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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-00610R000100090011-6.pdf67.8 KB
Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100090011-6 J 12M, 1'94? The ?arable ter Masco U. S. Soruse of -AepzosenL::tiaes 1,106 low Souse Office Building Waahingtonp 25, D. C. 0 dear Cmpt9aaaean. I naaooe I bave diuuseed with Admiral. -il k3aetter the alter- native provisions rgaarding the position of f i eetor of data'--i> at as cote*pla.t.d in the tmifiaaticrn biU. It is felt that the first proposal# vhieh provides o W4 for a civilian Director, would be unf+ rtxa ate, for reasons set forth below. The ****ad altersaativ* provides that. the first Dip xr any be a ainted froa the armed eersiaas,, but that subsequent Directors shall be appointed from civilian life. As in the first pos this app to p1 o. as =fort=s&t* r.striatian u the Pre eidential Wirers of Appointmet,. The President Mould be allow" to a eareiae his d3seretion in appointing the beat available Director, ,tbsr f`r a civilian or mt1tt r7 life, da upon the teaa tir~rts of peracamol available at the tine of .a;oint et. The necessity of mats confirmation of the Director w d. ejtlfat* the posaibWty of a poor selectionj and t ?a ate is its discretion would probably reject ap tees t`raa the ar=W services if they w@r*, sosttmral,ly rotated for short tours of -tutyo if at sme time is the future, we were A=ged into another warp the w>st qualified appointee might xeu be a reserve officer who bad entered an active duW from civilian life. The px"opos*i res- triction would prs' nt his ap aointa nt kr the Payee ideent. Snob a limitation would have prevented the appointment of the Director of the O fisr of 3trat gic Meretsss during the Peat warp The third alternative provides that the first Dir ear say be appoint" i , o civilian or ailitary li tap but naakeee no pxovisiom for the appointment. of any eubeequent Director* If this aaiternativae is adopted, this detect saber be corrected. Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100090011-6