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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/11: CIA-RDP90-00552R000504840001-1 WALL STREET JOURNAL ARTICLE APPEARED 13 January 1986 ON PAGE ag 6o Ceausescu: America's M By ION MIHAI PACEPA For many Americans, Romania's Nico- lae Ceausescu is the leader of the plucky little country that defied the Soviet boycott of the 1984 Olympic Gaines in Los Angeles. For the U.S. government, he presides over the communist country whose "most fa- vored nation," or MFN, trade status should be renewed when it comes up for its annual review. In Washington's misguided view, MFN status can help improve human rights in Romania and encourage a degree of political independence from Moscow. But for Mr. Ceausescu, the 1975 grant- ing of MFN status crowned 10 years of in- tense propaganda and influence operations aimed at realizing his grand plan of strengthening Romanian communism by getting financial and technological help from capitalism. Devotion to Stalinist Marxism In October, Rep. Chris Smith (R., N.J.) and Sen. Paul Trible (R., Va.) introduced legislation that would deny Romania MFN status for six months. However, even this modest step is opposed by the State De- partment. In fact, during his visit last month to Romania, Secretary of State George Shultz said that " [The U.S. I would like to see trade [with Romania] flourish to the extent that it can. I believe that it can increase more in the future-and I hope it does." Meanwhile, average Romanians-who receive few, if any, of the benefits of MFN status-face another bitter winter without adequate heat or light. The near-col- lapse of the Roma- nian economy has led to rumors that the So- viets would not at all mind if the army top- pled Mr. Ceausescu and installed a mili- tary government sim- ilar to the one that has run Poland since 1981. However, any such move is unlikely. For all of his economic bungling, Mr. Ceausescu still delivers valuable exports to the Soviet Union and serves as a conduit for the transmission of embargoed Western technology to Moscow. Continuing to renew Romania's MFN status will not make that nation more inde- pendent of the Kremlin. Mr. Ceausescu's devotion to Stalinist Marxism is clear even to naive observers. I worked with him for many years, and the one thing I came to ost F understand was that his position toward Moscow was never influenced by the U.S. Rather, it was primarily determined by the nature of his personal relationship with the Kremlin's top man. Yuri Andropov, whom I met, seemed to show less rigidity toward Mr. Ceausescu than Leonid Brezh- nev had; Mikhail Gorbachev is apparently following the same policy. According to recent reports, relations with Moscow are getting closer again, with p large Soviet presence once more in Ro- mania. In addition, secret bilateral agree- inents with Moscow, such-as t those between the two intelligence services for the pro- curement of Western technology, are sa- cred obligations for Mr. Ceausescu. Human rights in mania have been strangled since the granting of MFN status in 1975. The proportion of security person. nel in the population has steadily increased over the years, reaching a ratio of 1:15- the world's highest-by the time of my break with Bucharest in 1978. Selective mail censorship was replaced in 1976 with total censorship, with every single letter and package from abroad being opened. In February 1977 a secret Communist Party decision approved the complete monitoring of all international telephone calls. At the same time, Mr. Ceausescu personally or- dered that the only legally permissible telephone device to be used was one devel- oped by the security police that can be in- stantly converted into a microphone to monitor people's private conversations. During the mid-1970s electronic moni- toring devices were secretly installed in every Roman Catholic church and Jewish synagogue. In March 1978 a top-secret de- cision by Mr. Ceausescu required that all but a few token Jews be quietly removed from the military and security forces as well as from sensitive posts in the party and government. Bucharest's terrorism against the West has also increased substantially. In the mid-1970s there was a surge in the secret training given in Romania to Western com- munists, especially Spaniards and Greeks, in sabotage and other forms of guerrilla warfare. In 1975 the DIE, the Romanian foreign intelligence service, made secret agreements wi Palestine Ltb-ration Qr_- ganization terrorists, providing them with significant logistical support and using them in operations against Romania's own political opponents in the West. In 1975, only days after receiving MFN status, Romania had its DIE secretly kill three militant anti-communists in the West, one of whom, Vasile Zapartan, was a priest. The DIE later organized assassina- tion attempts and savage beatings of emi- gres who had publicly criticized the cult of personality in Romania, using PLO terror- ists in France in 1976 and criminal merce- naries in both West Germany in 1976 and France in 1977. In July 1978 1 personally received the order to arrange unattribut- able assassinations of emigres working for the U.S. government in Radio Free Eu rope, and to bomb the radio's Munich headquarters (an action that finally took place in February 1981). On July 28, 1981, Emil Georgescu, a se- nior editor at Radio Free Europe in Mun- ich, was stabbed 22 times by criminals hired by Bucharest and barely escaped with his life. (He was one of the people I had been ordered to have killed.) Nevertheless, Bucharest has always considered itself able to outwit Washington in obtaining the annual renewal of MFN. The only significant step I saw Mr. Ceause- scu take to ensure the renewal was his Au- gust 1975 appointment of a permanent MFN task force, consisting of the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of interior, and the deputy chief of the DIE (at that time myself). Because the U.S. indicated that Romania's emigration policy was the key to MFN renewal, Mr. Ceausescu de- cided to maintain emigration from Roma- nia (mostly Jews and ethnic Germans) at the minimum level but no higher. "We should make as much money as possible on our vanishing national resources-oil, Jews and Germans," he told the task force. As part of the task force, the DIE was also responsible for selling the West on the myth of Mr. Ceausescu's domestic popular- ity and persuading the U.S. government to like Romania. The DIE paid for the West- ern publication of hundreds of articles and books about Mr. Ceausescu's accomplish- ments. It mounted successful operations to develop sources of influence at the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest and to exert pres- sure through agents and contacts in the U.S. It created and financed Romanian emigre organizations in the U.S., which paid for thousands of emigres to come pe- riodically to Washington from all over the U.S. and Canada to demonstrate and lobby on Capitol Hill for MFN renewal. Nor will the most recent renewal of MFN status improve U.S.-Romanian rela- tions. Bucharest is now apparently press- ing for a new official visit by Mr. Ceause- scu to Washington, but its Oriental-rug- merchant approach to bilateral relations is entirely different from the American one. I Continued Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/11: CIA-RDP90-00552R000504840001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/11: CIA-RDP90-00552R000504840001-1 personally was responsible for preparing Mr. Ceausescu's last visit to the U.S., in April 1978, and I also then accompanied him as a member of his official delegation. Mr. Ceausescu assigned the visit a more pragmatic mission besides its political sig- nificance: setting the stage for the secret development and eventual recruitment of President Carter's brother, Billy. Because I broke with Bucharest shortly thereafter, the only tangible result of this planned op- eration was the Romanian commercial of- fice opened in Atlanta as a first step. Bucharest Outfoxes Washington The tactic of recruiting close relatives of foreign heads of state is one in which Mr. Ceausescu excels. On one official visit to Iran, he himself spotted the corrupt brother of the late shah as a likely pros- pect, and in Syria he saw potential in the then-powerful brother of President Hafez Assad. Both were later recruited, royally rewarded by fat payments into Swiss bank accounts, and used for promoting Roma- nian political and economic interests. Per- haps someday another Romanian defector will tell us what Mr. Ceausescu's ulterior motive is for his next visit to Washington. In any case, we may be sure that he has more than, the exchange of mutual compli- ments in mind. Bucharest is successfully outfoxing Washington day after day. The U.S. now has 10 years' worth of proof that MFN does not produce the desired effect in Romania, and enough is enough. America must stop supporting a communist regime that is scornful of American democratic princi- ples and hostile to U.S. interests. Mr. Pace pa was the personal adviser to Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu and deputy director of Me Romanian or- eign inte tgence service una u u 7. when he was granted political asylum in the U.S. He is the highest-ranking intelli- gence officer ever to defect to the West. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/11: CIA-RDP90-00552R000504840001-1