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Document Release Date: 
August 13, 2010
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Publication Date: 
December 23, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/13: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707040002-3 ARTICLE NUAW C"MLA Letters WASHINGTON TIMES 23 December 1985 Waterman denies being a source of CIA leaks Readers of The Washington Times have recently seen a number of arti- cles concerning the role of CIA Gen- eral Counsel Stanley Sporkin during a Justice Department investigation into allegations that I leaked infor- mation while serving as an official of the CIA. The articles reflected efforts by Mr. Sporkin's opponents to block his nomination to a federal judgeship on the U.S. District Court for the Dis- trict of Columbia and included sen- sitive information which should not have been released publicly. The articles assert that the FBI identified me as the source of leaks made to a Washington research cen- ter and newsletter on a wide variety of subjects, including the Iran-Iraq war and Libya and Iraqi political de- velopments. They also claim that I admitted doing so and later recanted this admission. Now that Mr. Sporkin has been cleared by the Judiciary Committee, I wish to respond specifically to these gross falsehoods concerning my activities. I have never leaked classified in- formation to anyone and specifically not the alleged recipient mentioned in your articles. I personally abhor the practice of leaking for any pur- pose whatsoever and have made this sentiment known on innumerable occasions. I never "acknowledged providing classified information," nor "re- canted" such an acknowledgement, as alleged in a Nov 4 article. Nor did I consciously confirm information obtained elsewhere. Consistent with my mandate at the time, I did dis- cuss unclassified political issues with a range of people, including the alleged recipient. The labeling of any of these conversations by the FBI or Justice Department as "clas- sified" is utterly inaccurate and un- professional at best. The case against me is based en- tirely on erroneous interpretations of polygraph test reactions and sub- sequent distortions of my own statements as described above. I ap- parently reacted emotionally on these polygraphs - but not in a de- ceptive nor manipulative manner. One other nuance seems to have crept into your Dec. 12 article: an implication that some have claimed that the leaks being .investigated were authorized by the CIA. This is ludicrous. Divulging classified in- formation to unauthorized recipi- ents is wrong, period. Only two individuals participated in the discussions at issue - the al- leged recipent and myself. Both in- sist no leaks were made by me, and no evidence to the contrary exists. Punishment without valid evi- dence, gross distortion of statements, blind reliance on fallible polygraphs, and calculated smear campaigns for political purposes are not worthy of this country's inves- tigative apparatus, nor its congres- sional supporters. May I suggest an old-fashioned American remedy? Find those who really did leak the information - and who are still doing so now. CHARLES E. WATERMAN Reston, Va. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/13: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707040002-3