity about me. Indeed, during the .- occurred.-In 1974, Director of the CIA five years from 1976 to 1981, as a pri- James R. Schlesinger, a man respected vate citizen, I wrote a book, Silent Mir for his integrity, intelligence, and so- sions, not Secret as Mr. Stein's research phistication, awarded me the Distin- suggests. Not a single US secret is con- guished Intelligence Medal for showing tained in the book. It was published in "the highest qualities of moral integrity six languages. I traveled widely and and rigid adherence to his constitutional appeared on national and international responsibilities despite a number of se- television and radio programs --hardly the activities of a shy or reclusive man. I shun publicity because the nature of my duties as Ambassador-at-Large re- quires me to move discreetly and incon- spicuously in quiet pursuit of our coun- try's foreign policy. Publicity under- mines my ability.. to do this. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to re- spond to some of the allegations con- tained in the Stein story because they call into question my personal integrity during my tenure as Deputy and Acting Director of the CIA. I. feel strongly that the Amencan people must have confi- dence in the integrity of their public servants and that to allow Mr. Stein's allegations to go unchallenged is to shake that confidence. The first allegation relates to an old matter: Watergate. Mr. Stein, like oth- ers, continues to play the "who-knew- what-when" game that has always left even the most informed observers -, i befuddled. I do not intend to rehash the matter- here. I would' simply like to stress that when it became clear to me I that no CIA assets were endangered by an FBI investigation, I refused, as Dept uty Director, on behalf of the CIA, to have any involvement whatsoever in the matter. When John Dean first asked me to stop the FBI investigation into the Mexico money, I thought perhaps that way. Indeed, I threatened to resign if ordered to do otherwise. John Dean has acknowledged this refusal in his own testimony -before Congress . The delay caused to the FBI, while I checked our sources in Mexico, resulted in no sub- m on because I speak eight , Ian guages, some felt it important that I convey to -these men in their own lan- guages the commitment of the United States, and particularly of the American intelligence community, to continue the struggle against our enemies even in times of great domestic turmoil for us. Never in any of the meetings with Colonel Cont. reras, the bead of Chilean Intelligence, .did the subject of Orlando Letelier or Chilean passports ever arise. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mis- taken The-last time I saw Contreras was overl:a-..year before Letelier was . murdered. My trip to Paraguay, just be- fore .I retired in July, had nothing to do; with Chile or passports or Letelier. I am still, however, not at liberty to discuss the nature of my trip, After I retired from the CIA, I had nothing to do with Chile or Paraguay. I had never even beard of Ambassador Landau's cables until August 1976, when the CIA brought them to my vere pressures to lead him to-a contrary-' attention. I answered that I knew noth- position." Mr. Schlesinger is not known 1-ing about passports for any Chileans. as a man who passes out encomia freely. Furthermore, I explained that I had no When I retired, moreover, President reason to become involved with official Gerald Ford, another man respected for his straightforwardness, awarded me the National Security Medal, only twenty of which had ever before been given. Mr. Stein's impressive research US business with Chile or Paraguay be- cause I was, then, a private citizen. No mention, -moreover, was ever made of Orlando Letelier. apparently failed to discover these two C "I I ' =~D awards, although both are mentioned in Silent Missions, from which he. quotes extensively. With respect to Mr. Stein's allega- tions about the senseless murder of Or- lando Letelier, I repeat here what I told the FBI and the Justice Department in 1976: I knew nothing whatsoever of the matter. As Deputy Director of the CIA, I met with most heads of foreign intelli- gence services when they visited Wash clandestir Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP90-00552R000403680012-9