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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 13, 2010
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Publication Date: 
January 15, 1985
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Approved For Release 2010/08/13: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707150093-1 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS .^T!CLE APPEARED A 15 January 1985 G.. PA;"E C' falsified data helped lose j, 3 V that "a massive` falsification of _' ?L At_-' Deception,"-which aired Jan. 23;1981, Manhattan"Federal.-Court trial-of .: a Y : $120 million libel .suit brought b The documen that h maicommanded retired' Y Wessmoreland .who dGen .William. Westmoreland against CBS-and-the-producers of a... ad s m vie am rom o documentary about the Vietnam a in a cti ee it m o War. on ante IQence ect.n,ar?c Adams, one of three individual e? ene ~s strewn th. Adams and defendants in the suit, was largely-: of as ysts had insisted that the responsible_ for ,launching e ^.Pstrength was about 500,000. - In documentary project, which accused response to questions from-CB t Westmoreland of having, participated. if --thee hiy highher Boles, reams said that 1 in a conspiracy to suppress. the true accepted figures had been I strength of the enemy by Westmoreland, the U.S. in Vietnam for -would have had to change its policy; political reasons. Adams-was a paid in Vietnam prior to, the 1968 enemy consultant. for the documentary pro- -:Tet.offensive. He said the President ject and was also an on-camera ;' and others would have been faced source for the allegations of an in- ` with either "brines telligence conspiracy.:" P Bing up the reserv% "We in intelii ence tried to fool or pulling out." the Z`-on- ss tie erican a ADAMS SAID Westmoreland may an m art a ndon Johnson have .unposed the ceiling because of- ad min~stra ion ams test e'ed "Political pressure" from Washington esterda as a defense witness. "And to show that the enemy was being we en up, in oo mg our- reduced by the massive American. selves. ..That in part explained why effort. The higher intelligence stabs. we lost that war." tics would have demonstrated that - ADAMS FORCEFULLY su a cosy u up and loss o Amer- ADAMS scan lives had not shrunk portedth ene_m - the accuracy of the broadcast the documen had and said "it demonstrated how to $ as tics Poll .~+aams added at he was " could . affect military u~l disturbed" partfi. intelligence." Y that while U.S. offi- He said he was "proud" of his cials were "playing numbers," Amer: association with the documentary scan soldiers "were getting shot and "The Uncounted Ene , kids were stepping on booby traps my, a Vietnam -fighting that war." Approved For Release 2010/08/13: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707150093-1