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January 8, 1985
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Approved For Release 2010/08/13: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707150109-3 APP'l.E FPPEARED ON PAPE- A "lo WASHINGTON POST 8 January 1985 CBS Producer Reported By Eleanor Randolph Waahia`tm Past staff writer NEW YORK,, Jana 7-The film editor for the CBS documentary at issue in retired general William C. Westmoreland's $120 million libel' suit said today that he had warned' CBS producer. George Crile before' the broadcast.that Crile was jeop= ardizing the project and "destroy ng final Ira Klein, -Westmoreland's witness as the trial entered its 13thYweek, also'said that Crile'and oth-4 era at the network refused to heed his' warnings about .flaws , he .be-' lieved were developing in the show, which was aired Jan.23, 1982, Klein testified- that. one "CBS of- ficial said "don't get involved" when complained that Crile's thesis ,Klein for the show, entitled "The Un-, counted Enemy. A Vietnam Decep= tion," was not supported by the- transcripts of interviews conducted for the documentary. Klein also said be was rebuffed when he told Crile that the film's credibility would be strained "by not permitting Gen. Westmoreland, to have time to present his point of view.". .. "Did Mr. Cril e say anything in response to that?" Westmoreland J lawyer Dan M. Burt asked. "Yes," Klein-said. "Mr Crile told.' me he was,deciding .what; .was, ac= curate and what was true and.w'hat b':. wasn't." ~ r ?." ,: a+s'vi-'' -examination, CIn cross BS.attor ney David Boies tried to : attack } Klein's credibility, by demonstrating .,j that the two men had a personality-, conflict,' citing 'an interview',Kleir%d ' . ? , gave after the broadcast.'.,' Klein acknowledged that he had; :'told author-': Don Kowet that Crdle ' was ' a social: peivert, and said that by the -end';of -,their. working -rely- 1 tionship on the' -show, "l couldn't?: him.", stand to "at "Did you tell this reporter that `j Mr. Crile was 'devious and slimy?' " i Boies asked at one point.. "Yes," Klein said firmly, "and I believe that to be so:' Boies.also attempted to prove to the jury that Klein was merely a tecbnician, who: Was not familiar [?. with many of the documents ' that the, "CBS . Reports" team used in :preparing the show The.program alleged that West-' ;inoreland participated in a "conspir acy'' of -top: military intelligence of- enemy, troop figures to .maintain support for theVietnam'war. ., Klein made~'it clear that he be- Iieved,that,many ;of,Crile's methods were unethical and not up to CBS' x journalistic standards. ;T.A' free-lance;,"employe for . CBS -: from 1978 to'1982, Klein. had his' strongest moment on the stand when he `described his role as a sound technician during a'screening' of the-show for Van Gordon Sauter, _~ anew president of CBS News. At the screening, Klein testified, -C rile wanted to- cut short a state- t"nient that Westmoreland made-on { an NBC "Meet the Press" program;: in 1967 because the end of the quo- tation seemed to contradict what Westmoreland had 'said in his inter-, view with Mike Wallace. Klein, who was working' the sound system for the screening, testified that Crile had told him that he would signal the moment to cut off the statement by standing up in. the back of the room and signaling with -a downward motion of his hand. "And did he do that?" Westmore- land lawyer Burt asked.. "Yes, he did," Klein said. Klein,' 'who is now working as a A Me-lance film editor for the Corr fi ration- for Entertainment. and earning .,an independent television production firm, said that `.Samuel /"T.` Adams. ,a former Central Intelli- '''genre Agency analyst who-is a co,, 'defendant, had told him that West- joreland's intelligence chief for part of the period in question was "healthy as a clam." and not serious_ ly ill, as Adams and Crile had pre- vious believed. ,After one. session with rile and Adams, Klein said he told Crile, "You realize' that Mr. Adams seems obsessed." Klein tes- tified that Crile had said he knew.! that and later told Klein not to allow' Adams in the film editing room. 11, Klein also testified that after the broadcast had aired;~,Adams came, into his editing` room Viand told' me', . that 'Y-11M " have to ' come"d ean,: we,, have, to-,make' Xt tbite ment, the;.-, premise of the-show lstinaccu ate." ' "I looked at Sam and said, 'It's-a little bit late, and Mi Adams said to me 'that be `was telling George [Crile] all along that LBJ [President Lyndon B. Johnson] had t'o know." Speaking with ' reporters' outside:'. the courtroom, Adams denied that he had said "exactly`that"'t6.Klein; : but he said Klein's `testimony was 1 "probably an extrapolation of my, I view that probably somebody high= i er up" than stino'eTarend i iiew 'about the suppressed ;-intelligence ? figures. "But we didn't have the goods on anybody else." CBS will begin, presenting its- case on Tuesday. .:, Special correspondent John Kennedy contributed to this report _, _.. ea.a tri: .' 1 Approved For Release 2010/08/13: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707150109-3