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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 STAT Military Intelligence Rebuilt Says DIA Director Williams "The U.S. Intelligence Community today has the confidence and enjoys the full support of the present administration," Lt. Gen. James A. Williams, USA, told the AFIO spring luncheon on April 12th. A major factor, the DIA Director said, has been the valuable historical perspective DCI William J. Casey brings to his management of the Community. "Thanks in large measure to his efforts, DIA now has an excel- lent day to day working relationship with its intelligence organization counterparts. Senior leadership has never been more cohesive." LG Williams noted. DIA, he said, has increased significantly the visibil- ity, objectivity and utility of military intelligence esti- mates at all levels of government, especially for Con- gress. In addition, the DCI has tasked DIA with more such estimates because of a desire to exploit the exper- tise there. "He wants a product that is not pasteurized, homogenized or footnoted to death." Within DoD, the unified substantive effort carried out by DIA plays an integral role in providing the threat estimates and valida- tion to support acquisition of U.S. weapon systems, he added. LG Williams recalled the beginnings of DIA, in 1961, when a small contingent of officers and civilians moved into a few hundred feet of borrowed floor space in the Pentagon. Today, its personnel work in four Washington-area locations and at over ninety attache and liaison offices abroad. Phased development of the Agency since that time has seen an amalgamation of service operational intelli- gence support, creation of a consolidated and uniform scientific intelligence production program and consoli- dation of Defense intelligence training and career devel- opment. The result, he said, is that today's military intelligence products far exceed in quality, timeliness and depth that which was provided previously. Duplica- tion has been reduced and broad geographical and func- tional expertise developed. In the process, LG Williams said, "The spirit of competitive analysis is continually encouraged so that U.S. policymakers are able to con- sider fully diverse points of view." Another benefit stemming from the creation of DIA is the Defense Attache System. Since 1965, when DIA became the single focal point on all attache matters, chiefs of mission now have access to a single point of Lt. Gen. James A. Williams Director of DIA contact on attache military matters. This has had the result, he said, of a quantum increase in coverage and quality reporting. In the scientific and technical intelligence area, LG Williams noted, there has been a DoD-wide integration of requirements, resource allocations and tasking res- ponsibilities in the production of finished intelligence on foreign weapons systems. Since 1977, DIA analysts staff the National Military Intelligence Center, the nation's primary alert center for indications and warning of impending crises. Located in the Pentagon next to the National Military Command Center, the DIA unit produces all source current military intelligence for worldwide distribution and produce and disseminate terrorist threat warnings. Serving the Intel- ligence Center is DIA's Collection Coordination Facility which facilitates the coordination and tasking of various imagery, signals, radar and human collection resources. In the fiscal and resource area, LG Williams said, the Director, DIA, serves as program manager of the General Defense Intelligence Program. This gives DoD a central planning and management capability to review intelligence objectives and priorities in terms of eco- nomic feasibility, costs, risks and benefits. Thus, he added, "An assessment can now be made of the relative Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 DIA Director (continued from page 1) contribution the various intelligence disciplines can make toward achieving specific objectives and ensure that, within fiscal restraints, equitable distribution of intelli- gence resources to the military departments is effected." During President Reagan's first term, he said, the Intelligence Community has experienced a rebuilding of many of the capabilities lost in the 1970's. New collec- tion systems have been authorized by Congress and the budget has enjoyed a rapid growth. An example of this, said LG Williams, is the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center, at Bolling AFB. Dedicated last year, the Center "'symbolizes a new DIA," bringing together in one modern, highly efficient facility, DIA's basic research personnel, its scientific and technical experts and those who develop defense intelligence estimates. The building also fea- tures a crisis support center to produce timely intelli- gence support both to the national level at Washington and to the operational commander in the field. The Defense Intelligence College, accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, offers the nation's only master's degree in strategic intelligence, and is the focal point of all DoD general intelligence training and education. Course curriculums range from management to space. DIA is also searching for solutions. "It does little good, for example, to design a new collection resource to dump volumes of information via a real time data link to a mobile ground station if the information then has to be laboriously hand-plotted on a map for the tactical commander." The long-term search for solutions cen- ters on an early 1990's timeframe, and addresses not only communications hardware shortfalls, but also pro- cedural, policy and organizational issues and the flow of intelligence to operational users. Other priorities include active support of the new national narcotics border interdiction system, around the clock monitoring of terrorist-related activities world- wide and the continuing and exhaustive search for POW/MIAs in Southeast Asia. Through all this, the Soviet Union remains the greatest threat to world peace. To meet this challenge, DIA has initiated new efforts to address the subject of treaty non-compliance, space, chemical and biological warfare and technology transfer. Looking beyond the-1980s, LG Williams sees a sus- tained transformation of DIA into a strong competitive center of analysis within the Intelligence Community. It will be reaching out to even larger audiences as a result of advances in high technology. For example, through closed circuit television Defense Attaches will be provid- ing on-the-spot analytical coverage of crises and com- mands will be contributing live commentary on daily events within their theaters. Finished intelligence will be distributed on a near realtime basis, and fifth genera- tion computers will see the beginnings of semi-auto- mated intelligence analysis. Artificial intelligence will be used to monitor reports, read books and newspapers, draw information from other data bases, and widen the DIA analyst's working capabilities. The future will see more broad-brush intelligence for national-level consumers and even greater detailed intelligence to operational force commanders, both in a near realtime environment. "We will be able to deliver it to the Secretary of Defense at his desktop or in his car," the DIA Director said. We in AFIO are saddened by the passing of Derek A. Lee on April 11, 1985. He had served with OSS from 1943 until 1946 and he had been an AFIO Life Member since 1976. He founded, and was the first President of the Greater New York Chapter and served as a member of AFIO Board of Directors from 1978 through 1984. He was devoted to the goals of AFIO. The family suggests, for those members wishing to make a memorial contri- bution, The Apprenticeship, Rockport, Maine 04856. Please make the following changes in your Directory on pages 103-104, AFIO CHAP- TERS WITH THEIR ADDRESSES: ARIZONA Col Robert A. Nugent, USAF(Ret.) Secretary/Treasurer 4191 Ave. de Montezuma Tucson, AZ 85749 (602) 749-2687 COLORADO Mr. Charles D. Rockhill, Jr. Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 9886 Colorado Spring, CO 80932 (303) 632-5120 FLORIDA Suncoast Chapter Tel: (813) 251-4404 NEW MEXICO Mr. Thomas J. Smith President 12711 Hugh Graham Rd., NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505) 293-3676 OHIO Mr. L. Fred Lewton Vice President 28131 Coolidge Drive Euclid, OH 44132 (216) 731-2463 TEXAS Lone Star Chapter Maj Joel E. Siskovic, USAF Vice President 6401 Cairo Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 (512) 681-9673 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 NOTES FROM NATIONAL Taking a leaf from the politician's notebook, the Executive Director went to visit the three Florida chap- ters to find out what they thought would be the best plans for the 1986 location with good highways for the Floridians and plenty of airlines to choose the best fare possibilities. The recommendation that September was too hot was unanimous and we were able to set the date for October 17 and 18, 1986. While there are many inter- esting attractions in the Orlando area, we have to assume that most of the people who live in Florida will have visited them at their own convenience. However, the hotel has agreed to give convention attendees the special room rates for five days before and five days after the convention. As soon as you think of Orlando, Disney World comes to mind and, without a doubt, Epcot Center is a must place to visit if you have not been there recently. There are additional interesting things in the area such as Sea World and the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral for visits. We would also consider the possibility of an AFIO golf day either before or after the convention if there is enough interest. There appears to be a group rate with a discount if there are 40 players signed up. The most important thing about the convention being held in Orlando is to have as many possible of the 350 AFIO members in Florida attend the Convention. The chapters have done quite well with their getting speakers of interest and using military clubs for their meetings, but as with all who try to schedule programs, the availability of good speakers is very limited. National will try very hard to make the agenda interesting. We were certainly disappointed about the Naples Symposium having to be cancelled this year but the sponsors have agreed to resume the Symposium next year with the date set for May 5, 1986, in Naples, Florida. Probably the question asked most frequently by AFIO members is, "When is the next pamphlet coming off the presses?" Unfortunately, we do not have any in pipeline at this time and we would welcome any mono- graphs which members may care to submit. It should be understood that each author is responsible for getting the necessary security clearance, if required. AFIO is interested in pieces which relate to the intelligence pro- fession and are approximately 10,000 words. They should also be topics which are suitable for use in col- lege seminars. We are pleased with our new IBM PC equipment in the National Office and Gretchen Campbell has offered to prepare address labels for chapter mailings, if you will send a list of the ZIP codes included in your chapter area. This new equipment prints the labels for the entire AFIO mailing list in 90 minutes. It is our feeling that this service might help the chapter get the mailings prepared easier. We do not think it advisable to try to mail the notices from National since our third class mailing per- mit requires a minimum of two hundred pieces per mail- ing. In that connection we have had reports from some members that the Periscope takes as long as three weeks to be delivered, which is beyond our control. If chapters are interested in selling the AFIO pins to raise money for the chapter treasury, we will make them available to the chapters at cost. The response of members who converted to life membership has been encouraging. We would like to remind each regular member that the dues for AFIO are tax deductible and if a member wishes to make install- ment payments toward the $250 total, this method is acceptable so long as the full amount ($250) is paid within 12 months. We would like to have members tell us if they are willing to give talks to civic groups or schools and what topics they would like to discuss. It would be useful for the chapters to have such a list and we would also like to have such a list in National. We do get many inquiries from the media from all over the country and we would appreciate being able to suggest a local person for an interview if we have the information. To take a phrase from the old radio shows, please keep your cards and letters coming, because that is how your organization can grow the way you, the members, want it. -John K. Greaney Donations The following members have generously contributed an amount equal to or exceeding one year's annual dues. CAPT Albert Benjamin, USNR(Ret.) Charlottesville, VA Mr. Henry L. Berman is Audubon, PA Mr. John W. Bussman Woodbridge, CT Lt Col Louis W. Cunningham, USAF(Ret.) Suttons Bay, MI Mr. Mike S. Gonakis Euclid, OH Mr. H. Gates Lloyd Haverford, PA Mr. Newton S. Miler Placitas, NM Mr. Robert R. Musselwhite Holly Hill, FL Mr. Michie F. Tilley Greenville, TX Mark Flag Day on Calendar The Summer meeting of AFIO will be held on AFB Officers' at the Bollin June 14th Da Fla g , y, g Club. ft ft Dr. Albert D. Wheelon, PFIAB-guest speaker Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 On the Intelligence Bookshelf ... Current books of interest to intelligence buffs and watchers of the world scene. All reviews are by AFIO members except when otherwise noted. The Enemy, It Appears, Is Us The Techno Bandits by Linda Melvern, David Hebditch and Nick Arming. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984. $15.95. This is an important and certainly controversial book. It is tour de force of the Russian and Communist bloc pirating U.S. and European advanced technology. The authors are British, with experience and talents in investiga- tive reporting and computer systems. As such, they speak with con- siderable and unbiased authority on the root causes of the draining of secret hi tech data and equipment to the East and, most importantly, examine dispassionately the bureaucratic weaknesses which con- tinue to permit such loss. The topic of technological theft from the United States has been highlighted in the media for some time, with most such reports fin- gering the KGB as the active thief. This book proves this is not exactly so and that the KGB has been content to orchestrate its campaign quite nicely through third country businessmen whose primary con- cern is to "make a buck." Moscow offers a very sweet deal indeed for those who wish to take the time and risk to buy and export hi tech commodities that are banned by the U.S. for export to the Communist bloc. The book itself is quite well written, although at times its great emphasis on research in the field and its almost stultifying account of the U.S. Government's internal feuding may tempt one to skip a few pages. Nonetheless, the anecdotal approach of the authors makes for fascintating, if unhappy, reading. The most successful and infamous technobandits are profiled and their successes described. Yet, when apprehended such people are either set free on technicalities or, at worst, serve only a few years in prison. The rewards offered by the Soviets are evidently so great and the sentences of those appre- hended so minor, as to make the systematic theft of vital hi tech information and equipment worth the risk. One is reminded of the current emphasis on combatting the drug trade and the relatively minor sentences handed out by local courts to those who have been proven to be involved. This book documents the fact, little understood by the American public, that it is the Soviet's clever use of third world and American businessmen that provides such technological rewards. It is not the KGB or even the GRU, operating legally or illegally; it is our own gullible, or hungry, or simply amoral businessman, who works closely with an ostensibly clean foreign source to provide whatever he can. However, the most important and well documented portion of this book deals not with the mostly successful activities of the Soviets, but with the abysmal muddle that our own government has managed to contrive for itself in terms of policing and preventing such damaging activities. The basic problem appears to be two-fold, one of which is that the division of responsibilty for monitoring and prevent- ing such Soviet actions is divided between two U.S. government entities, the Customs Service and the Department of Commerce. The two have never been able to sort out their respective responsibilities and the Commerce Department (which, unlike Customs, lacks the power of arrest) is shown to have been defending its turf vigorously in what is rightly perceives as a '"growth industry." The book goes into so much detail about the ensuing bureau- cratic battle that it sometimes becomes too much for the reader to follow. It establishes clearly that the absence of cooperation and coordination between these two federal agencies has harmed our overall effort in controlling Soviet efforts to steal our sensitive tech- nology and equipment. The open warfare between Customs and Commerce detailed in this book makes for unhappy reading. Com- merce, it seems, considers itself the keeper of The Final Word on what can and cannot be exported to the Bloc. Customs is in the business of actually stopping such exports and arresting the techno- bandits responsible. The Commerce Department is viewed as a self- protective and hidebound old-line department that perceives Customs as an interloper which often fails to document its actions with the requisite quantity of memoranda and justifications. One must also accept the sad fact that Commerce considers itself a spokesman for business first, and the U S. Government second. It is there to promote exports and predisposed, one suspects, to favor the poor, downtrod- den hi tech firm anxious to make a quick buck. The second and most immediate problem is the continuing dis- agreement between all concerned branches of the government as to exactly what technology is to be denied. It is reported that several departments, including the DoD and Commerce, have their own massive lists, described as containing literally thousands of items many of which can be obtained from our allies without sanction or which have long since been passed in some manner to the Soviets. There is a clear need to rationalize this list. Overall, the message of Techno Bandits can be summed up by the amusing paraphrase of Admiral Perry's dispatch, "We have met the enemy and he is us." During his address to the November 1984 meeting of the New England Chapter of AFIO, General Eugene Tighe was asked his opin- ion as to how best to combat the continuing successes of the techno- bandits. He replied that the first order of business was for the government to decide exactly what it wished to deny the Soviets by checking to see what they already possess and what is easily avail- able from our allies in equivalent technology. Only when the present list of proscribed items (described by some as exceeding the length of the New York City telephone directory) is reviewed and reduced can a rational start be made in tackling this urgent problem. General Tighe's remarks were made in the context of a question as to whether he advocated placing the problem with the U.S. intelligence commun- ity. He indicated in his response that the answer to such a question would first depend on cleaning our own house and cutting down the present, massive list of banned items. The authors make a persuasive case in favor of bureaucratic change and streamlining. When faced with a similar problem some years ago, the U.S. Government created the Drug Enforcement Administration. Clearly, some such solution is required in this case. To continue to permit the Commerce Department to have a role in combatting the leakage of sensitive technology to the East is analo- gous to making the Department of Interior the senior partner to the FBI in domestic counterintelligence. Read this book even though it will leave you both angry and frustrated. [Michael F. Speers is co-publisher, with British author Nigel West, of the forthcoming Intelligence Quarterly to be published simultane- ously in Britain and the U.S. He is president of the New England Chapter of AFIO. ] A Yarn of Defectors, Spies and Diplomats Geneva Accord by John T. Whitman. New York Crown Publishers, 1985. $14.95 Our fellow AFIO member, John Whitman, has written a good intelligence novel, Geneva Accord, at just about the right time. Former DCI Richard Helms says of it, in the dust jacket blurb, "It is a good yarn, with an intriguing mix of espionage and U.S.-Soviet confrontation." This reviewer, no admirer of most spy fiction, agrees. Whitman brings some impressive credentials to the writing of this book. His thirty year career in CIA was marked by a steady ascendency up the seniority ladder of analysis of Soviet policy. Perhaps more important for this novel were the two years he spent, 1977-79, as the CIA representative at the SALT talks in Geneva. That the author absorbed well the events of those two years is endorsed (again in a jacket blurb) by Paul Warnke, former chairman of the U.S. SALT dele- gation. Warnke writes: "I can attest to its faithfulness in describing the substance and the personal interactions of arms control negotiations." And how lucky could Whitman be in bringing out his book in January 1985, a few weeks before the Americans and the Soviets planned to sit down for another go at it in Geneva? Maybe we should send copies to the delegates. The hero of this novel is a CIA Soviet analyst named George Inigo who is rushed to Geneva to replace his murdered predecessor there. (You'll have to read the book to find out whodunit). Dead bodies can be lively. Only the other day, this reviewer ran into an old colleague who happily announced that he was the predecessor who had been mur- (continued on page 5) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Dr. Alvin Buckelew, has been selected to receive the George Washington Freedom Foundation Medal for his publication, "The Reality of Terrorism." He also was a featured speaker on terrorism at a session of the Model United Nations held in January at San Francisco, and moderated a February seminar, "Spies and Spying," sponsored by UCLA extension. Other AFIO members speaking at the seminar were Joe Wilson Elliott and G. Wallace Driver. Douglas Blaufarb, James Murray Henry, William Hood, William R. Johnson, John F. Blake, and David Atlee Phillips have agreed to serve on the editorial board of the forthcoming International Journal of Intelli- gence and Counterintelligence. For more information on the journal, write IJIC, P.O. Box 183, Stroudsburg, PA 18390. The Operation Friendship Foundation (600 deKalb Pike, P.O. Box 326, King of Prussia, PA. 19406) will sponsor a "Symposium of Unsung Heroes" at Luxem- bourg City, Luxembourg, August 11-18, to unite mem- bers of WWII resistance and underground organizations, British SOE and OSS. The Alamo Scouts Association will meet at Ann Arbor, MI., June 13-15. For further information contact Mayo Stutz (703) 938-8176 or Col. Robert S. Sumner (USA-Ret) (813) 876-4667. The Alamo Scouts organi- zation was formed in the Pacific Theater during WWII after OSS was excluded from intelligence operations there. Intelligence Bookshelf (continued from page 4) dered in the first chapter of Whitman's book! (This is not a clue.) Despite the novel's unusual printed disclaimer that "Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental," old hands will probably be unable to resist match-ups. It won't get you very far. Inigo's life in Geneva is quickly complicated by his falling for an East German lady scientist, which allows for the usual threads and beds to be woven into the story. Then a member of the Soviet delega- tion offers to become a defector-in-place and supply Inigo with the Soviet fall-back positions on the negotiations. This puts Inigo smack into the middle of intelligence operations, for which he is not equipped. The operations are so secret that Inigo can communicate them only to the DCI. Eventually, the latter tells the President, who then tells the NSC, which tells .. The operation leaks to the press. This tends to both complicate and help the plot. Somehow, Inigo comes through with reasonably flying colors, despite some nasty brushes with CIA counterintelligence types who not untypically are concerned with security, moles and CIA employees who sleep with East German scientists and are in contact with members of the Soviet delegation. This reviewer always divides spy fiction into two categories. Either the book is carried primarily by one's interest in the characters, or it is the plot that makes it go. Geneva Accord falls into the latter category. In this volume, one eagerly waits to turn to the next page to find out what is going to happen-the sign of a good novel of this genre. The author's knowledge and the use of the background against which the story is written, in its descriptions of the SALT negotiating sessions and the informal get-togethers among the participants, makes for a good deal more realism than in many other first novels in this field. It is a good read. [Walter L. Pforzheimer, the dean of intelligence bibliophiles, seldom has a kind word for intelligence fiction and those who write or read it. I Michael F. Speers is the U.S. editor of the Intelli- gence Quarterly, a newsletter which begins publication in April. Emphasizing the international aspects of the publication, British author Nigel West will serve as the Commonwealth editor. Included in the first issue are excerpts from David Atlee Phillips' new book and arti- cles by James Bamford and Prof. Douglas L. Wheeler. For further information write: Intelligence Quarterly, P.O. Box 232, Weston, VT. 05161. John Patrick Quirk has embarked on a new pub- lishing venture, Foreign Intelligence Press, which will feature books on the intelligence profession. An illus- trated book on CIA is slated to be the first of a series on international intelligence organizations. Special empha- sis will be placed on books for young people and text- books at the high school and university level. For more information write: Foreign Intelligence Press, 42 Boston Post Road, Guildford, CT 06437. Thomas N. Moon advises that his book, "The Deadliest Colonel," about Col. Carl F. Eifler of OSS has been scripted and budgeted for a Hollywood production. Copies of the book are still available from P.O. Box 1831, Garden Grove, CA 92642. David Atlee Phillips is writing a commemorative article about Richard Welch, to be published in December on the 10th anniversary of Welch's assassination. Pro- ceeds from the article are earmarked for the Richard S. Welch Memorial Fund at Harvard. Members who have unclassified anecdotes or reminiscences about Welch are urged to contact Phillips, P.O. Box 17320, Bethesda, MD. 20817. Phillips would also welcome hearing from AFIO members of any anecdotes dealing with DCI rela- tionships with U.S. Presidents and Secretaries of State or which clarify DCI stance on covert action. He will use the material in a book-in-progress, "Company Directors and Covert Action." AFIO has received an inquiry from 1st Lt. Donald J. D. Mulkerne (AUS-Ret) seeking to contact the military intelligence personnel who interrogated three Germans he captured at Pon-A-Mousson about September 13- 18, 1944. As Mulkerne recalls the incident, he was returning with the prisoners and met at least six officers presumed to be MI, who began immediate interrogation of the Germans. He can be cohtacted at 79 Jordan Blvd., Delmar, NY 12054. Members with OSS experience are being sought to contribute articles to a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary History. For further information, contact David Leland Thomas, 10206 Frederick Avenue, Ken- sington, MD. 20895. The widow of a former CIA officer, Yoshio Joseph Kiyonaga, has written "Remembrances of a CIA Wife," which appears in the March issue of Washingtonian magazine. According to Bina Kiyonaga, "At the start of each school year, Joe's office would categorize our children's classmates, listing their parents' jobs, political affiliations, family connections, club memberships, as well as any known weaknesses. Then Joe would deter- mine possible targets and suggest that his children get to know certain schoolmates well." She doesn't indicate whether the children were expected to recruit their classmates. Hollywood is said to be interested in the story. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 AFIO Chapter Activities Arizona Chapter. The chapter met February 9th at the Thunder Mountain Inn in Sierra Vista. At the lunch- eon meeting, the twenty-four members were joined by eighteen guests. Among them were Major General and Mrs. Thomas Weinstein, Don Perry of the San Diego chapter and Lt. Col. Rudolph Levy (Ret). General Wein- stein, who is commandant of the U.S. Army Intelligence Training Center, spoke on the mission of the school and extended an invitation to tour the facility. Lt. Col. Levy, who has had extensive experience with worldwide terrorism, presented a very timely and poignant talk on international terrorism and political violence. The chapter slated its next meeting for Yuma on April 13th. California San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. The chapter's January meeting, was held at the Marines' Memorial. The meeting was called to order by chapter president Roger McCarthy, and following the pledge of allegiance, vice president (programs) Ed Rudka offered, in Chinese, toasts of friendship, health and prosperity to honored guests Tang Shubei, Consul General of the People's Republic of China, Liang Wenfend, wife of the consul, Vice Consul Yan Xiaoming and Xie Dongna, wife of the vice consul. The invocation preceding the dinner was offered by the Rev. Ward McCabe. Al Bukelew then presided over the election of off ic- ers for 1985. Elected were Roger McCarthy, president; Ed Rudka, vice president (programs); Tom Dickson, vice president (membership); Jim Quesada, treasurer; Sue Davis, secretary; and Harold Christensen, Janet Aitken and Ricco Alcantar, executive board. Ed Rudka introduced guest speaker Tang Shubei, Consul General of the PRC. In his prepared remarks the Consul offered statistics on his country's imports and exports and the direction of Sino-US trade. He character- ized 1984 as a "successful year," citing President Rea- gan's visit to the PRC and Premier Zhao's visit to the U.S. The increasing number of visas issued between the two countries and an unprecedented number of PRC students studying on American campuses were also mentioned as signs of improving relations. The Consul General talked of the PRC's need to set up new enter- prises, to update old ones, and to exploit energy re- sources. He indicated that his country has opened its door to world trade and will never close it again. He noted that the PRC is seeking relations with all coun- tries, industrialized and Third World. In this he brought out that Taiwan is the key problem in Sino-US relations, mentioning that there are many families seeking a peaceful settlement through "reunification." The meeting adjourned after an informal question and answer session and the final benediction by Father McCabe. The February meeting at the Marines' Memorial featured John A. Kirkpatrick, metropolitan editor of the San Francisco Examiner, speaking on "The Tyranny of the Press." Kirkpatrick addressed issues of credibility of the press, pointing out that newspapers unfortunately have been lumped into the term "media" alongside television news. He charged that TV news has become entertain- ment based on huge profits and that this has generated a style of reporting quite different from the quality of journalism exemplified by the New York Times (one of the speaker's "favorite" newspapers). He stated that the press hides behind the First Amendment as readily as the military invokes "national security" to cover embar- rassments. Yet, the "dictatorial reign" of newspapers has ended, and many publications which did not learn this have ceased to exist. The Examiner accepts this and is trying to change. Mr. Kirkpatrick characterized his newspaper as the only newspaper in the Bay Area with a conscience, citing its coverage of the Oakland drug wars. Regarding the Examiner's Washington bureau, the speaker pointed out that it takes a great deal of time, money and energy to learn what is going on in D.C., and that one young reporter simply cannot step into such a task. The Examiner's Washington bureau is very small and was contrasted with the New York Times' bureau which hires many specialists, e.g. lawyers to report solely on the Supreme Court. Mr. Kirkpatrick concluded that newspapers must stand on their own, apart from TV, and must hire experts who are schooled in subjects they are reporting on, especially when writing news analyses. In that way, he said, the press may regain its credibilty with the public. Kirkpatrick concluded the evening by answering some ticklish questions from the floor. San Diego Chapter. Fifty members and guests at the chapter's February meeting heard Lt. Joe Riordan describe his role as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Coast Guard and as southwest border regional liaison for the Presidential Task Force on Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement. An ex-California Highway Patrol officer, Riordan showed slides depicting drug trafficking routes, methods of packaging, Coast Guard boarding activities at sea, and other aspects of the effort. He noted that U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force reconnaissance assists the Coast Guard in tracking suspect ships and aircraft. Other assistance comes from the principal suppliers of foreign narcotic intelligence: the Treasury Department, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Department of Transportation and the National Security Agency. According to Riordan, much drug traffic originates from the jungle west coast of Columbia where it is easy to hide ships in bays and inlets which dot the rugged coast and along rivers. That part of Columbia is con- trolled by rebel factions, not the government, he noted. The smuggling vessels can be anything from an old U.S. presidential yacht like the recently impounded Potomac to ocean-going freighters. Often they are older vessels that can no longer compete for legitimate cargo. One particular tip-off of a drug carrier, he said, is a small or old "chamber pot" bristling with radio and multiple navi- gational system antennas. Some of them may have $100,000 worth of such equipment, he added. According to Riordan, Atlantic and Gulf Coast pas- sages are easier for the Coast Guard to interdict; the West Coast is the most difficult. (For the West Coast, the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 closest "choke point" in Hawaii.) Interestingly, he observed that the origin of marijuana can usually be determined by how it is packaged. Smugglers often hit San Diego harbor on Saturdays when about 8,000 berth- ings might take place, with the drug merchants often joining the "beer can races" in an effort to appear legit- imate. Many smugglers in the Gulf of Mexico, he said, now are resisting interdiction and a Coast Guard cutter was recently rammed by one of them. Generally, Rior- dan said, a Coast Guard cutter will inspect from 30 to 60 ships during a 30-day patrol, adding that it is not unus- ual to tail a ship by sea and air for weeks. In stopping uncooperative ships on the high seas, the Coast Guard will first attempt to foul the smuggler's screws with cargo nets or pour water down the smoke stack. If that doesn't work, the cutter will obtain permission from the Commandant to shoot. Once approval is gained, it will warn the smuggler in two languages that the cutter is going to shoot at the rudder and engine room, then lob a round across the renegade's bow. The speaker noted that cocaine is much more diffi- cult to locate in ship searches than is marijuana. The average cocaine cargo is only about 100 pounds. As a result the anti-cocaine effort requires intelligence infor- mation in addition to exacting searches. The route the narcotic shipments take is sometimes bizzare, Riordan noted. Sometimes the narcotics come into San Diego by ship, then are flown by plane to Canada, then brought back elsewhere on the West Coast by ship or other means. Some smuggling vessels have off-loaded their deadly cargo with swimmers or one-man submersibles, he noted. The speaker at the chapter's March meeting was Major Keith D. Young (USAF-Ret). The Australian-born Young served in intelligence for over thirty years. He served with the British Purchasing Commission, 1940- 42, before entering the Army. Assigned to intelligence, the adventurous Aussie served with distinction in WWII, and after a break in service returned to serve tours in Korea and Vietnam. He was a key staffer of MAC-V's political warfare advisory directorate and headed up the survival, evasion, resistance and escape section (SERE) of the Seventh Air Force. Young's talk, "The Fourth Degree," focused on cer- tain aspects of interrogation, indoctrination and "unin- doctrination." Satellite Chapter. When Jerry Parr heard gunshots ring out on a Washington, D.C., street nearly four years ago, he shoved President Reagan into a limosine and barked orders for the driver to head to a nearby hospital. Parr, a Secret Service agent, had pushed the President out of the path of all but one of John Hinckley Jr.'s bullets, and although his split-second reflexes may have bruised the President, they also helped save his life. Parr recalled the events vividly before more than 160 members and guests at the chapter's February 8th dinner meeting held at the Patrick AFB Officer's Club. "A big part of it is training. We're trained to turn our bodies toward the noise (of gunfire) and put ourselves between the shots and the President," he said. The Secret Service official stressed the unique aspects of an agent's training: "There is no time to get a Jerry Parr, U.S. Secret Service gun out. Training is the first line of defense." Parr, who now serves as assistant director for protective research, recalled that during his 22-year career with the Secret Service he has headed the White House detail as well as protected political candidates, foreign dignitaries and elected officials. Recalling the Hinckley assassination attempt, Parr noted that "We had Hinckley defeated that day," but only because agent Thomas McCarthy had mastered counter-instinctive behavior well enough to throw himself in front of a bullet. "What he did with his flesh was, he extended that iron (car) door." Parr noted that Hinckley's first three shots had struck law enforce- ment officials. He discussed the paradox of security in an open society, the millions of visitors who tour the White House each year and the uncounted ones halted by metal detectors and arrested for carrying dangerous weapons more out of thoughtlessness than deadly intent. "I think its worth it," he said, "For that reason I chose to live here and not in totalitarian society." Parr also noted the threatening letters that arrive by mail at the White House. Each, he said, has to be inves- tigated meticulously, with a finding that over 90 percent of the traceable threats are made by the mentally ill. Yet, it is the face in the crowd that alerts a Secret Service agent. "I can't prove this, but there's something about a face that sets it apart from the rest. Most of the crowds you work have excited faces, anticipatory faces, but every now and then you'll catch an eye, and they'll see something in yours, and there's this mutual knowl- edge. It's a mystery, this dangerous organism we call man." New England New England Chapter. Mike Speers, president, re- ports the chapter rolls continue to grow at a very gratify- ing pace. Starting last June with a core group of eight, membership now stands at seventy, including two life members. He advises that invitations to the group's next quarterly meeting, at the Hilton Hotel, Merrimack, NH, April 13th, were mailed to all AFIO chapter presidents in hopes those located in the East could attend or pass the invitation along to those members who might be visiting the area at the time. Recognizing its large geographic spread, the chap- ter has appointed a number of key persons for each state. They are: Alan Swenson (Maine), Eric Howes (Massachusetts), Dan Halpin (New Hampshire) and Eleanoar Hoar (Connecticut). Mrs. Hoar recently arranged a successful reception at the Roger Sherman Inn at New Canan, CT., for active, former and potential members. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Twenty, including two guest members of the New York City chapter, attended. Two AFIO members became affil- iated with the chapter and six new members were enrolled. Speers credits Mrs. Hoar with a particularly fine job in organizing the event, which he hopes will be replicated elsewhere in New England. Chapter member Winn Taplin is teaching "The Role of Intelligence in Diplomacy," a full credit course at the University of Vermont. As evidence that the program has been well received, initial planning anticipated 12- 15 students; 40 are now attending. Members of the chapter who have audited the course have come away impressed. And, when Taplin sustained an eye injury recently, members filled in for him with what Speers calls the Speers-Jacobs-Binder-Lawlor "N.E. AFIO dog and pony show." He believes their efforts were rewarded. "We became so involved in answering student ques- tions that we ran half an hour over the allotted three hour period." Subsequently the chapter purchased and donated to the class twenty copies of Dave Phillips' Careers in Secret Operations. New Mexico Members of AFIO resident in New Mexico met at Kirtland AFB on January 19th to discuss forming a state chapter. Adolph Saenz, the organizer of the meeting, wel- comed the members, noted that this was the first step in forming a new chapter, and congratulated the twenty- nine in attendance for supporting the goals of intelli- gence. Named to develop a slate of candidates for election to the new chapter's board of directors were Joe Luna and Sam Papich. Also welcoming those assembled was Lee Echols of AFIO's board of directors and George Wiggins, AFIO's vice president. Wiggins congratulated the group for being the newest chapter to be formed, and encouraged them to seek associate members who, although not veterans of the intelligence profession, support the aims of AFIO. It was then Echol's turn to entertain the audience with a sampling of his great stock of one-liners and humorous stories, a warm-up to his more serious mes- sage. He recalled that the San Diego chapter started with only eighteen members, and now has 150. He urged that the New Mexico chapter seek out those eligi- ble in the Albuquerque area, actively recruit new mem- bers, hold monthly meetings, encourage members to bring their spouses and friends, and exchange minutes and meeting notices with the Arizona chapter to en- courage cross-visits. Echols presented Saenz with an example of approved by-laws for local chapters and referred the group to the articles of incorporation in the AFIO handbook. A month later, February 21, the chapter held its first meeting. Elected as officers were: Thomas J. Smith, president; Adolph B. Saenz, vice president; Leonard E. Sczygiel, secretary; and D. Arthur Byrnes, treasurer. Cleveland Chapter. The chapter will meet on May 24, 1985, with Bill Hood, president of the Greater New York Chapter as guest speaker. For further information contact Fred Lewton, (216) 731-2463. In Memoriam Mr. James K. Arnold Camp Hill, PA Mrs. Virginia G. Blatt Washington, DC Mr. John B. Coyne Brunswick, OH Mr. Henry H. Eldredge St. Petersburg, FL Mr. Derek A. Lee New York, NY Mr. Thomas E. McCormack Woodsboro, MD Mr. James M. McDermott Silver Spring, MD Mr. Anthony J. Sforza South Miami, FL Kicking off the first meeting of the New Mexico Chapter are Tom Smith, Sam Papich, Frank Coffee and Nick Mastrovich PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building, 6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101. Phone(703)790-0320. Officers of AFIO are: Lyman B. Kirkpatrick ..................... President Lloyd George Wiggins ............... Vice President Robert J. Novak ......................... Treasurer Charlotta P. Engrav ...................... Secretary John K. Greaney ................. Executive Director Edward F. Sayle ............... Editor of PERISCOPE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 New Life Members Mr. John Gordon Lanier BARCLAY Calle Santalo 135 Barcelona, SPAIN 0021 Mr. Lonnie M. BARROW One Beach Drive, #1506 St. Petersburg, FL 33701 The Honorable Theodore R. BRITTON, Jr. P.O. Box 23788 Washington, DC 20026 Mrs. Jean FINDLAY Millbank Greenwood, VA 22943 COL Frederick K. HEARN, AUS(Ret.) 2240 Stonewood Court San Pedro, CA 90732 CDR Harvey LAMPSHIRE, USN(Ret.) 2145 N. Quebec Street Arlington, VA 22207 Mr. John D. MacKENZIE, Jr. 2400 N. Taylor Street Arlington, VA 22207 Dr. James A. MATTISON, Jr. 234 San Miguel Avenue Salinas, CA 93901 Mr. Peter L. MERKEL 5001 King Richard Drive Annandale, VA 22003 Mr. John Patrick QUIRK 4 Centre Village Madison, CT 06443 Mr. George W. RAUCH 1415 9th Avenue E. Bradenton, FL 33508 Mr. Robert Ruhl SIMMONS 36 Broad Street Stonington, CT 06378 Mr. Frederick A. VOIGT 5016 25th Street, South Arlington, VA 22206 Mr. Albert W. ZILAITIS 501 North Palm Avenue Indialantic, FL 32903 Legislative Notes Walter L. Pforzheimer It is with a touch of sadness, and a mood of remin- iscence, that we learn of the death of former Senator John Chandler Gurney of South Dakota on March 9th. Elected to the Senate in 1939, "Chan" Gurney became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee in 1947. It was this committee which held the hearings and reported out the National Security Act of 1947, creating the CIA. (The act also created the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the separate U.S. Air Force.) It was early in March 1947 that I first met with Senator Gurney to discuss the proposed legislation for CIA. At that time, there was still some question whether we would propose what we now know as the original provisions of the National Security Act, or whether we should go for more detailed legislation by adding the material which ultimately became the CIA Act of 1949. The chairman advised that we should stick to the short version to avoid getting intelligence involved with the many other controversies which this bill engendered in its military proposals. We followed his advice. On March 26th, DCI (Lt. Gen.) Hoyt Vandenberg and I met with Senator Gurney to discuss the DCI's forthcoming testimony. Chairman Gurney asked that we place as much testimony on the record as we could, assuring us that he would hold for Executive Session any questions which would raise security problems. When the DCI testified at the end of April, this is exactly how it went. General Vandenberg's opening statement went into the public record, and there were no kick- backs. In Executive Session he told the committee that the CIG was engaged in espionage, and that CIA would continue intelligence operations overseas under the new legislation before the Congress. Those who still contend that the Congress did not know of CIA's opera- tional role just haven't read the record; that early testi- mony has been officially released. On July 9, the National Security Act of 1947 was shepherded through the Senate, just as the chairman had assured during our meeting in March. "Chan" was a gentle, thoughtful, wonderful man to work with, and the Intelligence Com- munity is in his debt. The esteem with which Senator Gurney was held by his colleagues reminds me of an incident in 1948 when we were trying to secure passage of what became the CIA Act of 1949. A Senator rose on the floor and moved to strike the provision which was to give CIA use of unvouchered funds; he succeeded. The Senator con- cerned came off the floor to discuss his move with me. We exchanged some rather heated words as I pointed out what his actions would do to intelligence operations and the lives of our people overseas, and the Senator began to waver. At this point, sensing what was hap- pening, Senator Gurney strolled up, put his arm around the recalcitrant Senator and said, "You can't do this to me." That was all it took. The Senator returned to the floor, reversed his position, and moved to restore the unvouchered funds provision. Just a quiet word from "Chan" Gurney was all it took. In later years, his support and able help continued on a number of occasions when CIA had important and difficult problems before the Civil Aeronautics Board of which Senator Gurney became chairman. We will miss "Chan," but we should pause and remember what he did to make CIA legislatively possible. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 The following list of new members since the last issue is incomplete in that it does not include those who requested that their names be kept restricted. Mr. Frank E. ANDERSON Mr. Fred C. BURTON Mr. G. Kirk FINCH II 225 Arboles South Stratford Ct. 140 Dalkeith Glen El Paso, TX 79932 Windsor, CT 06095 Arnold, MD 21012 Mrs. Marguerite O. ARMSTRONG Mr. Alan L. BUTKOW Mr. Wilson H. FORD 7 Deborah Drive c/o WBK Ltd. 980 Wilson Street South Burlington, VT 05401 10169 Judicial Drive Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Fairfax, VA 22030 MAJ Percy Lyn AUSTIN AUS(Ret.) Mr. David A. GILLESPIE 5800 N. Banana River Blvd Mr. Douglas CADDY 607 Oak Harbor Drive Building 2, #222 7322 S.W. Freeway, #610 Houston, TX 77062 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Houston, TX 77074 Col Nathan S. GOLDBERG COL Frederick T. BARRETT Mr. Richard L. CASANOVA USAF(Ret.) USA(Ret.) 323 Pine Needles Drive 603 N. Doheny Drive, #2A 3024 Modella Winston-Salem, NC 27104 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Dallas, TX 75229 Ms. Pat E. CLARK Mr. Barry GOODENOW Mr. Lonnie M. BARROW 871 Paiute Road P. O. Box 4247 One Beach Drive, #1506 Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Honolulu, HI 96813 St. Petersburg, FL 33701 CDR William C. COOK Mr. Gerd HABER Mr. John J. BARRY USNR(Ret.) 4713 Lillian Drive 2300 Pimmit Drive, #614 249 Nod Hill Road Alexandria, VA 22310 Falls Church, VA 22043 Wilton, CT 06897 Mr. Thomas R. HAMPSON LTC Charles C. BENNETT Mr. Thomas H. CURRY 680 Hillcrest Boulevard USA(Ret.) 3212 N. Kenmore Street Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 17164 Courtney Lane Arlington, VA 22207 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Mr. F. William HELLMAN COL Joseph W. DARLING 1004 Morse Drive Mr. Joe A. BLACK USAR(Ret.) Pacific Grove, CA 93950 8507 Honiley 1211 Janneys Lane San Antonio, TX 78250 Alexandria, VA 22302 Mr. Richard L. HIGGINS 816 E. Mendocino Street Mr. Russell O. BLAISDELL Mr. Ralph A. de VORE Altadena, CA 91001 107 Wilderness Drive, #309 3411 Park Royal Drive Naples, FL 33942 Kingwood, TX 77339 Mr. Donald F. JONES 7207 Northern Lights Mr. Peter N. BORSI Mr. Clifford A. DOLAN San Antonio, TX 78238 111 N. Alder Avenue 6 Thunderbird Park Sterling, VA 22170 Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 LTC C. D. KRYZANOWSKY USA(Ret.) Mr. Michael L. BOSCHAERT Mr. James M. ELLIOTT 4812 Kemper Street P. O. Box 1374 6249 Primrose Avenue Rockville, MD 20853 Imperial Beach, CA 92032 Los Angeles, CA 90068 COL Bruce E. LLOYD Mr. William T. BROWN Mr. Clinton FIELDER Box 112 2502 Rock Branch Road 11273 SW 174th Terrace East Glastonbury, CT Vienna, VA 22180 Miami, FL 33157 06025 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Mr. Joseph R. LUNA Mr. Joseph David RENO Mrs. Lesba L. THOMPSON 142 Rio Vista Place 791 Tremont Street, W-105 1745 Meredith Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87501 Boston, MA 02118 Belleair Clearwater, FL 33516 Mr. Peter A. LUPSHA Mr. Mervyn J. RIKER 617 Dartmouth N.E.. 7608 G Sereno Circle Mr. Arthur S. TORF Albuquerque, NM 87106 Orlando, FL 32807 P. O. Box 2586 Norcross, GA 30091 Mr. Francis (Frank) E. LTG William I. ROLYA MADD USA (Ret.) Mr. Frederick A. VOIGT 6614 West 73rd Street 3110 Waterside Lane 5016 25th Street, South Overland Park, KS 66204 Alexandria, VA 22309 Arlington, VA 22206 Mr. William O. MALONE Mr. William J. RYAN Mr. Robert F. VanBEEVER 89 Crestview Drive East Hill Road 22 Treadwell Avenue Portland, ME 04103 Williston, VT 05495 Westport, CT 06880 Mr. Donald J. MEYER Mr. Ara V. SIMIDIAN Mr. John M. WEINBERG 11414 Georgetown Drive 45-42 220 Street 438 Wolcott Avenue, #4 Potomac, MD 20854 Bayside, NY 11361 Middletown, RI 02840 Mr. John D. MacKENZIE Jr. Mr. Charles H. SMALL Jr. Mr. Elmer R. WINGROVE 2400 N. Taylor Street P. O. Box 12232 119 4th Street, SE Arlington, VA 22207 El Cajon, CA 92022 Washington, DC 20003 Mr. Raymond F. McMULLEN LTC Harry M. SMITH USA(Ret.) COL George A. ZACHARIAS 10411 Dee Lane 838 Manitou Boulevard USA(Ret.) Clinton, MD 20735 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 7736 Tauxemont Road Alexandria, VA 22308 Mr. Louis F. PALUMBO Col Landgrave T. SMITH 1640 S.W. 54 Terrace Jr. USAF(Ret.) Mr. Albert W. ZILAITIS Plantation, FL 33137 2814 Oakton Manor Court 501 North Palm Avenue Oakton, VA 22124 Indialantic, FL 32903 Mr. James D. PARRISH Jr. 523 Bayview Drive Mr. Leon P. SONNENBURG Seabrook, TX 77586 200 Fiqueroa NE, #1 Albuquerque, NM 87123 Mr. John R. PHERSON 7404 Charlotte Street Mr. Charles R. STEFFLER Springfield, VA 22150 P. O. Box 190 Bellaire, TX 77401 Mr. John Patrick QUIRK 4 Centre Village Mr. Robert D. STIGER Madison, CT 06443 One Russell Court Sterling, VA 22170 Mr. George W. RAUCH 1415 9th Avenue E. Mr. Ralph STOVER Bradenton, FL 33508 560 McNabb Parkway Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 CAPT Merrill D. REICH USN (Ret.) 1731 Tarleton Way Crofton, MD 21114 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0 From the President's Desk: From where I sit as I write this in my library at home in Middleburg, our vista is so peaceful and beautiful that it is hard to believe there is evil in the world. In the distance I see the wooded slopes of Mt. Storm rising three thousand feet above the beautiful Virginia coun- tryside. Only one house is visible in the intervening five miles, a building bordered by tall pines and lush green meadows where horses and cattle feed throughout most of the year. In such beautiful surroundings it might be difficult to believe how much danger and how many difficulties engulf this planet we occupy. But then I scan the floor-to-ceiling bookcases that cover the major portion of three of the four walls. On the fourth wall hangs a magnificent map, entitled ""1829 General Post Und Strassen Karte Der Osterreichen Monarchie." The bookcases I face include seven shelves on the War Between the States, or the Civil War, depending on what part of this nation you hail from. (My mother was an unreconstructed rebel and my father a New Yorker.) The two adjoining bookcases are primarily World War II, including a complete bound set of the Joint Congres- sional Committee's Investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack, published by the Government Printing Office in 1946. Two bookcases are devoted to the Presidents (Washington to Reagan), one to intelligence, and one to Communism. Where is the fiction? In bookcases in other parts of the house. If the books are not enough, there are three daily newspapers plus numerous other publi- cations. What do I do when not reading? I write. This lengthy preamble is simply to set the stage for saying that the state of the relations between nations is cause for continued concern. If there was ever a need for professional intelligence dedicated to producing prompt and accurate analyses of the dangerous interna- tional situations it is now. I fervently hope that the intel- ligence services of the Soviet Union, the Chinese Peoples Republic, the Eastern European nations, as well as those in the Middle East, Latin America, and the Atlantic Alliance are all well-informed and objective. Further, I hope the policy levels of all governments are directed by men and women of good will who are proponents of peace and prosperity and not of death and destruction. It is now forty years since the end of World War II, but there should be little consolation that wars have been limited in size in recent years. The war between Iran and Iraq has resulted in appalling slaughter, with the major powers and the United Nations unable to obtain a cease-fire. The situation in the Middle East continues to be a powder-keg with everybody playing with matches. Only the United States and the Soviet Union have the power to be peace keepers, but there is so much suspi- cion and distrust between them that we must wonder how long it will take to build a basis for mutual respect and trust when Reagan and Gorbachev meet. What we must do as individuals and collectively for AFIO is to continue to make the people of the United States aware of the capabilities and problems of the United States intelligence agencies. This is not an easy task. The American people are distrustful of secret organizations. This concern is heightened by the con- sistently bad press that CIA receives. Obviously the CIA Lyman B. Kirkpatrick President of AFIO cannot boast of its successes, but its failures-as well as those of the other intelligence agencies-are certain to receive headlines. Let's face it. No three letters are cer- tain to attract such attention as CIA and newsmen know that their use sells papers. We must also accept the fact that most of those in the public media regard them- selves as experts on intelligence matters. And surely we are aware that what we say will be viewed with scepti- cism by some. Please remember that most of the high school and college teachers now are of a post-World War II vintage. They are suspicious of all intelligence activities. They believe the bad things they read about CIA and do not approve of covert operations, which they consider "dirty tricks." Collectively they are not knowledgeable about Soviet activities, and basically don't care. Every new expose of CIA operations widens the gap and deepens the gulf of distrust. There is no panacea for coping with this hostility. Recognize that it is there, and face it. Within the area of unclassified information, tell it like it is. There is so much unclassified information now that a presentation based on the history and organization of the U.S. intelligence agencies is simple and is most useful in the high school and college audiences. It is also valuable to take along a list of books and articles that provide objective analyses of U.S. intelligence activities. It is well to be prepared with a bibliography of literature on other intelligence services of the world. And finally, if possible, a brief analysis of how intelligence fits into policy making is valuable. One point I always stress is that I am proud to have served in CIA. While some may not approve of such activities, such work has to be done until we live in a world devoid of avarice and hatred. One last suggestion: In addition to the academic audiences there are many local organizations looking for speakers. These include the Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Chambers of Commerce and other civic organizations. Make sure your Mayor and other public officials know you "Have speech, will travel!" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140014-0