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Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140018-6
Intelligence and Deception Successful For D-Day Assault,
Kirkpatrick Tells AFIO
Allied intelligence estimates of the German order-
of-battle expected to confront the landings on Normandy
Beach on June 6, 1944, were ninety percent accurate,
according to Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, an intelligence officer
for the D-Day landings. Speaking at the AFIO Flag Day
luncheon at Boiling AFB, the former CIA official noted
that "There were not many surprises as to what was to
be faced... Only one German brigade was present that
had not been anticipated, and it was pretty quickly
ground up."
In recounting the role of intelligence in the planning
of the assault, Kirkpatrick evaluated the product as
"Quite good; I won't say perfect." One surprise was the
total acceptance by the Germans of the allied deception
plan known as FORTITUDE. The plan, designed to mis-
lead the Germans as to Allied intentions, led them to
wait for "the real thing," the phantom army created by
deception planners. "They were watching for a man
called George Patton," the presumed commander of the
invading force the Germans anticipated elsewhere on
the French coast. "They were watching constantly for
signs of Patton, of signs of a great armored buildup." As
a result, German reserves remained uncommitted dur-
ing the first stages of the invasion in which Allied casu-
alties were "ghastly," according to Kirkpatrick.
Fifty percent of the men landing on Omaha Beach
died, he said, and it was only through "intense heroism"
of the men on the beaches and supporting naval gunfire
that the beachhead was held. "It was far from a sure
thing, it wasn't assumed to be a sure thing either by the
planners or the leaders."
Intelligence collection prior to the landings, the
speaker explained, ranged from determining the opera-
tional status of new, undeployed German weaponry to
the weather. Noting that the initial landings had been
delayed a day due to bad weather, Kirkpatrick gave par-
ticular credit to the British Air Marshal who served as
Eisenhower's weatherman. The officer had predicted a
June 6th break in the bad weather for 24-36 hours only.
"He was absolutely right. It was an incredible weather
prediction; That's exactly what happened."
"Everything had been done," Kirkpatrick explained,
to discover everything about the Germans that could be
known in advance." He paid tribute to members of the
French resistance, over 25,000 of whom were executed
by the Nazis, and to low-flying aerial reconnaissance
pilots. "We had practically taken pictures of everyone of
One little known factor was the possibility the
Germans would use gas. In anticipation of this, Kirkpa-
trick said, "Every soldier landing on the beaches was
wearing impregnated clothing-clothing which had been
impregnated against gas, was carrying a gas mask and
had been trained to immediately put on that gas mask in
case of attack."
In introducing Mr. Kirkpatrick, former AFIO presi-
dent John F. Blake, paid tribute to the speaker's contri-
butions to intelligence. In addition to his service with CIA
from 1946 to 1965, and his appointment there as the
first Executive Director, Kirkpatrick chaired the Eisen-
hower administration's Departmental Procedures Study
Group which endorsed the centralization of military
intelligence analysis. "He is one of the fathers of DIA,"
Blake noted.
10th Annual Convention
and Election Supplement
Included With This Issue
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Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140018-6
Election Procedures and
Proposed Changes to the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
(Last of a three-part series)
by Richard W. Bates,
Member of AFIO's Board of Directors
Printed separately in this issue of Periscope is a
Resolution adopted unanimously by the full Board of
Directors at their June 14 meeting which proposes
changes to the AFIO Articles of Incorporation. The rea-
soning for each change is discussed in the resolution.
That Resolution must now be accepted by two-thirds of
the votes entitled to be cast by members present or
represented by proxy at an annual or special meeting.
Proposed changes to the By-Laws of the Associa-
tion are also printed in this issue of Periscope. These
changes have been adopted unanimously by the full
Board for implementation after the next convention,
providing the changes to the Articles are accepted by
the membership. The changes must be ratified by a
majority of the members eligible to vote and present or
represented by proxy at an annual or special meeting.
Also included in this Periscope, in the convention
package, is a combination ballot and proxy form. (Only
Full members are eligible to vote.) You are asked to vote
for, or against the Resolution. If you vote for the Resolu-
tion you are then asked to vote for, or against, the
changes to the By-Laws. This ballot is also a proxy
because our Articles of Incorporation require it. Also,
because the By-Laws call for nominations to the Board
from the floor of a convention, we must make provision
for any such nominations. You may authorize someone
at the Convention to change your votes in favor of floor
nominations if you wish.
The general philosophy of the changes is that rules
for our organization should be general in nature. To
unnecessarily restrict the Board of Directors and the
Officers in carrying out their responsibilities is not in
the best interest of the Association. For instance,
detailed policy instructions for Nominating and Resolu-
tion Committees can, and should be made by the
appointing authority and made known to the members
in the pages of Periscope.
Most members who commented on our present
rules either stated, or implied that nominations of Board
members should not be made from the floor of the
Convention. The Board accepted the idea that nomina-
tions should be made prior to the Convention, then a
ballot offered to all Full members to be returned to
Headquarters prior to the Convention. Only the results
of the balloting would be announced at the Convention.
The changes establish this procedure.
A strictly secret ballot was considered. The Board
felt that because of a need for a proxy, an absolutely
secret ballot would be impractical. On the other hand,
how individuals cast their votes need not be public
knowledge. The Board therefore opted for a ballot
which would be authenticated by the Headquarters
staff, then turned over to an Election Committee at the
Convention for a tally, charging all concerned to assure
the integrity of individual ballots.
Most everyone involved suggested doing away
with proxies. But the fact is, we need them. There is a
provision in the revised rules to allow for urgent busi-
ness to be raised at the Convention and voted on. Con-
sider the possibility of a move in Congress, just as the
Convention opens, to do away with the Intelligence
Community. We would not want to wait a year to pass a
Resolution voicing our concern. Without a proxy for
such urgent business, active members who cannot
attend the Convention will have no voice.
The Board opted to fill all eleven vacancies on the
Board at this Convention, then, using the authority of
the revised rules, designate newly-elected members
terms as one, two or three years, based on the number
of votes received. The Board felt that restricting the
number of vacancies to be filled would unduly restrict
the influx of new names to the Board.
Minimum qualifications for Board members and
Officers, like three years in the organization, and re-
strictions on the number of terms they may serve,
were discussed. In the words of our Founder, Dave
Phillips, "...Don't impose restrictions on who can be an
officer or Board member. It's hard enough now to get
people to volunteer to take an active part." John Davis
commented that it would be foolish not to be allowed to
put someone like Bob Inman on the Board just because
he had not been a member two or three years. To make
it mandatory that the Secretary or Treasurer not be
allowed to serve consecutive terms would make con-
tinuity in these vital functions difficult.
Establishing a specific number of nominees like
two for every vacancy, dictating geographic distribution,
and establishing Board positions to be filled according
to previous organizational affiliation were all rejected
because the Board is convinced that this kind of restric-
tion would make filling the Board next to impossible.
Nominating committees can be directed to address the
balance of the Board with regard to former affiliation,
and indeed they have been in every year that I have
been involved. Geographic distribution of the Board
members could create a Board which cannot properly
function. Our Board is a very active one in quarterly
meetings. It could not be so unless a large number
attend each meeting. Travel costs to our members
could prohibit adequate participation in these meetings
and we are not yet rich enough to pay their way.
There are a number of minor changes to the Arti-
cles and By-Laws which should cause little or no dis-
cussion. These include the change in the name of the
registered agent, making the By-Laws consistent with
the Articles of Incorporation, and syntax corrections.
There are some changes which are minor in
nature and inserted at this time to bring the rules in line
with actuality or to ease administration of the organiza-
tion. These include requiring the Board to act on all new
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Proposed Changes to the Association By-Laws
The following changes to the By-Laws of the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers have been adopted unanimously by the
Board of Directors and is submitted to the Membership for ratification.
Change paragraph A.3., of Article Ito read as follows:
3. Provide speakers and writers from the membership of the
Corporation for lectures and discussion groups, panels, and other
forums conducted by the electronic media which involve the conduct
of intelligence as a function of the United States Government.
Rationale Remove the phrase about public media as this specific
emphasis is not needed
members and requests for renewals, legitimizing the
use of the By-Laws to determine the size of the Board,
making sure that the new Board elects officers for the
coming year, and removing words and phrases which
were necessary when the Association was founded.
Then there are the major changes which alter the
way we do business in elections and meetings. They
are complex and interlocking. They must be accepted or
rejected as a whole.
The Board decided, again unanimously, that it
would be proper to offer the changes as a single pack-
age requiring a vote for or against rather than voting
article by article, paragraph by paragraph. Also, because
so many of the major changes in the By-Laws depend
upon acceptance of the new Articles of Incorporation,
you are asked to vote for or against them only if you
voted for the changes to the Articles. Indeed, the major
changes to the By-Laws cannot be made unless the
Articles are changed.
It will not be easy to follow the changes recom-
mended unless you compare them carefully with the
existing Articles and By-Laws printed in your 1984
Membership Directory. I suggest you mix yourself a
drink, then take an hour for a paragraph by paragraph
comparison to assure yourself that the Board has
indeed made changes which will give every Full member
a vote on Association issues.
The rules we work by were originally written for
"...a small group of close friends..." as Dave Phillips
put it. Since then the Organization has changed. While I
think we are all still friends, we are no longer a small
group of personal friends. As you read the rules and
make your comparison you will find places where
words are redundant, or which really no longer apply.
The Board realizes this, but opted against further
changes at this time. We have addressed the major
issue-one Member one vote-and a few minor issues
which need quick attention. I will propose to the new
Board, at the Convention, that we appoint a committee
to take a long look at the rules-two years or more-to
come up with a major re-write for some future conven-
tion. All members who wish may participate in that
I trust that this series of articles has been helpful to
you in following the thoughts and actions of your Board
of Directors over the past year with regard to changes
in the way we will do business. After the initial show of
interest, little has come through the mails. I would
appreciate any comments you might have. I will also be
pleased to answer any questions you may have about
these articles, or the changes the Board proposes to our
Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Change paragraph A.6., of Article Ito read as follows:
6. Provide assistance to Congressional Committees and individ-
ual Members of Congress on their request on intelligence matters.
Rationale: Add the phrase, "... on their request. .... to empha-
size that AFIO is not a lobbying organization. "
Change paragraph A., of Article II to read as follows:
A. Any adverse actions by the Board of Directors under para-
graph G or H of Article VI of the Articles of Incorporation shall be
taken only after receipt of recommendations from the President.
Rationale: To change paragraph identification to coincide with
changes made in the Articles of Incorporation.
Change paragraph A.1, of Article IV to read as follows:
A. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than fifteen
(15) nor more than twenty-one (21) members. Directors will be
elected by Full members of the Association. The number of nominees
receiving a plurality of votes cast for the number of vacancies will be
elected. Tie-breaker procedures will be determined by the sitting
Board of Directors.
Rationale: New paragraph A. replaces old paragraph A. 1. It
changes the upper limit of Board membership from twenty to twenty-
one. It removes the requirement for Board members to be elected by
Full members "... voting in person or by proxy at the National Con-
vention, ... " saying now that, "... Directors will be elected by Full
members of the Association. " The election procedures are addressed
in Article VII. Tie-breaker procedures are moved from paragraph A.2.
to this, more appropriate, location.
Remove paragraph A.2., of Article IV.
Rationale. Old paragraph A.2. is removed and its contents moved
to new paragraph A., and new paragraph B. The statement about
Board responsibilities is removed because it appears in the Articles of
Incorporation, Article IX, paragraph A.
Change paragraph B., of Article IV to read as follows:
B. The Board of Directors shall elect its own Chairman. Subject
to the approval of the whole Board, the Chairman shall appoint an
Executive Committee composed of Directors to provide interim advice
and assistance to the President. The Board will supervise and furnish
guidance to the Executive Committee.
Rationale: New paragraph B. consolidates Board organization
into one paragraph from old paragraphs A.2. and B., removes the
restriction of five members to the Executive Committee, and allows
the Chairman to appoint the Executive Committee with the approval
of the whole Board
Change paragraph C., of Article IV to read as follows:
C. All actions and decisions of the Board shall be by a majority
vote of Directors present, or represented by proxy, at a duly scheduled
meeting of the Board, except that any amendment to these By-Laws
shall be by two-thirds vote of the Directors present at a duly sche-
duled meeting of the Board, and subject to ratification by a majority of
the votes cast by members eligible to vote.
Rationale; New paragraph C. contains most of what appeared in
old paragraph B., concerning voting procedures and By-Law amend-
ments. It changes the requirement for changes to the By-Laws to be
ratified by members present or represented by proxy at a membership
meeting to simply require a majority of votes cast by Full members.
Add a new paragraph D., to Article IV, as follows.
D. The Board of Directors shall designate the term of office of
each of the Directors pursuant to paragraph B of Article IX of the
Articles of Incorporation.
Rationale. New paragraph D. contains most of the words from
old paragraph C. but changes the reference to the Articles to make it
correct with the changes to that document. It also removes the words
about predecessor organizations which seem to have no current
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Change paragraph A., of Article V to read as follows:
A. The officers shall act for the Corporation between meetings of
the Board of Directors within their respective functions. Such officers
shall hold office for a period of one (1) year and, thereafter, until their
successor may be elected. In the event of a death, removal, or resig-
nation of any officer, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall
designate an interim replacement until the next meeting of the Board.
Rationale. Changed to remove words which appear in Article X
of the Articles of Incorporation.
Change the next to last sentence of paragraph E., of Article V to
read as follows:
All instruments drawing on Corporation accounts will be signed
by two authorized signatories, as designated by the President.
Rationale. Removes the requirement for the Treasurer and the
President or Vice President to countersign all instruments but requires
that they be countersigned by two authorized to do so.
Change paragraph A., of Article VI to read as follows:
A. In addition to any meeting of the Board of Directors called by
the Chairman, a majority of the Directors may call a meeting. A
quorum for any meeting of the Board shall be at least one half of the
total membership present or represented by proxy at such a meeting.
Rationale. Change to establish a quorum as a percentage of total
membership rather than a specific number. This will minimize
changes required as the size of the Board is changed
Change paragraph B., of Article VI to read as follows:
B. For any meeting of the members of the Corporation, the
Secretary shall be responsible for providing not less than ten (10) nor
more than fifty (50) days notice of such meetings. A quorum shall be
one hundred (100) full members of the Corporation present or
represented by proxy and eligible to vote in order to transact any
business. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside at any
such meeting.
Rationale: A change in syntax. No change in substance.
Change paragraph B., Article VII to read as follows:
B. A Resolution Committee, and a Nominating Committee for
the candidacy of members for the Board of Directors, shall be
appointed by the Chairman of the Board. They shall be appointed in
sufficient time to allow for the receipt and consideration of resolu-
tions and nominations from the membership, adequate publicity, and
the distribution and collection of ballots from all Full members prior to
the National Convention.
Rationale. Changes establish certain minimum requirements for
the Nominating and Resolution Committees: ie., appointment by the
Chairman of the Board, adequate publicity for committee procedures,
sufficient time for submissions from the membership, adequate pub-
licity for the slate of nominees and proposed resolutions, and for the
distribution and collection of ballots from all Full members prior to the
National Convention at which results are to be announced. Removed
is the provision for nominations for Board members from the floor of
the Convention.
Change paragraph C., of Article VII to read as follows:
C. Candidates for election to the Board of Directors will be sub-
mitted to the Nominating Committee. Any Full member may nomi-
nate any other Full member, or his or her self, for candidacy for
election to the Board of Directors. Nominees must signify, in writing
to the chairman of the Nominating Committee, willingness to serve if
Rationale. New paragraph C. establishes procedures for nomi-
nating candidates for membership on the Board of Directors.
Change paragraph D., of Article VII to read as follows:
D. Any member may propose a resolution to be considered for
adoption. The Resolution Committee will forward resolutions with
their recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board may
accept, or reject proposed resolutions based upon the purpose and
activities of the Association as stated in the Articles of Incorporation
and the By-Laws.
Rationale.- Change to paragraph D. establishes procedures for
submitting resolutions to be considered at a National convention.
Add a new paragraph E., to Article VII to read as follows
E. Votes for election to the Board of Directors, Resolutions, and
proposed changes to the By-Laws will be tallied at the appropriate
membership meeting by a three-member Election Committee and the
results announced by its chairman. Ballots will be authenticated by
the member's signature and membership number. The Election
Committee will retain all ballots after the election until the end of the
Convention and shall not divulge the contents of any ballot unless
required to answer a challenge from the Convention floor.
Rationale: New paragraph E. establishes procedures for all vot-
ing at a National convention or other membership meeting. It incorpo-
rates the provisions of old paragraph C.
Whereas, The Articles of Incorporation of the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, to be amended, require that a resolution
to that effect be adopted by the Board of Directors; and
Whereas, To be adopted, that resolution must be accepted by
two thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by members present or
represented by proxy at an annual or special meeting; and
Whereas, The Board has determined, unanimously, that certain
changes to the Articles of Incorporation are in the best interest of the
Corporation; and
Whereas, Election and voting procedures for the Association
need to be improved and certain minor adjustments made to the
Articles of Incorporation to bring them in line with the realities of
today; therefore,
Resolved, That the changes to the Articles of Incorporation set
forth below be made to become affective after the adjournment of the
1984 Annual Convention.
Rewrite the second paragraph of Article II as follows:
The principal office of the Corporation may be changed upon the
approval of a majority of the Directors. The name of the Corporation's
registered agent is Mr. Robert J. Novak, who is a resident of the State
of Virginia and whose business office is the same as the registered
Office of the Corporation.
Rationale: As Mr. Warner now lives in Arizona, this change of
registered agent is required.
Change paragraph B of Article VI to as read as follows:
B. Any United States Citizen who has had his or her principal
duty in the intelligence field for the U.S. Government is eligible to
apply for Full membership in the Corporation.
Rationale: The phrase, "... subject to the approval of the Direc-
tors ... " is removed. The "... eligibility to apply ... " is not subject to
the approval of the Board. Rather it is the acceptability as a member
that is subject to approval. That is now in new paragraph H., below.
Add a new paragraph, H, to Article VI as follows:
H. Applications for all classes of membership, Full, Associate,
Life, or Corporate, and all applications for renewal, will be submitted
to the Board of Directors for approval.
Rationale: This new paragraph clearly charges the Board of
Directors to consider and approve, or deny, all requests for member-
ship in the Corporation, and all requests for renewal of membership.
While this responsibility was implied before, it was not explicit.
Change paragraph A., of Article IX, as follows:
A. The number of Directors for the Corporation shall be fixed by
the By-Laws but in any case will not be less than three. The Board of
Directors shall have the basic responsibility for the conduct of Corpo-
ration affairs; will determine the basic policies; and will review the
activities of the Corporation.
Rationale: To remove the restriction on the number of members
o* the Board of Directors to three members and to legitimize the use
of the By-Laws to establish the number of members the Board may
have. The minimum of three members is required by Virginia State
law. Also to move the statement about elections to an all-new Article
Xllf which addresses all voting procedures.
Delete old Paragraph B., of Article IX.
Rationale. This change moves the amendment procedures to the
all-new Article XNI which addresses all voting and amendment
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Insert an all-new Paragraph B., to Article IX, as follows:
B The Board will take action to maintain a proper rotation of its
members each year As each term is completed replacements will
normally serve for three years. When unexpected vacancies occur,
members will be elected to fill the unexpired term in the next regu-
larly scheduled election. In the event an unexpected vacancy occurs
which will reduce the Board to a total number less than the minimum
required by the By-Laws, the Chairman of the Board shall appoint an
interim member to fill the vacancy until the next regularly scheduled
Rationale This new paragraph B. consolidates and up-dates the
procedures for filling the Board membership. It removes the manda-
tory three-year term for every elected Board member; allows Board
members to be elected to fill unexpired terms, requires the Board to
take action to maintain a proper rotational balance; and it requires the
Chairman to appoint an interim member if necessary to keep the
Board at or above the minimum number stated in the By-Laws. This
new paragraph B. covers all that is still valid in old paragraph C,
except who may vote for Directors. That issue is covered in paragraph
F, of Article VI, above.
Delete old pargraph C. of Article IX for the reasons stated in the
above rationale for new paragraph B., of Article IX.
Rewrite Article X as follows:
The Officers of the Corporation shall be: a President, a Vice
President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such others as may be
established by the Board of Directors. Officers shall be elected annu-
ally by the newly elected Board of Directors at the National Conven-
tion and are subject to removal by the Board of Directors. The duties
and responsibilities of the officers shall be prescribed by the Corpora-
tion's By-Laws
Rationale. Add the words, "... newly elected .. " to establish
that the new Board will elect the officers for the coming year.
Rewrite paragraph B, of Article XI to read as follows:
B. There shall be an annual meeting of the members of the
Corporation at a National Convention at a time and place approved by
the Board of Directors to transact appropriate business. There may be
other special meetings of the members, as approved by the Board of
Rationale: To remove the phrase "... to conduct election of a
Board of Directors. . "to allow for the voting procedures established
in the all-new Article XIII
Remove old Article XIII as it no longer applies.
Enter an all-new Article XIII of three paragraphs as follows:
Rationale: To consolidate amendment and voting procedures.
A. To amend the Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors
shall adopt a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment, find-
ing that it is in the best interests of the Corporation and directing that
it be submitted to a vote of Full members. The proposed amendment
shall be adopted upon receiving more than two-thirds of the votes
cast. The results will be announced at either an annual or a special
Rationale, Amendment procedures moved from Article IX are
changed only to remove the requirement that the changes be submit-
ted to a vote of members present at an annual or special meeting and
adopted by two thirds of the members present. Instead, a resolution
for amendment will be voted on by all Full members and carried if
accepted by two-thirds of those votes cast. Changes also remove the
provision in the original Articles for voting by proxy.
B. Voting for all issues will be by ballot disseminated to all Full
members, except that with the approval of a majority of the Directors
present at an annual or special meeting, urgent issues raised at such
a meeting may be voted and approved by a majority of Full members
Rationale. Requires that all Full members be given the opportun-
ity to vote on all issues, except urgent business brought up on the
floor at a special or annual meeting, whether they are present at the
meeting or not.
C. Notice of elections and other balloting, and of special and
annual meetings, shall be given to each member entitled to vote or
attend such a meeting within the time and in the manner provided by
Virginia law for the giving of notice of meetings of members
Rationale This paragraph consolidates and expands notification
requirements for all meetings and voting of the Corporation.
From the
Director ...
John K. Greaney
We are pleased to report that we have received 100
new members since the membership drive was launched
in the May issue of Periscope. However, we do need
more help if AFIO is to attain a membership of 4,000 by
the Tenth National Convention on October 19 and 20,
There is a great deal of interest from AFIO members
around the country in forming new chapters, (certainly
our New England members had a great time with Mike
Speers and friends at Langrove, Vermont, on June 23
where approximately fifty members showed up for the
inaugural meeting of the rebirth of the New England
Chapter). An idea which they intend to use because
their Chapter covers a seven-state area, is to ride a cir-
cuit and plan for Chapter meetings in different locations
each quarter. It is hoped that the second meeting of the
New England Chapter will take place in the Boston area
in November after the National Convention. I think one
aspect that helped the New England group get such a
large response was the number of stories which
appeared in the press before the meeting. This was
clearly responsible for the new members coming to the
meeting. There were also ten reporters in attendance
and this resulted in nine different articles describing the
meeting after it took place. The press can be helpful if
properly approached. It is suggested that AFIO's role as
an Education Foundation be emphasized since many
outsiders feel that AFIO is merely a social club.
There appear to be major changes scheduled for
the next session of Congress, which begins in January
1985, with regard to the membership of the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Per-
manent Select Committee on Intelligence. It would be
helpful for AFIO members to write letters to their indi-
vidual Congressmen and Senators expressing personal
concern over the importance of selecting qualified can-
didates for these two very important Committees.
Classified Section
Seeking Assistant Vice President-Manager of Inves-
tigations and Loss Recovery. Successful applicant will
be responsible for investigating and recovering losses
resulting from all criminal activities having a negative
impact on the assets of the client bank, and will manage
18 staff members.
Applicant should have several years of experience
skewed to state-of-the-art investigative and loss recov-
ery activities, with extensive background in all catego-
ries of investigation and management. Strong communi-
cations skills, knowledge of the budget process, and
understanding of the criminal justice system are required.
For further information contact: Judith Kirchhoff,
Paul Stafford Associates, Ltd., 222 South Riverside
Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 454-0942.
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Approved For Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100140018-6
Nominees for the AFIO Board of Directors,
10th Annual Convention
John Joseph Davis, a retired Lieu-
tenant General in the U.S. Army, was
born at Leavenworth, Kansas. He grad-
uated from the U.S. Military Academy in
1931 and was commissioned a 2nd Lt.
of Artillery. Prior to WWII he served in
artillery commands ranging from battery
commander to battalion commander.
During WWII he commanded a 155mm
gun batallion in Gen. Patton's Third Army. After the war he
served as military attache to the Union of South Africa and as
a division artillery commander in Korea. Among his intelli-
gence assignments were: Chief, Plans and Policy Division,
NSA, 1953-55; Director, Foreign Intelligence, Office of the
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Army, 1957-
1961; Assistant Director for Production, NSA, 1961 -66; and
Assistant Director for Weapons Evaluation and Verification,
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1966-70.
He joined AFIO in January 1978 and has been nominated
for a second term on the Board of Directors.
Lawrence R. Houston received his
BA from Harvard in 1935 and his LL.B
from Virginia Law School in 1939. He
was associated with the law firm of
White and Case, New York City, 1939-
43. Inducted in February 1943, he was
commissioned in the Judge Advocate
General's Department in 1944. He was
assigned as Theater Counsel, Mediter-
ranian Theater, OSS, in September 1944 and served as Dep-
uty Director of OSS, Middle East, from January 1945 to
September 1945. In 1946, Houston was named General
Counsel of the Central Intelligence Group, and from 1947 until
his retirement in 1973 he served as General Counsel of CIA.
He holds the Intelligence Medal of Merit, the Distinguished
Intelligence Medal, the National Security Medal and the Civil
Service League Award.
He joined AFIO in 1976 and serves currently as Legal
Advisor to the Board of Directors.
Lee Echols is AFIO's California
State Chairman. He served as a U.S.
Customs agent for twenty-three years,
and for three years was Chief investiga-
tor for an OSS unit commanded by Col.
Carl F. Eifler (AUS-Ret) with whom
Echols worked later to establish the
California and western AFIO chapters.
Subsequently he served for twelve years
with the CIA in Latin America.
He lectures frequently for AFIO and has written scores of
magazine articles. He is also the author of Dead Aim, a hum-
orous book about his years as a pistol shooting champion.
Samuel Halpern, one of the origi-
nal founders of AFIO in 1975, served
with the OSS, in the U.S. and abroad,
1943-45. He was with the Department
of State, 1945-46, before joining the
Strategic Services Unit in 1946. He
served thereafter with CIG and CIA in a
number of responsible positions. From
1968 until his retirement in 1973, he
was Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director for Plans
(Operations). He attended the National War College, 1965-66.
Halpern was chairman of the first AFIO National Conven-
tion, 1975, and served as a consultant to AFIO on congres-
sional hearings and legislation, 1975-1981. He has also
served on the AFIO Advisory Council, 1979-84, participating in
studies of several topics affecting AFIO, resulting in numerous
recommendations to AFIO's President, Board of Directors and
Executive Committee. Recently he served as a member of
AFIO's Ad Hoc Task Force on Election Procedures and
Richard X. Larkin, a retired Major
General, U.S. Army, was born at Omaha,
Nebraska. He attended Creighton Prep
High School and Creighton University
before entering the U.S. Military Acad-
emy. Commissioned a 2nd Lt. of infantry
in 1952, he saw combat as a platoon
leader with the 25th Infantry Division in
Korea. Following several years as a
company commander in Korea, the U.S. and in Germany, he
was assigned to the U.S. Military Academy as Associate Pro-
fessor of the Russian Language. During that period he received
his MA from Columbia University.
After service on the Army staff, he commanded an infan-
try battalion of the 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam. Later, after
graduation from the Army War College and service with the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, he returned to the 4th Division in Colo-
rado where he served as Brigade commander; Chief of Staff;
and, finally, as Assistant Division Commander.
In July 1977, he was posted to Moscow for two years as
Defense Attache. On return to Washington he was appointed
Chief of Staff and Director of Collection, DIA. Thereafter he
became Deputy Director, DIA. He holds the National Intelli-
gence Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the DoD's
Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service
Medal, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross
and the Soldier's Medal.
He has served as President of AFIO since October 1982.
Special Notice
Members are reminded that all proposals or
petitions for resolutions must be submitted to the
Resolutions Committee at least 30 days prior to
the annual convention to permit the committee to
give them full consideration. Members of this
year's committee are: Larry Houston, chairman;
Dr. Louis W. Tordella; Dr. Walter L. Pforzheimer;
and John W. Warner.
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Walter L. Pforzheimer
Walter L. Pforzheimer was born at
Port Chester, N.Y. and graduated from
Yale College in 1935. He received his
J.D. from Yale School of Law in 1938,
and practiced law, specializing in copy-
right law, 1938-42. He enlisted in the
Army in April 1942 and graduated from
Air Corps OCS in December of that year.
He was assigned immediately to the Air
Intelligence School, and has been associated with intelligence
duties continually since that date. He served on the Intelli-
gence Staff of the U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe, 1944-
45. From 1946 to 1974 he was a member of the reserves.
In February 1946 he joined the Central Intelligence Group
and served as CIG/CIA's first Legislative Counsel, 1946-56.
Concurrently, he was Assistant General Counsel. In 1956, he
was named Curator of CIA's newly-established Historical Intel-
ligence Collection, in addition to other special assignments. He
retired in 1974, and for the next three years remained a con-
sultant with the Agency's Office of General Counsel. Since
1974 he has been an Adjunct Professor at the Defense Intelli-
gence College, where he lectures and directs a seminar on the
"literature of intelligence."
He served as a member of President-elect Reagan's CIA
transition team, 1980-81, and is a member of the Board of
Directors, National Intelligence Study Center. Dr. Pforzheimer
served as a Trustee of the Yale Library 1937-76, and has been
an Honorary Trustee since that time. Known widely as a rare
book collector, his holdings include what is deemed the best
private collection in America of books and manuscripts dealing
with intelligence services. He holds the Bronze Star, the Intel-
ligence Medal of Merit and the Career Intelligence Medal.
He serves presently as legislative advisor to the Board of
Directors and is nominated for his third term on that Board.
Fred Rodell was born in Germany
and attended schools there and college
in Italy. He emigrated to the United
States during the late 1930's. During
WWII he served in the U.S. Army, first in
the infantry and later in the OSS. At the
end of the War, when the President
appointed OSS Director William J. Don-
ovan as Assistant Chief Prosecutor, Inter-
national Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, Rodell accompanied
him. Rodell served as a member of the U.S. Prosecution Staff
until Donovan left the assignment, at which time Rodell
returned to the U.S. and was honorably discharged. He subse-
quently returned in a civilian capacity to the Prosecution Staff,
and served there until the end of the War Crimes Trials. Since
then he has been engaged in business, both on the domestic
and international level, and for a time was Honorary Consul of
the Republic of Panama in Texas.
He is a member of the National Military Intelligence Asso-
ciation and is a life member of the Veterans of OSS and AFIO.
Since 1980, he has served as president of the Gulf Coast
Eileen Harvey Scott, past president
of the San Diego Chapter, has been an
officer since the chapter's inception.
She received the Navy "E" (for excel-
lence) for her role in building mine-
sweepers prior to Pearl Harbor. During
WWII, she spent a year in the ultra-
secret coderoom of the British Ministry
of War Transport, and in 1943 went to
Washington to join the OSS. After completion of the Evalua-
tion School, she was assigned to OSS' New York office, and
was a nominee for the Manhattan Project. After the war she
spent three years in Cuba and eighteen years in Southern
France where she organized and ran tours for the U.S. Sixth
Fleet when it was in port.
She moved to California in 1976 and has been active in
AFIO ever since.
Lawrence B. SuIc was born in New
Jersey and reared in the Panama Canal
Zone. He is a graduate of Stanford Uni-
versity, and during WWII saw service in
the U.S. Navy. He is a veteran of over
twenty-three years service with the CIA,
and spent six years with the Minority
Staff of the House Committee on Foreign
He also served as Executive Director of the Republican
Study Committee of the House of Representatives. Sulc pres-
ently serves as President of the Nathan Hale Foundation and
the Nathan Hale Institute.
Jack E. Thomas, a retired Major
General, USAF, is a native of Utah and is
an ROTC graduate from the University of
Utah. He holds a PhD in political science
from the University of California (Berke-
ley) and is a graduate of the National
War College. He has served over forty-
two years in intelligence assignments in
the Army Air Corps/U.S. Air Force, the
Office of the Director of Central Intelligence and presently is a
fulltime consultant with the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
for Policy. For the past six years he also has been an Adjunct
Professor at the Defense Intelligence College.
From 1963 to 1969 he was Assistant Chief of Staff, Intel-
ligence, Headquarters, USAF-the longest tour of duty in that
position ever served by any incumbent. Earlier he had been
J-2, U.S. European Command, and Commander of the Air
Force Intelligence Center. During WWII he served two years
with a bomber wing in southern Italy and after V-E day was
with the Allied Control Commission in Berlin. He served four
years at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe, in the
early 1950's. His decorations include the USAF Distinguished
Service Medal, the Legion of Merit and several medals from
foreign governments.
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Eugene F. Tighe, Jr. W. Raymond Wannall
Eugene F. Tighe, Jr., a retired Lieute-
nant General, USAF, was born in New
Raymer, Colorado. He graduated from
Loyola University, Los Angeles, in 1949
as a distinguished graduate in history.
He completed the Air War College,
Maxwell AFB, and was awarded an
honorary doctor of military science
degree by Norwich University. He en-
listed in the U.S. Army in September 1942, and served in the
U.S. and Australia. In 1944, he graduated from the Artillery
Officer OCS at Camp Columbia, Australia, and was assigned
as an anti-aircraft advisor with the 43rd Bombardment Group,
5th Air Force, serving in New Guinea, Netherlands East Indies,
the Philippines and the Ryukyus. In January 1946 he was
released from active duty and accepted a reserve commission
in the USAF.
He entered on active duty with the U.S. Air Force in
August 1950, serving initially as an intelligence officer with
the 78th Fighter-Interceptor Group. Successively, from 1951-
55, he served as an intelligence officer with the 8th Fighter-
Bomber Group in Korea, the 436th Bombardment Squadron
and the 7th Bombardment Group. He was Operations Officer
for the 497th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron in Ger-
many, 1955-58, and both organized and served as chief of the
Research center of the 544th Aerospace Reconnaissance
Technical Wing at Offutt AFB. Following graduation from the
Air War College in 1966, he was named Director of Targets,
7th Air Force, Vietnam. In 1967, was transferred to Hq., USAF,
and served as special assistant in the Reconnaissance Division
of the Directorate of Operations until 1969. In that year he was
named Deputy Director of Estimates, and in 1970 became
Director of Estimates. He served later as Director of Intelli-
gence Applications in the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff,
Intelligence. From 1971-72, he was Deputy Chief of Staff,
Intelligence, Pacific Forces, and in April 1972 was named
Director of Intelligence for the command. From 1974-76 he
was Deputy Director, DIA, and for a period was Acting Direc-
tor. Next, he served as Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Air
Command, and as Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, at Air
Force Headquarters. He served an interim assignment as spe-
cial assistant to the Director, DIA, and in September 1977
assumed the post of Director, DIA, from which he retired in
September 1981.
Among his decorations are the Distinguished Service
Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Legion of Merit with three Oak
Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint
Service Commendation Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal
and the Order of National Security Merit awarded by the
Republic of Korea. He was elected to the AFIO Board of Direc-
tors in 1981 and serves as a member of the Executive Commit-
tee. He has been nominated for his second term on the Board.
Louis W. Tordella, a retired Captain,
U.S. Navy, was educated at Loyola Uni-
versity, Chicago, and the University of
Illinois. He saw active duty in the United
States Navy from 1942 to 1946.
He served in cryptologic assign-
ments since 1942, culminating as Dep-
uty Director, NSA, 1958-74. His awards
include the National Security Medal,
presented in 1974.
He has been a member of the AFIO Board of Directors and
the Executive Committee since 1978. He has been nominated
for a third term on the Board.
W. Raymond Wannall was admitted
to the District of Columbia Bar in 1942
and entered the Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation as a Special Agent. During his
career he represented the FBI on the
United States Intelligence Board and was
its spokesman before various congres-
sional committees and other groups.
A former Assistant Director of the
FBI, he headed the Intelligence Division which had responsibil-
ity for FBI coverage of foreign counterintelligence, espionage,
terrorism and domestic intelligence, fields in which he has
specialized for over thirty years.
He is the recipient of the CIA Certificate of Distinction and
awards from three "friendly" intelligence services. He has
served as Chairman of the AFIO Board of Directors since 1982
and has been nominated for a second term on the Board.
John S. Warner, a retired Major
General in the USAFR, was born in
Washington, D.C. After receiving his law
degree, he enlisted in the Air Force and
was commissioned in 1944. He served
in the ETO as a B-17 pilot, was detailed
to OSS in 1945, and joined CIA in 1947.
During his CIA career he served as
Legislative Counsel, Deputy General
Counsel and General Counsel. He joined AFIO upon retire-
ment in 1976 and has served as a member of the Board and
Executive Committee, and was AFIO's legal advisor until he
left the Washington area to reside in Tucson, Arizona. He is
the author of "National Security and the First Amendment," in
AFIO's Intelligence Prolfession Series.
He holds an MA in International Affairs (George Washing-
ton University) and attended the National War College. He has
been nominated for a third term on the Board of Directors.
Lloyd George Wiggins, is a veteran
of long service with the CIA. He has
been an AFIO member since 1978, and
was instrumental in organizing the
Arizona Chapter in 1981. Currently he
serves as the chapter's President.
An apology: Mr. Wiggins could not be reached to provide a bio-
graphic sketch. The above was prepared by AFIO headquarters based
on our records.
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President Officiates
CIA Headquarters Addition
President Reagan and Vice President Bus[) led the
May 24th gror..rndbreaking ceremonies for an addition to
CIA's headquarters at Langley, Virginia. The construc-
tion, which is expected to add about 1.1 million square
feet to the facility, is scheduled for completion about
July 1987.
the addition will feature two seven-story towers
connected by a four--story podium containing technical
support facilities [read "computers"] and an employee
services concourse. It will be joined to the west side of
the existing headquarters br.rilding. In addition, a three
story parking deck in what is called "West lot" and a
security reception center near the main gate are included
among improvements.
In his prepared remarks the President said:
"When President Eisenhower came to this place a
quarter of a century ago to dedicate the cornerstone of
this building, he spoke of 'undecorated` and 'unsung'
heroes. When I was with you here two years ago, I
mentioned those words, and noted the heroes President
Eisenhower spoke about were you, the men and women
of the Central Intelligence Agency. I return to the CIA
today with exactly the same thought in mind...
Among legislative and intelligence community offi-
cials participating in the ceremonies were Sen. John
Chafee; Rep. Frank Wolf; LTG James A. Williams, Direc-
tor of DIA; MG James C. Pfautz, ACSI/USAF; RADM
John Butts, Director of Naval Intelligence; BG Lloyd W.
Smith, Jr., Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, U.S.
Marine Corps; Amb. Vernon A. Walters, former DDCI;
and John F. Blake, former ADDCI. Honored also were
former DCI's John A. MCone, VADM William F. Raborn,
Jr., Amb, Richard Mc(. Helms, James R. Schlesinger,
William E. Colby and, of course, Vice President George
[See elsewhere in this issue for photographs and a Pre-
sidential tribute to the men and women of intelligence.]
and a half years, spectacular changes
have occurred at this Agency. New and vitally important
missions are being performed that a few years ago
many would have said were impractical and unachieva-
ble: Funding and personnel have grown substantially;
the operations and analysis sections have seen enor-
mous increases in productivity and product; morale had
steadily improved; recruiting is highly successful with a
continuing growth in the number of talented young
Americans who want to work at CIA; individual em-
ployees are gaining greater recognition for their work;
and throughout this Agency----as well as in the Congress
and our Nation itself there is a new recognition of the
urgent importance of the mission of the CIA...
--The changes you have underway at the CIA are a
reflection of a larger renewal among the forces of free-
dorn throughout the world. I think many of you realize
that the days of defeatism and weakness are over for
America, and that in contrast to previous times, the
objectives of our foreign policy are being met....'
"When historians look back at all of this I am sure
they will conclude that no one has played a more impor-
tant role in this exciting new era than all of you here at
CIA. Your work, the work of your Director and other top
officials have been an inspiration to your fellow Ameri-
cans and to free people everywhere. I wanted to come
here today not only to dedicate this new building, which
will assist greatly in better coordinating and consolidat-
ing CIA activities, but to pledge to you my continued
support and bring to each and every one of you the
heartfelt thanks of the American people.
?God bless you all.,,
Reagan Notes
Intelligence Tie
President Ronald Reagan, the principal consumer
for U.S. intelligence agencies, has indicated that he was
also one over forty years ago. He made the acknowl-
edgement during a D-Day interview with Walter Cron-
kite, broadcast by CBS.
the President was asked by Cronkite about recent
Soviet charges that the Western allies deliberately
delayed D.-Day until the Russians had effectively won
the war and, even then, the landings were virtually
unopposed because of connivance with the Germans.
Reagan was obviously amazed at the question, and
included the early intelligence connection in his response
to the newsman:
"I wonder sometimes when they talk about heated
rhetoric coming from me, doesn't anyone listen to what
they're saying?
"How anyone could say that this was an almost
unopposed landing, we know better. And the evidence is
right here, and the survivors, many of them, are right
"They [the Soviets] had not won the war, and we
had not delayed for any reason of that kind. I have some
reason for saying that because my own war service was
spent in a unit that was directly under Air Corps intelli-
gence, and we had access to all the intelligence infor-
mation about things, even this. And there was an awful
lot of war to be fought."
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Without on, our Nation's safety would be more vulnerable and our security fragile and endangered.
The work you do each day is essential to the survival and to the spread of human freedom. You remain the
eyes and ears of the Free World, you are the tripwire over which the forces of totalitarian rule roust stumble in
their quest for global domination
"Though it sometimes has been forgotten herein Washington, the American people know full well the
importance of vital and energetic intelligence operations, Frorn Nathan Hale's covert operation in the Revolu-
tionary War to the breaking of the Japanese code at Midway in World War II, America's security and safety
have relied directly on the courage and collective int f lest of "ier intelligence personnel, Today, I want to stress
to you again that the American people are thankful for your professionalism, for your dedication--and for the
personal sacrifice each of you makes in carrying on your wcrk.
"You are carrying on a great and noble tradition;iand I believe you are adding a brilliant new chapter to the
annals of America's intelligence services."
Vice President George Bush
DCI William J. Casey
Former DCI James A. Schlesinger Fori
Ronald Reagan
President of the United States
May 23, 1984
Former DCI John A. McCone
Former DCI VADM William F. Raborn, Jr.
Former DD/A - ADDCI John F. Blake
Dr. Albert D. Wheelon, Jr., PFIAB
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Current books of interest to intelligence buffs and
watchers of the world scene. All reviews are by ,1F10
members except when otherwise noted.
,ince Bookshelf
To his credit, love pulls no punches when lie treats the ingre
dients of failure If there are lessons to be drawn from his research,
they are 1I decision makers, planners and operativc,s must learn to
work together closely from the earliest developmental stages of any
proposed operation and, 2) they must look In enough ahead to
assess the likely consequences of their actions. Tovar scums satisfied
that covert action is adequately founded in the executive power and
remains a viable technique for furthering our national interests.
Beginning in the mid-1970"s media attention and congressional
debate focused on allegations of al:iu ens, violations of civil liberties,
misuse of executive authority and intervention in the affairs of sover-
eign foreign states. In this atmosphere the quality of intelligence
analysis and estimates was largely igno ed and, where discussed,
generally dismissed as being "inadquate'"
In his challenging essay on analysis, former DIA Director Get)-
oral Daniel 0 Graham strongly defends con>peiitive analysis. His
theme will not be dear to those in CIA who view the Agency as the
paramount influence in American intelligence. The General admits
that opinions differ widely and are strongly held, yet feels natty CIA
analysts tend to believe their own estimates are the only means of
achieving a proper perspective in the face of what is seen as the
rrrilitary's self-serving analysis Graham contends that the CIA ana-
lysts have a remarkable record of underestimating the Soviet awned
forces, and looks with same apprehension that their Agency has
gained considerable support for an even greater centralization of the
intelligence community.
The core responsibility of CIA, clandestine collection of foreign
intelligence, is ably handled in a Chapter by Samuel Halpern He
recognizes that neither human nor technical intelligence alone can
answer all the nation's needs and emphasizes that collectors and
analysts of both types of information mush recognize this interde
pendence. The result must be recognition that only coordination
achieves their common goals.
Technical intelligence, with its great volume, has freed the
HUMINT collector to concentrate on "intent"-the highest level
intelligence not otherwise obtainable. Halpern warns there will be
art even greater need for such clandestine collection in the 1980's as
an increasing number of countries in the Third World become closed
societies. On another important point, his urging of protection of
intelligence sources and methods extends beyond the obvious; he
points to the need to retain the confidence of allied liaison services
and the domestic business commerrrity-
Dr. Codevilla, in discussing proposed reforins, observes that few
of the parties interesting themselves in intelligence reform---
politicians, journalists and hureaucrrats -have made specific, con-
structive, iron-politically motivated Suggestions. He leads us through
the period of the battle over the legislative charters for the intelli-
gence agencies beginning in 1980, the intelligence Identities Protec-
tion Act of 1982, the response to CIA's repeated requests for some;
relief from the Freedom of Information Act and the impact of the
re-establishment of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
In reading these essays one cannot escape the conclusion that
the four major disciplines discussed are closely related and non-
separable, and that the success of any one of them is related to the
effectiveness achieved in the others. It is a disciplined study certain
to attract fresh academic attention and understanding of intelligence.
Mark Wyatt
o tetllipence Requirerraent5 for the 1980',, Elements 0/ intelligence.
(Rewsed Edition). Washington, 0.C.: National Strategy Information
Center, 1981 $6.95
Intelligence professionals welcomed with relief the beginnings of
the multi-volume; Intelligence Regrrirernents for the 1980's, edited by
Roy Godson of the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence. After a
decadelong flood of materials dealing with intelligence an uneven
lot ranging from the writings of former intelligence officers and con-
gressional oversight documents to FOIA releases the Consortium
series gained immediate recognition as "in List" reading fort he Ametr-
can intelligence community and the nation's decision makers.
Relatively recent changes affecting intelligence on the legal and
political scene, an increasingly hostile world and the continued
increase in congressional activism in all aspects of foreign policy,
rrrake this revised edition particularly welcome. One hopes the Corr
sortium will amend and update the other volumes of the series to
coincide with the reshaping of the U.S. intelligence system to meet
the needs of the nation in a difficult world.
The revised edition follows the pattern of the original by treating
separately the four major disciplines of intelligence: analysis, collec-
tion, counterintelligence and covert action. It is a slim volume---
approximately one-third the size of any of the earlier four volumes.
Not counting the introduction and appendices on executive orders
and legislation since 1950, the work totals scarcely 100 pages. Yet, a
remarkable quantity of information on the issues, obstacles, legisla-
tion, reform proposals, and future prospects of each of the major
elements of intelligence is packed into this highly readable volume-
For the revised edition, the Consortium selected outstanding pro-
fessionals to update each of the for.rr elements of intelligence defined
it) the original series, and added a chapter on informs by Dr. Angelo
Codevilla, a recognized academician with experience in both the
Executive and the Congress. The essays are balanced, comprehen-
sive; and, with some exception, dispassionate; the objectivity of tone
and content will have great appeal to all with a serious interest in the
intelligence debate.
In his paper on counterintelligence, Newton S. Miler outlines
now actions from 1975 to 1980 severely handicapped the implemen-
tation of Cl activities. He focuses on the dismantling of the centralized
framework of national counterintelligence within CIA. Although we
are seeing a rethinking of the restrictive laws, execrative orders and
internal guidelines of that time, Miler is pessimistic. ]'Ile decentraliza
tion of counterintelligence, in Miler's view, resulted in the destruction
of the only such component in the intelligence community where
there was a true research and analysis overview of the communist
world. He finds co0nterintelligence in complete disarray and inade.
quately organized to meet con rent needs. Miler outlines specific mega
sures Ire believes must be implemented to develop an effective
national Cl program.
In 1981, the National Intelligence Study Center presented one of
its four awards for writing excellence on intelligence matters to Hugh
Tovar for Iris paper, -Strengths and Weaknesses in Past U.S. Covert
Action.'" The NISC awards board had best dust oft another medal for
Tovar for his essay in the present volume. He gives an excellent,
detailed account of U.S. covert action since World War II, and offers
an outstanding analysis of the ingredients of their success and fail-
ure. For example, lie examines the elements of successful CA opera-
tions in Italy and Greece thirty-five years ago and those conducted in
the Philippines, Iran and Guatemala during the Eisenhower years. In
comparison, he critiques skillfully the uneven record of CA in the
1 950's' the U-2 incident, the Bay of Pigs, Laos, and Congo, and Chile.
Tovar dissects the onerous provisions of the Hughes-Ryan
Amendment of 1974 and the incredible Clark Amendment a year and
a half later which came close to stripling the nation of a covert action
capability. lie also evaluates present day procedures which require a
Presidential finding on the importance to the national security of each
"special" operation, and the reporting of such intentions to the over-
sight committees for their prior comment, yet not consent. He finds
the procedure with the two committees to he far more secure and
expeditious than in former times. Tovar's analysis is particularly
timely in light of the recent controversy over the extent of CIA brief-
ings on the "firecracker" mining of Nicaraguan harbors and the just-
concluded agreement between CIA and the Senate intelligence
committee for full and clear advance briefing.
Perilous lt4isSions Cital Air transport and CIA Covert Operations in
Asia by William M Leary, University: The University of Alahama
Press, 1984.$22.50
I regard this as a remarkable piece of research and interpretive
writing on a complicated and difficult subject. Since the Agency"s
part in air operations in the Far East was largely declassified in the
early 1970's a great deal of information was available to the author;
even more came out under the Freedom of Information Act.
To assemble and analyze all this material and to put it in read
able-, form was difficult enough, but to do this with such a high
degree of accuracy as to history and facts is most unusual in our
experience with CIA histories.
The rsay Mr Leary gets the atmosphere, the feelings and the
spirit of the events is impressive, I spotted a few errors which are so
minor as not to be worth mentioning, parlicr.riarly as they do not
materially affect the basic story. This book can be taken as an excel-
lent picture of the way it was in the period covered. It ac.igurs well for
I_eary's next volume, which is to cover Air America.
Lawrence R. Houston
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A Continuing Series on
the Intelligence Craft
The Foreign Intelligence Book Series, University Publications of
America, Frederick, Maryland, 1983-
In 1981, CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence published
Thomas F. Troy's Donovan and the CIA in a limited unclassified
edition of 2,000 copies Originally a classified study, it is remarkable
that only about six pages were lost in the declassification procedure.
The demand quickly depleted CIA's stock. A government publication
not protected by copyright, it was republished commercially in 1981
by University Publications of America (UPA).
In January 1982, Troy retired from CIA and began the first of
two projects he had in mind with the same publisher. The first was
to edit a bimonthly newsletter with book reviews on the literature of
intelligence, and in February 1982 the "Foreign Intelligence Literary
Scene," with Troy as editor, made its debut. Meanwhile, Troy turned
his attention to the second project-ferreting out worthwhile intelli-
gence manuscripts to publish and republishing some good out-of-
print intelligence books The resultant Foreign Intelligence Book
Series (which hears the unfortunate acronym of FIBS) now com-
prises eight volumes. While space does not permit commenting on
all of them, this reviewer invites the reader to a few titles from the
One of special interest is In and Out of Stalin's GRU: A Tatar's
Escape from Red Army Intelligence by Ismail Akhmedov (UPA, 1984.
$20) It is one of the few books published on the activities of the
GRU, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Soviet General Staff. It
tells of Akhmedov's life from his birth in 1904 in Orsk, USSR,
through his youth and career in the GRU (where he rose to the rank
of Lt. Col.), to his defection in Turkey in 1942. A Tatar and devout
Muslim, Akhmedov remained in Turkey until coming to the United
States in 1953 One of the most interesting chapters in the book
describes Akhmedov's lengthy debriefing in Turkey in 1948 by the
British chief of station there -Kim Philby. Despite his intelligence
experience, Akhmedov did not detect any possibility that Philby
might be a Soviet agent, although in hindsight he now writes of
things that might have put him on his guard.
Akhmedov is of particular interest to this reviewer who was
serving as CIA's Legislative Counsel when Akhmedov was debriefed
by CIA on his arrival in America. At that time, the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee was interested in obtaining testimony about
Soviet intelligence from such defectors. It was determined that
Akhmedov should be the first such witness, and arrangements were
made one evening in my apartment between Akhmedov and Robert
Morris, counsel to the subcommittee. It was an interesting evening
as they outlined the material of which Akhmedov would testify. At
the last minute CIA decided its relationship should not show pub-
licly, the testimony should be given in New York and, for this reason
(I was too well known on the hill), I should not attend. Thirty years
were to pass before I saw Akhmedov again, shortly before this inter-
esting volume was published.
Another book of some importance in the FIBS series is Enigma:
How the German Machine Cipher Was Broken, and How It Was
Read by the A/lies in World War // by Wladyslaw Kozaczuk (UPA,
1984 $24) In 1967, Col. Kozaczuk wrote a book published in War-
saw, the translated title of which was The Battle of Secrets: The
Intelligence Services of Poland and the German Reich, 1922-1939.
It seems not to have made much of a splash, although Britain official
historians characterize it as "the earliest [book] to reveal the fact that
the Enigma had been broken." As Kozaczuk's first book ends with
1939, the detailed story of the British breakthrough into high level
German ciphers was not included, and remained a secret until the
publication of F W. Winterbotham's The Ultra Secret in 1974. (Nor
can one completely overlook General Gustave Bertrand's book
Enigma, published in Paris in 1973 and the pretext used by Winter-
botham to circumvent application of the UK "D Notice.") Which
brings us to Kozaczuk's second book, also entitled Enigma, published
in Warsaw in 1979, and now issued in English by FIBS. The major
effort of this book is to describe the role of Polish cryptologists in
breaking the early Enigma ciphers.
When the Germans made certain technical advances about
1938, the Poles were stymied and in mid-1939, with war clouds
thickening over Europe, gave both the British and French a copy of
the Enigma machine they had constructed. They also provided wir-
ing diagrams for the "Bombe," an early form of electric calculator
which had been of great value in the Polish decyrption efforts. These
valued gifts from the Polish intelligence service have been character-
ized by official British sources as advancing the British effort in
breaking the Enigma ciphers by as much as six months-a tremen-
dous contribution to the Allied war effort which will leave us ever
thankful to the Poles. It must not be overlooked. Having said this,
however, one cannot help noting that Kozaczuk's writing is perhaps
overbalanced by his desire to give his Polish compatriots more credit
than perhaps they should have, important though their early role was
It should be recalled that much of the Polish success against the
earlier Enigma was achieved by three brilliant young Polish mathema-
ticians. Kozaczuk seems to have had lengthy conversations with one
of them, Marian Rejewski, in assembling the book and some of
Rejewski's own writings on Enigma are presented in the appen-
dices, increasing the value of this volume. The reader should be
warned that much of the latter material is highly technical, replete
with mathematical formulas which, important as they are, are hardly
bedside reading. A final criticism is that Kozaczuk has occasionally
leaned on weak published sources-Winterbotham in particular.
Having said this, however, I feel that Kozaczuk's Enigma should be
placed on the shelf of important books on the Ultra secret.
An important reprint in the FIBS series is SOE in France. The
Work of the British Special Operations Executive in France 1940-
1944 by Michael R. D. Foot (UPA, 1984, $29.50). This book was
originally published in London in 1966 as a volume in the official
British series on the history of the World War II. Its publication in
America is long overdue. SOE was the British counterpart (and, of
course, preceded) that section of OSS which worked with resistance
movements in the Axis occupied territories. While this volume is
restricted to SUE in France, there are some useful early sections of
the book which deal briefly with the origins of SOE, communications
and security, all contributing to the excellence of this volume for the
intelligence professional. And it is a good read.
Finally, mention should be made of another FIBS choice, British
Military Intelligence, 1870-1914 by Thomas G. Ferguson (UPA,
1984, $25). Lt. Col. Ferguson is a West Point graduate, a PhD from
Duke University where his doctoral thesis became the book before
us. At the time of publication, Lt. Col. Ferguson was Assistant Chief
of Staff, G-2, of the Third Infantry Division, stationed in Germany.
Most of his military career has been spent in intelligence assign-
ments. Although this reviewer has yet to read it, those who have
read the book find it an excellent treatment of the subject and a good
contribution to the literature and history of intelligence.
Terrorism and the American Response by Alvin H. Buckelew, San
Rafael, CA: Mira Academic Press, 1984. $12.95
Dr. Buckelew's book is a valuable contribution to the public
discussion of how the United States can respond to the terrorist
threat. The author is not simply content to recount anecdotes or
indulge in speculation. His is a serious, well-documented plan for a
governmental structure that will meet the threat. It is designed, as
he tells us, to be "politically feasible", it does not sacrifice civil liber-
ties; it involves both the highest level of executive authority as well
as the combined skills and resources of many other federal agencies,
and it also brings in the talents of the private sector.
This is not necessarily an endorsement of the specifics of Dr.
Buckelew's model, but it is an endorsement of his approach and
methods. The public discussion of terrorism and the proper means to
combat it has often been sidetracked onto other issues, while con-
crete plans to meet the terrorist threat and provide protection for the
lives and rights of Americans have been neglected. After the bomb-
ing of the U.S. Capitol Building in November, 1983, after the violence
directed against American marines and diplomats in Lebanon and
Kuwait last winter, it is likely that both the Congress and the Ameri-
can people, as well as the executive branch, will be discussing ter-
rorism for some time to come. There is no better place to begin to
understand that threat or to begin the discussion than with a thor-
ough reading of Dr. Buckelew's book, which I hope will lead to a
national debate and fruitful reforms growing out of his recom-
From the foreward by
Senator John P. East
[AFIO member Buckelew's text may be ordered by mail from: MIRA
Academic Press, P.O. Box 4334, Civic Center Branch, San Rafael,
CA 94913-4334, $14.95 including postage; $15.79 for California
residents, including postage and sales tax.]
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AFIO Chapter Activities
Arizona Chapter. The chapter met at Casa Grande
on May 1 9th at which they received a briefing on mis-
sile systems by a representative of Davis-Montham Air
Force Base, Tucson. "National Security and the First
Amendment, the second pamphlet in AFIO's Intelli-
gence Profession Series, was reviewed briefly by its
author, John S. Warner, and members were briefed on
the chapter's resolution, forwarded to AFIO, on election
San Diego Chapter. Thirty members attended the
chapter's April 27th meeting to hear John Andrews
discuss scale-modeling. In his talk, "Security... Real or
Imagined" he used slides to highlight the presumed
"secrets" he had learned through the production of U-2
and SR-71 model kits. The nominating committee,
chaired by Fred Deamont, presented a slate of officers
for consideration at the next meeting.
Fifty-three attended the chapter's May 25th meet-
ing to hear SAC Gary Penrith of the FBI, discuss his
office's involvement in security and protection at the
1984 Los Angeles Olympics. He noted the personnel
drain of this assignment, particularly with the heavy
case load in narcotics, white collar crime, espionage,
bank robberies and the like, carried by the FBI's San
Francisco office.
The chapter's June 22nd meeting featured a talk
by chapter member Wally Driver, a veteran of under-
cover assignments, who spoke on "What it's REALLY
like to be a spy!" Lee Echols, chairman for California,
board of directors, installed the officers elected at the
May meeting. They are: Quinn Matthewson, president;
Jerry Cerkanowicz, first vice president; Fred Allen,
second vice president; John Clapp, treasurer; and Eliza-
beth Allison, secretary. Fred Main and Francis Thornton
were named directors-at-large. Outgoing secretary
Eileen Scott was named chapter public relations officer.
San Francisco Bay Chapter. The March 1 5th
meeting of the chapter was held at the Moffitt Field
Officers' Club, chaired by its new president, Roger E.
McCarthy. The chapter has agreed to return to monthly
meetings and plans to invite members of the Bay Area
Law Enforcement and Security Council, the Navy League
and ASIS to those featuring major speakers. It was
announced that Dr. Alvin Buckelew, assisted by Harold
Christensen, will spearhead the chapter's speakers'
bureau. At the chapter's May 16th meeting the fea-
tured speaker was Dr. Paul Seabury, a member of the
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. For its
June meeting, the chapter heard Eldridge Cleaver dis-
cuss his escape to Cuba to avoid prosecution, and the
disillusionment with communism and other factors
which convinced him to return to the United States and
surrender himself. Cleaver presently is a candidate for
Congress with a strongly anti-communist platform.
[See feature article elsewhere in this issue.]
San Diego chapter officers Quinn Matthewson [left]
and Jerry Cerkanowicz [right] present the watch
officer of the aircraft carrier Constellation with a cer-
tificate of appreciation after the chapter's recent tour
of the ship.
Rocky Mountain Chapter. Members of the chap-
ter participated in a highly successful conference on
"Intelligence: Policy and Process" sponsored by the
U.S. Air Force Academy, June 6th and 7th. Members
participating in the several panel discussions were
Harry Howe Ransom, Stafford Thomas, William Mott,
William Johnson and Robert Molloy.
Suncoast Chapter. At its April meeting, the chap-
ter elected the following officers for the coming year:
LCDR Andrew J. Ferguson (USNR-Ret), President; LT.
Raymond C.A. St. Germain (Ret); and Bradley T. Skeels,
Secretary-Treasurer. The chapter has launched a highly
productive membership drive; in addition, it is culling the
AFIO membership directory for members in the area
who might wish chapter affiliation.
Diamond Head Chapter. The chapter met June
21st at the Camp Smith Officers' Club to receive an
update on the Pacific intelligence community's percep-
tion of Soviet Russia's and Communist China's threat to
the Pacific Basin in particular and the United States in
general. The briefing was given by BG Jimmy C. Petty-
john, Director of Intelligence, PACOM. [Editor's note:
The chapter's meeting notice indicates Hawaiian deli-
cacies were served during the cocktail hour and, appro-
priate to the Pearl of the Pacific, Aloha attire was an
acceptable uniform of the day.]
Greater Chicago Chapter. MAJ Thomas B. Mackie
(AUS-Ret) continues to issue his highly informative
monthly newsletter "Periscope II," featuring chapter
announcements and a varied assortment of news clip-
pings of interest to the membership. The June issue
featured 24 pages.
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New England Chapter. The inaugural meeting of
the New England Chapter was held June 23rd at the
Village Inn, Langrove, Vermont. Following an organiza-
tional meeting in the morning, guests joined the
members for a luncheon at which the guest speaker
was James Bamford, author of "The Puzzle Palace."
For members staying over after the meeting, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael F. Speers entertained at a late afternoon
cookout and swimming party. It is anticipated that
future meetings will be held on a flexible quarterly basis
at different locations convenient to the membership.
The next meeting is set for November 17, 1984, in the
Boston area.
[Chapters are reminded that the deadline for reports for
the next issue of Periscope is October 1 st. To date, no
chapter has submitted information for the "Chapter
Spotlight" feature announced in the last issue.]
Notes From the Board Room
The AFIO Board of Directors met at 1400 hours at
the Bolling Air Force Base Officers' Club on June 14,
1984, with Mr. Ray Wannall, Chairman, presiding.
Twelve members were present and the six absent
members were represented by proxy.
Col. Bruce Baumgardner, USAF(Ret.) reported on
progress to date in planning for the 1984 Convention
and the Board discussed possible speakers, panelists
and topics. (See Periscope insert for further information.)
Capt. Richard Bates, USN(Ret.) further discussed
changes in the election procedures, changes in the Arti-
cles of Incorporation and By-Laws and presented draft of
proposed Resolution to effect these changes. The Board
discussed and approved the changes and the Resolution
which will be presented to the membership for approval.
The slate of nominees for election to the Board of Direc-
tors, proposed by the Nominating Committee, was dis-
cussed and approved by the Board. Biographic infor-
mation and photos of the nominees will be included in
Mr. Lawrence Houston, Legal Advisor, reported to
the Board that, based on meetings with Fairfax County
officials and a Virginia State legislator, AFIO cannot be
exempted from Fairfax County Gross Receipts taxes and
Personal Property taxes, and that it is not feasible to
seek legislative relief from the State.
The meeting was adjourned at 1545 hours. Submit-
ted by Secretary, Charlotta P. Engrav.
AFIO Speakers' Kit
Third Edition
Only $5
Place Your Order
From Headquarters
Cleaver: Justice in America
Better Than Red Sanctuary
Eldridge Cleaver has joined the ranks of those like
Louis Budenz, Elizabeth Bentley and Wittaker Chambers
in exposing the false promise of communism. A former
radical, Cleaver told AFIO's San Francisco Bay Chapter
recently of fleeing the country two days before he was
to begin a prison sentence. His options at the time, he
said, were to go to prison, to go "underground," or to
flee to Communist Cuba. He chose the latter based on
an offer of safe haven and assistance which had been
extended with the approval of Fidel Castro.
On arrival there he was given a hero's reception, a
penthouse, a custom-tailored Castro-style uniform and
a small arsenal-an AK-47 and a sidearm. It was not
long before his illusions were shattered. He recognized
the total suppression of the people, came to understand
why so many Cubans risked their lives to leave. He told
of one Cuban friend who said that if controls on the
population were any less, the only ones who would be
left in Cuba would be Castro and his brother Raoul, Che
Guevara having already left. From freed highjackers he
learned of the severe mistreatment of those in jail, and
from personal observation witnessed the extensive cor-
ruption practiced by Cuban communist officials. His dis-
illusionment led him to seek permission to visit Algeria.
From there he traveled extensively throughout the
Communist Bloc.
One thing he learned from all of them, and the
North Koreans impressed him particularly in this regard,
was the doctrinaire approach of the communist states
and their analysis of the stengths and weaknesses of
non-communist countries, particularly the United States.
He was struck by the plans the communists made to
weaken free-world strengths and to exploit weaknesses
to their own advantage. Cleaver said this was done by
all the major communist countries, some more effec-
tively than others, but all had the common theme of
undermining the United States. He cited the extensive
use of the cultural and press attache systems in com-
munist diplomatic missions abroad, and their success-
ful invasion of the media and the campuses of the
United States.
Cleaver divides the communist world into three
power blocks: the Soviet Union, Communist China and
the Third World. He explained that although they are
not in harmony and each is struggling for supremacy,
all three have one fixation: that only the United States
stands in the way of their individual success.
The speaker credited his children as being the cli-
maxing influence in his decision to return to the United
States and turn himself in. It was an easy choice to
make, he said, knowing that the judicial and prison sys-
tems here were far more just than anything he had
seen in the communist world. From the moment of that
confrontation with his former ideals, said Cleaver, he
wanted to be a supporter of this country rather than an
Cleaver spoke for over an hour and fielded ques-
tions for another forty minutes, covering a wide range
of topics. The audience was long in applause and praise
of his presentation reports one observer.
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OFF-THE-WIRE: News in Brief
AFIO Member Says Intelligence
Backs Wartime Relocation Decision
A former NSA officer who served as a consultant in declassify-
ing World War II intelligence documents has disputed findings of the
Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. The
Commission, after two years" study, has proposed a $1.5 million
package of reparations to some 60,000 ethnic Japanese and
Japanese-Americans it says were victims of wartime hysteria and
racism. David D. Lowman, a member of AFIO, has referred a Senate
committee to declassified MAGIC materials published by NSA and
"dozens of intercepted Japanese Government messages implicating
Japanese residents in the U.S., both first and second generation, in
espionage activities on the West Coast."
In a letter to the Senate subcommittee on Civil Service, Post
Office and General Services, Lowman notes that "Roosevelt did
have cause for concern about the loyalty of large numbers of Japa-
nese people living on the West Coast. He did not act solely on the
basis of political and racial considerations as the commission states.
His concern, and that of his advisers, was based on the best and
most authoritative intelligence available to the U.S. government at
that time." A member of the Commission, questioned by the press,
acknowledged that the Commission knew of the eight volumes
released by NSA, but was unaware if anyone in the group found
time to examine them.
Soviet Intelligence Service
Launches Contest to Polish Image
According to the May 16th issue of the weekly literary paper
Literaturnaya Gazeta, the Soviet Union's State Security Committee,
the KGB, has launched a competition offering prizes for the best
books, motion pictures and TV movies that glorify its work. The prizes
will be awarded in conjunction with the KGB's 70th anniversary in
late 1987. Unstated is whether its employees and agents worldwide
are eligible to enter.
House Committee Approves
Partial FOIA Exemption
The House Select Committee on Intelligence has recommended
a partial exemption from the Freedom of Information Act for CIA. The
proposal, if enacted into law, would relieve the agency of searching
its operational records on requests other than first-person Privacy
Act inquiries. The committee found that CIA operational records sys-
tems containing intelligence sources and methods information offer
little that may be exposed to FOIA requesters.
This unproductive search, it notes, has created a two to three
year bottleneck in all FOIA requests, which CIA agrees to "substan-
tially reduce, if not entirely eliminate" if the law is enacted. CIA, it
says, has also agreed to report to the committee on "the feasibility of
conducting systematic review for declassification and release of
Central Intelligence Agency information of historical value," much
as was done recently with holdings at the National Archives of the
wartime OSS.
Hamilton to Head House
Intelligence Committee
Speaker of the House Thomas P. O'Neill has announced that
Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indiana will be the new cha'i man of the House
Select Committee on Intelligence when its current chairman Rep.
Edward Boland, steps down in January. Rep. Hamilton told reporters
he supports current efforts to intensify oversight of the CIA.
Just down the hall, the committee had other problems. Because
of a mechanical malfunction, they couldn't open the vault used to
store the committee's classified materials. Both commercial techni-
cians and those from the CIA were reported to have been unsuccess-
ful initially in dealing with the "lock-out," It took two days to "crack
the box."
Historian Breaks Atom Case
"Legend;" Identifies American
Dr. Mark M. Kuchment, a science historian who emigrated from
the Soviet Union in 1975, has also earned a degree in "spychology "
Working for the past three years to determine the identity of an
American engineer who headed a highly secret Soviet military
research facility, he has finally cracked the "legend." He says that he
was intrigued when he learned from emigres of an American who
was the chief designer at a military research laboratory in Leningrad,
was the driving force behind the establishment in the Soviet Union
of modern microelectronics, and won a State Prize there. The pre-
sumed American was said to have directed an institute of about 800
employees and had designed both civilian computers and highly
secret military applications.
From emigres he learned the man's name was Filipp Georgie-
vich Staros, but a 1979 obituary for Staros in Isvestia gave informa-
tion Kuchment found impossible to confirm. For example, he told the
New York Times, Staros was credited with graduating from the Uni-
versity of Toronto. Yet, the registrar's office there had no record of
such a person. Kuchment accepted the Toronto education as indicat-
ing the man was, indeed, a foreigner. "And, there were other clues.
The name Staros sounds Greek, so I assumed he was a Greek-
American." From other emigre interviews he learned the man was
married to an American woman and had arrived in the USSR from
Czechoslovakia where he had spent some years. Other than these
points, Kuchment's two years of interviewing emigres and research-
ing the matter proved fruitless.
Then, he read a review of a new book about the Rosenberg case
which commented that the book didn't pay much attention to friends
of the Rosenbergs who had disappeared behind the Iron Curtain. He
rushed to get the book for any leads it might contain. "Immediately I
found my guy-Alfred Sarant, which sounded like a contraction of a
Greek name, All the pieces started to fall into place," he told the
Times. He learned from Sarant's sister that the family was, as he
supposed, of Greek descent. She also provided a snapshot of her
brother. Acquaintances of Sarant in the United States and emigres
who had know Staros in the USSR confirmed that they were one
and the same.
Kuchment's detective work unraveled much of the story. Sar-
ant, a 32-year old electronics engineer and onetime member of the
Communist Party USA, had worked at Cornell University on the
cyclotron. On July 18, 1950, the day after the arrest of the Rosen-
bergs, he was visited by the FBI and accused of keeping an espion-
age safehouse at 65 Morton Street, New York City. He protested his
innocence but soon thereafter, and using false identification, he
disappeared with Carol Dayton, the wife of a neighbor.
Kuchment learned that the name of Sarant's father was George,
explaining the Soviet patronymic. Emigres told him that Staros had
claimed to have four brothers; Sarant had four brothers. Kuchment
also gathered evidence to show that Staros' right-hand man in the
USSR was Joel Barr, another Rosenberg associate who had left the
United States in 1948.
The story had a typically Soviet ending. Staros-Sarant, despite
his achievements, ultimately fell out of favor with the Soviets and
was demoted to a minor post in Vladivostok. Says Kuchment "The
image I am getting is of an idealistic Communist who was terribly
disappointed in the social realities of the Soviet Union. But it was too
late. There was no way to back out."
Intelligence History Author
Decries Media "Harping."
Professor Harry Hinsley, Master of St. John's College, Cam-
bridge, and the official historian of British intelligence activities dur-
ing World War II has called on Britain's press to stop "perpetually
harping" on activities of the Government Communications Head-
quarters (GCHQ). He expressed amazement that the D Notice system
had been unsuccessful in preventing seemingly endless printed dis-
closure of materials on British signals intelligence.
At first he hoped that the press, after learning from the wartime
histories of the secrecy essential to signals intelligence, would "clam
up on grounds of national security " The media somehow missed the
lesson and, according to Professor Hinsley, "It is getting dangerous.
If it is not stopped voluntarily now by newspapers, we are in for
trouble '"
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DCI Casey Details Soviet
Hi-Tech Espionage Gains
President Reagan on
Sources and Methods
In a talk recently before the prestigious Commonwealth Club of
California, DCI William J. Casey disclosed the extent of technical
espionage conducted by the USSR in recent years. In part, he said
"You in this room are the bull's eye in a massive, well-
coordinated and precisely targeted Soviet technology acquisition
program. The ability of the Soviet military-industrial complex to
acquire and assimilate Western technology far exceeds previous
"During the late 1970's, the Soviets got about 30,000 samples
of Western production equipment, weapons and military compo-
nents, and over 400,000 technical documents both classified and
unclassified. The majority was of US origin, with an increasing share
of our technology obtained through Western Europe and Japan. This
truly impressive take was acquired by both legal and illegal means,
including espionage We estimate that during this period the KGB
and its military equivalent, the GRU, and their surrogates among the
East European intelligence services illegally stole about 70 percent
of the technology most significant to Soviet military equipment and
weapons programs.
"The Soviets had our plans to the C-5A before it flew. The
Soviet trucks which rolled into Afghanistan came from a plant outfit-
ted with $1.5 billion of modern American and European machinery.
The precise gyros and bearings in their latest generation of ICBMs
were designed by us The radar in their AWACS is ours. Their space
shuttle is a virtual copy of ours. And the list goes on.
"Just how do the Soviets get so much of our technology? First of
all, they comb through our open literature, buy through legal trade
channels, religiously attend our scientific and technological confer-
ences, and send students over here to study. Between 1970 and
1976, the Soviets purchased some $20 billion of Western equip-
ment and machinery, some of which had potential military applica-
tions. In addition to exploiting all open, legal channels, they use
espionage. There are now several thousand Soviet Bloc collection
officers at work primarily in the United States, Western Europe and
Japan. And as I stated before, your firms here in Silicon Valley are at
the very top of the list.
'The Soviets especially pinpoint and target small, highly innova-
tive companies in the computer and microelectronics field, not only
because they are at the leading edge of the technologies that Mos-
cow is most in need of, but also because such firms' security proce-
dures are usually inadequate to protect against penetration by a
determined, hostile intelligence service. They also use sophisticated
international diversion operations. We have identified some 300
firms operating from more than 30 countries engaged in such diver-
sion schemes. And there are probably many more than remain
"With these gains, the Soviets have systematically built a mod-
ern microelectronics industry. For example, the Zelenograd Science
Center, the Soviet equivalent of Silicon Valley, was equipped, liter-
ally from scratch, with Western technology. All Soviet monolithic
integrated circuits are copies of US designs. They even copied the
imperfections contained in some of the US samples!"
Willimantic Plans
Espionage Museum
A Museum of Espionage is currently in the planning stages at
Willimantic, Connecticut. Envisioned as a blending of factual history
and fiction, the founding group indicates much of the "hands-on"
display material will consist primarily of props used in movies and TV
shows and such personal materials as they are able to obtain from
authors and actors working in the genre. It has announced that the
CIA, FBI, NSA and several writers of espionage fiction have expressed
interest in the concept and offered varying degrees of assistance.
Also in planning for the 1985 opening are an espionage giftshop-
bookstore, a comprehensive library, bookclub, newsletter, speakers
on the history and function of the intelligence community, and a
continuing series of classic spy films
"We cannot guarantee that the museum will become a reality,"
says Michael J. Westerfield, the museum association's secretary.
"To a great extent the success or failure of the Museum of Espion-
age will depend on public support through membership in the
Museum Association," he notes. The address of the Willimantic
Museum Association is P.O. Box 752, Willimantic, CT 06226, and
dues are ten dollars
A clear understanding of the term "protection of sources and
methods" was reflected in President Reagan's remarks at the recent
CIA ground-breaking ceremony. The President noted
". . . I want to stress an intelligence agency cannot operate
effectively unless its necessary secrets are maintained even in this,
the most open and free country on earth. We cannot expect you or
your informants to endanger life and work because of carelessness,
sensationalism or unnecessary exposure to risk. Hostile intelligence
activities conducted in this country and directed at U.S. interests
abroad threaten not only our legitimate secrets and our technologi-
cal advantages, but also our privacy and ultimately our freedom. To
the danger of espionage is added 'active measures' designed to sub-
vert and deceive, to 'disinform' the public opinion upon which our
democracies are built.
"One of the greater dangers facing you is also the loss of neces-
sary secrets through unauthorized and illegal disclosures of classi-
fied information. As I said in my memorandum last summer to all
Federal employees, 'the unauthorized disclosure of our Nation's
classified information by those entrusted with its protection is
improper, unethical and plain wrong...'"'
Counter Terrorist Key:
Intelligence, Not Concrete
On Jan. 20, 1981, as Ronald Reagan was being sworn in as
40th president of the United States, a small group of protesters
demonstrated outside the FBI headquarters building. It was a peace-
ful, albeit vocal demonstration, one that would have attracted little
more than a passing glance.
But if anyone from the FBI had been looking, he might have
noticed that among the demonstrators was an escaped felon who
had fled from a federal prison in West Virginia some years before
and was still on the wanted list. This demonstrator, Marilyn Jean
Buck, was involved in terrorist activities.
Had she been spotted and arrested on Inauguration Day, per-
haps the Brink's robbery and four deaths nine months later in Nyack,
N.Y., might have been averted. For Buck, officials believe, had sup-
plied the getaway car and firearms to members of the terrorist
Weather underground organization who had sought to "expropriate"
some $1.6 million from a Brink's armored car in October 1981.
But even if an FBI agent had wanted to monitor who was dem-
onstrating outside his office in 1981, the then binding Levi Guide-
lines on domestic surveillance would have prevented him from doing
While that situation has changed somewhat (Attorney General
William French Smith last year relaxed some restrictions on domes-
tic surveillance(, experts say the Brink's incident illustrates the
importance of quality information or intelligence as a rerequisite for
combatting terrorism.
"Intelligence in advance is the key," says Sen. Jeremiah Den-
ton, R-Ala., chairman of the Senate Sub-committee on Security and
"If you know what's going to happen and eliminate potential
targets, that's a step in the right direction."
Adds RAND analyst Dr. Brian Jenkins: "The first line of defense
against terrorism is not a concrete barrier, but intelligence.
Experts, for instance, continue to bemoan problems in intelli-
gence they say have grown out of reform era. These include a reluc-
tance among some FBI agents to engage in domestic security
investigations for fear they may be sued for civil rights violations-
and abandoned by the bureau when it comes to defending them.
There also is a continuing reluctance among Western allies to
share intelligence with the CIA, FBI and other U.S. agencies for fear
that their sources might be compromised through release under the
Freedom of Information Act.
"It is a love-hate relationship," says Yonah Alexander, a terror-
ism expert at Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and
International Studies. "They are sharing some intelligence informa-
tion... [but] they are not giving everything.
-Excerpted from "Accurate Intelligence is
the First Line of Defense," by Ted Agres in
the Washington Times, June 27, 1984
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Are We Finally Waking Up?
Soviet Active Measures and the West
A book essay by Donald F. B. Jameson
In September 1981, it is said, the KGB created what has become
the most widely circulated newspaper in Greece. One of the Soviet
officials reported to have set up the arrangement was Vasily Sitnikov,
former chief of the disinformation department of the KGB. In contrast
to the government of M. Mitterand in France, the Greek socialists are
taking their country out of NATO, bit by bit. Their only enemy, so they
say, is Turkey and the only threat to world peace comes from the
United States. The line Ethnos (the paper in question) proclaims is
just a little ahead of the government's on the road to abandonment of
Western Europe.
The editor of Ramparts magazine reportedly told a USIS officer in
Prague during 1967 that he received support for his publication from
Czechoslovakia. The campaign of exposure of CIA's covert action
operations that followed in Ramparts helped destroy the principal
bulwark against the operations of Soviet front organizations in the
West. In the seventeen years since, that shield had never been
replaced effectively.
The strategic weapons programs of the U.S. under development
since 1967 have been abandoned, delayed or reduced by at least half
in every case. Only one, the addition of one new missile submarine to
the fleet, the first in sixteen years, has actually been realized. Several
congressmen have been involved closely with the activities of the
World Peace Council. The first national strategy conference of the
nuclear freeze movement in America was held in March, 1981. In
attendance were two Soviet devotees to the cause of peace; appro-
priately enough, one was from the KGB and the other from the inter-
national department of the Central Committee.
The connections among all these events are finally becoming
understood. "KGB," "dezinformatsia,"" "active measures," "interna-
tional department" and "central committee." are becoming not house-
hold terms, but at least words in common discourse among journalists,
politicians and even academics. Beginning with John Barron's pio-
neering work, KGB: The Secret Work of Secret Agents, published ten
years ago, we have seen a series of excellent expositions of one
aspect or another of Soviet clandestine operations. Barron's most
recent book on the topic, KGB Today, is another unique contribution
to our knowledge. Along with these almost encyclopedic books, we
now have some carefully researched studies on various aspects of
Soviet operations. Most encouragingly, the field of active measures
has become the focus of serious attention.
Dezinformatsia: Active Measures in Soviet Strategy is a major
contribution to our understanding of the subject. Professors Shultz
and Godson have produced a thorough, analytical treatment of active
measures that should open the eyes of students and perhaps even
other professors to the significance of the topic for any serious stu-
dent of Soviet international relations. In less than two hundred pages,
the authors provide a crisp description of the institutions engaged in
Soviet active measures, a history of their origins and an extensive
exposition of their tactical and strategic goals. They go on to analyze
overt Soviet propaganda themes and then match them up with the
objectives of covert operations from front groups, agents of influence
and forgeries.
This kind of sober approach using, almost to a fault, such tools
from the armory of sociology as content analysis, is likely to reach
some of those who need badly to be reached-college students and
the professorate that instructs them. The book concludes with inter-
views of two former Soviet Bloc intelligence officers who plied the
trade of case officer for secret active measures. These are both care-
ful, experienced men, not given to dramatic gestures. They point out
pretty much the same things, despite the more than ten years that
separated their dates of departure from the Soviet Bloc.
For those professionally interested in the topic, the nomenclature
of the central committee departments, the relevant elements of the
First Chief Directorate, a list of principal front groups and a glossary
provide an accurate guide to the terminology of the subject. The
essential difference between institutions in the Soviet Union and the
West, namely the tight centralization and integration of policy in the
former is well made. The Politburo runs everything and keeps an
especially close watch on active measures, closer perhaps than the
CIA Director keeps on what happens in his own agency's clandestine
programs. This insures that the Ministry of External Affairs, the For-
eign Trade Ministry, the press, the scientific and academic establish-
ments, the artists and the athletes, even the taxi drivers and hotel
clerks, all play in harmony, tubes in the same giant organ.
In the final brief chapter of conclusions, we find the most signifi-
cant observation of the book, one that many in our community need
to understand:
"...careful analysis of Soviet propaganda indicates that in
reality the Kremlin did not perceive any direct threat or chal-
lenge to its security interests emanating from alleged U.S.
aggressiveness or militarism... Moscow's primary purpose in
employing foreign propaganda is not to warn the United States
and its NATO allies of genuine Soviet anxiety... Rather...
Soviet leaders use this instrument as part of a political military
strategy that seeks to weaken the Western alliance."
Happily, Deszinformatsia is not the only book recently published
(in addition to Barrons' latest) on active measures and related sub-
jects. James L. Tyson's Target America documents in great detail the
impact of the Soviet campaign on the United States. Tyson works the
problem the other way, beginning with the facts of Communist influ-
ence and manipulation in the United States and linking them up with
the USSR where the evidence can sustain the charge. The Coercive
Utopians by Rael Jean Issac and Erich Issac performs the same func-
tion in a wider field and explains how the cause-committed citizen
can end up marching down a road much different from that on which
he started. The three books taken together make a major contribution
to our general understanding of the full spectrum of Soviet active
measures-from the schematic outline of the Moscow apparatus in
Dezinformatsia to the description of the political structure in Target
America to broad analysis of groups infiltrated and captured by the
network in The Coercive Utopians.
Finally, the concerned reader must recognize that unfortunately,
the majority of his fellow students do not really share the conclusions
these books reach about the importance of Soviet operations aimed at
influencing our policies. Perhaps what is lacking in the literature is a
careful examination of the great events since World War Ito assess
the degree to which Soviet intrique influenced the outcome. What
about the evidence that the Soviets gave critically needed support to
the early Nazi movement? Did they help the Nazis to power in 1933?
What effect did the Popular Front government in France have on
French preparedness? During and after WWII, what about Western
access to Berlin, the gold transfer to China that never got there, the
Morganthau plan for Germany, the defeat of the European Defense
Community in 1955 in France, the emergence of "Ostpolitik" and
Egon Bahr in the German Socialist Party, the radicalization and split-
ting of the Labor Party in Britain, to name a few interesting issues.
Did Soviet active measures play a significant role in any of them? Or if
you want to think big, examine the evidence of the influence of Soviet
agents in Tokyo and Washington in 1941 on the policies of both
governments. Could it be that the entry of Japan and the United
States into the Second World War was brought about by Soviet
machinations? The matter is worth looking into and if the case can be
well presented (I didn't say proved), people generally might begin to
pay attention.
Dezinformatsia: Active Measures in Soviet Strategy by Richard H.
Schultz and Roy Godson. Washington: National Stategy Information
Center, 1984. $11.95 (paper)
The Coercive Utopians by Rael Jean Issac and Erich Issac, Chicago
Regnery-Gateway, 1983. $18.95
Target America by James L. Tyson. Chicago: Regnery-Gateway,
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The following list of new members since the last issue is incomplete in that it does not include those who requested
that their names be kept restricted.
LtCol Michael E. ADAMS
Mr. Conrad K. HAUSMAN
7 Waccamaw Trail
716 S. 25th Street
3929 Venetian Drive, Dana Shores
Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Arlington, VA 22202
Tampa, FL 33614
Mr. Jimmy E. HAYES
452 S. Banana River Boulevard
5 East Circle Drive
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
Ten South Briar Hollow Lane, #52
Houston, TX 77027
LtCol Richard F. HEBERT
Mr. George W. ALLEN
1641 Westchester Court
123 East Elm Street
5520 N. 23rd Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Greenwich, CT 06830
Arlington, VA 22205
Mr. John F. ALTANO
820 East 12th Street
13005 Chalfont Avenue
Route 1, Box 66EE
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Fort Washington, MD 20744
Poca, WV 25159
Dr. Richard A. BAKER
14407 Barkwood Drive
P. O. Box 1106
45 Dogwood Road
Rockville, MD 20853
Tiburon, CA 94920
Morristown, NJ 07960
Mr. Elmer F. FAUST
42 Campden Circle,
Tower Hill Road
1546 Anna Way
Oakwell Farms
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Petaluma. CA 94952
San Antonio, TX 78218
Mr. Richard A. JOHNSON
Mr. Edward H. BORT
Mr. Mayhew Y. FOSTER
Route 4, Box 223
R. R. 1, Box 2085
1006 W. Greenough Drive
Warrenton, VA 22186
Manchester Center, VT 05255
Missoula, MT 59802
Mr. Raymond E. BOYLE
4411 Elm Street
339 Norwood Avenue
828 Morse Avenue, #65
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Satellite Beach, FL 32937
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Mr. Jeffery W. KINGRY
LtCol John R. BOZEK, USA(Ret.)
Mr. Stanley H. GAINES
P. O. Box 26
65 Logan Lane
3040 Cedarwood Lane
Milton, VT 05468
Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Falls Church, VA 22042
COL John S. KOMP USA(Ret.)
1285 La Mirada Drive
P. O. Box 1062
1516 Vista Place
Salinas, CA 93901
Manchester Center, VT 05255
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
9639 Covemeadow
1503 Guilford Lane
10404 Democracy Lane
Dallas, TX 75238
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Potomac, MD 20854
Mr. Bruce G. GOULD
Mr. William R. LENAHAN
P. O. Box 16
421 E. 72nd Street, #5D
USNR (Ret.)
Seattle, WA 98111
New York, NY 10021
P.O. Box 1609
Pinehurst, NC 28374
Mr. Gordon GRAHAM
Mr. Vernon E. LONGUET
25 Orange Street
9402 Alberene
Col Selby W. CALKINS
Clinton, MA 01510
Houston, Tx 77074
540 Brinkby Avenue
Mr. Floyd W. LUCAS Jr.
Reno, NV 89509
1330 Fifth Street, NE
1824 Jackson Street, #E
Hickory, NC 28601
Dr. Otto P. CHANEY
San Francisco, CA 94109
1115 Stratford Drive
Mr. John L. MARTIN
Carlisle, PA 17013
Mr. Charles W. GREENWELL
14512 Bellmeade Lane
Rt. 1, Box 463
Germantown, MD 20874
Mr. Howard W. CONNER
Jackson Springs, NC 27281
1878 NE Edith Street
Mr. Henry J. McDERMOTT
Palm Bay, FL 32907
P. O. Box 96
922 N. Ivy Street, #207
Avon, NJ 07717
Mr. Paul E. CRONIN
Arlington, VA 22201
2514 K Street, N.W., #12
Washington, DC 20037
Mr. Thomas M. HASSE
Box 479
11354 Empire Lane
Gwyneed Valley, PA 19437
Rockville, MD 20852
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404 Longmeadow Road
Orange, CT 06477
Mr. Dudley E. MERCER
2734 N. Yucatan Street
Arlington, VA 22213
Mr. Tobia G. MERCURO
Box 2895, Route 2
Front Royal, VA 22630
LtCol Richard L. MILLER
512 Killarney Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Mr. David B. O'CONNOR
150 St. Botolph Street, #35
Boston, MA 02115
Mr. Cornelius J. O'SHEA
7101 Bear Ct.
Springfield, VA 22153
MajGen Douglas J. PEACHER
1001 Genter Street, #3-I
La Jolla, CA 92037
Mr. Orville L. POTTER
948 Brightwaters Drive
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
Mr. Edward M. POWELL Jr.
1 Parker Avenue P. O. Box 161
Northfield, MA 01360
Col Edward C. REDICAN
5208 Olley Lane
Burke, VA 22015
Mr. Lorenzo J. RICCI
326 Duval Street, #4
Key West, FL 33040
Mr. Richard B. ROWERDINK
P. O. Box 26025
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
Mr. Leonard E. SCZYGIEL
3 Frasco Road, Eldorado
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Mr. Richard J. SHELL
108 Winthrop Street
Winthrop, MA 02152
Mr. Richard C. SHINN
501 Cancha
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Mr. Michael B. SLAIN
24100 Chagrin Boulevard, #300
Cleveland, OH 44122
Mr. Walter B. SMALLWOOD Jr.
2620 Iliff
Boulder, CO 80303
Mr. Edward M. SPECTOR
1660 N. Hotel Circle, Suite 222
San Diego, CA 92108
Mr. Edwin W. STARNES
9766 Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031
12312 Melody Turn
Bowie, MD 20715
Dr. Richard E. THOMAS
Route 1, Box 488
Bryan, TX 77801
BG Robert N. TRUBEY USA(Ret.)
335 Coates Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
Mr. M. Larry WELCH
506, 33 Willow Drive
Ocean, NJ 07712
Miss Diana V. WILSON
1906 Clipper Ct.
Willis, TX 77378
Mr. S. Dennis WINSTEAD
12915 Buccaneer Road
Silver Spring, MD 20904
81 E. Merritt Street
Plains, PA 18705
In Memoriam
Mr. James P. CASPER
Silver Spring, MD
Mr. Wilson B. FOSTER
Naples, FL
LtCOL Claude J. KRAMER, AUS(Ret.)
Sun City Center, FL
Mr. Richard J. KUHN
Rockville, MD
Alice Elizabeth (Mather) LEE
(Mrs. James E. LEE)
Camp Hill, PA
MAJ John J. O'HARA, AUS(Ret.)
San Diego, CA
COL Paul J. SAKAI, USA(Ret.)
Glen Burnie, MD
Mr. Charles G. STEINWAY
Indianapolis, IN
San Diego, CA
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Times Honors Clare Boothe Luce,
Member of AFIO Honorary Board
Highlander Aid Fund
Honors Lao War "Legends"
A highly human portrayal of Clare Boothe Luce, a
member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
Board and a member of AFIO's honorary board of direc-
tors, was featured in a recent issue of the Washington
Times. Commenting on two portraits of her by the
French artist Rene Margritte-one a lush pink rose
beside a silver dagger, the other a feather holding up the
Leaning Tower of Pisa-staff writer Kathleen Tyman
notes: "He has captured the paradox that delighted her
friends and enraged her enemies-drive sheathed in
beauty, strength cloaked in gentleness."
Mrs. Luce came to Washington from her home in
Hawaii in 1982 to join President Reagan's PFIAB, on
which she served also during the Nixon and Ford admin-
istrations. Besides doing research and attending meet-
ings of PFIAB, Mrs. Luce is much sought after as a
public speaker. The article notes her versatility: she
trained as an Olympic swimmer, was a photographer,
an actress, a playwright, a congresswoman and the
United States' first woman ambassador. As the alter-
ego of her late husband, publisher Henry Luce of Time,
Inc., she trailblazed the worlds of politics and diplomacy,
says the writer.
The profile of Mrs. Luce also notes that a recent spy
fiction author has used her as a character in an OSS-
vintage plot. In the book, The Talbot Legacy, by Nelson
Demille, Mrs. Luce notes:
"He sets me among the people I've known for many
years like [William] Casey and a number of more famous
spies like [William] Stephenson, who was "Intrepid." It's
really very amusing to find yourself as a background
character in a novel. Every day I come across some cur-
ious reference to myself, generally inaccurate." Then
she adds the tantalizer: "Of course, Stephenson did give
me very briefly a small job..."
A living memorial has been established to commemorate two
Americans whose personal dedication ensured that the United States
would not forget or abandon its courageous allies from the mountains
of northern Laos. The efforts of Edgar "Pop" Buell and Jerry B.
Daniels, both of whom died in Asia, are being continued by the
Hmong/Highlander Development Fund, established by the Wash-
ington-based Indochina Resource Action Center. Intelligence officers
who served in Southeast Asia are familiar with the legends surround-
ing the two honored humanitarians and many, no doubt knew them.
The Fund serves to continue the efforts they began on behalf of Lao
The memorial fund is a private sector initiative to promote the
transition of the traditional highlander skills and strengths into Amer-
ican entrepreneurial development. It makes resources available in
business planning, management and loan packages to Highlander
individuals and groups requiring assistance. Further, it assists them
in securing loans or seed money from commercial lending institu-
tions to begin development of micro-enterprises, with a goal of reduc-
ing the highlanders' welfare dependency and to reestablish the
traditional stability of the tribal members.
From 1954-75, the highland groups from Laos, the Hmong
(Meo), lu Mein (Yao) and Khmu (Lao Thoeng), suffered heavy losses
while supporting U.S. government efforts. Following the communist
takeover in Laos, they faced fatal persecution and more than 150,000
highland Lao took refuge in Thailand. Since 1975, more than 60,000
of them have resettled in the U.S. In the absence of an appropriate
resettlement strategy, the highland peoples were lost amidst more
numerous Asian groups and dispersed across the country. An agri-
cultural people, they were ill-prepared for life in the urban areas
where they were settled initially, and language and skill programs
were generally ineffective. Continued movement of the tribesmen
has been described as the greatest internal migration of a refugee
population recorded in American history.
Contributions to the memorial may be mailed to the Hmong/
Highlander Development Fund, 1424 16th St. N.W., Suite 404,
Washington, D.C. 20036.
The following members have generously contrib-
uted amount equal to or exceeding one year's annual
COL George W. Aldridge, Jr. USA(Ret.)
Houston, TX
New Life Members
Mr. Edward M. Collins
McLean, VA
8530 Oak View Drive
Manassas, VA 22111
P.O. Box 1 106
Tiburon, CA 94920
Tower Hill Road
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
12019 Remington Drive
Wheaton, MD 20902
Mr. Richard C. SHINN
501 Cancha
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Mr. Miles Copeland
Mr. John R. Freeman
Mechanicsburg, PA
CDR Stephen Lahmann, USN(Ret.)
Coronado, CA
COL A. F. S. MacKenzie, USA(Ret.)
Holmes Beach, FL
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Preston Ransburg
Indianapolis, IN
Eleanor Madge Stein
Tequesta, FL
(In memory of Ab Riddle)
Mr. Joseph J. Tester
Denver, CO
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From the President's Desk
This is my last shot at you, a captive readership,
from this corner, and I owe you a report of tenure:
a. Chapter Activities. The last two years have seen
a noticeable increase in chapter initiatives, meetings,
seminars, guest speakers, and Letters-to-the-Editor, all
attributable to the activism of Chapter Officers and
members. There has also been considerably more coor-
dination between Chapters, and with national, resulting
in sharing good speakers, capturing good crowds, gain-
ing good publicity for our cause.
b. Membership. We remain steady at about 3500,
with gains and losses each month. Hopefully, the gains
are quality folks who are joining the hard core, and will
be with us for a long time. Our goal is 4000 by the
Convention '84. We will continue to screen membership
to preserve our Association's integrity. In this respect,
the life membership of Ronald R. Rewald of Honolulu
was recently rescinded by Board direction, as provided in
paragraph G, Article VI, of the Articles of Incorporation.
c. National. We think we are serving you better, but
know we have miles to go. Much effort has been spent
on revising election procedures to satisfy you, the mem-
bership. Chapter procedure guidelines are in prepara-
tion. Booklets on intelligence subjects published so far
have been a great success, are in high demand, and
more are coming. The Common Interest Network (CIN),
an informal quarterly meeting of the leaders of Wash-
ington-based intelligence organizations, was launched
at the direction of your Board of Directors, and is alive,
flourishing, and productive.
d. Annual Conventions. Distance and time seem to
prohibit a complete gathering of the Association, dis-
persed as we are, regardless of location. Spurred on by
the outstanding and hospitable performance of the San
Diego Chapter last year, the '84 committee is going all
out in arranging an interesting, busy, and informative
convention for October. We'll do our best to lure more
AFIO, Alleges Journal, Sustains
"Institutional Self-Protection"
The current issue of the Columbia Journalism Review paints an
Orwellian picture of the CIA publication review process and finds it
guilty of unconscionable "institutional self-protection." The author of
"Warning: CIA Censors at Work," Jack Hitt, also warns of another
co-conspirator-AFIO's Executive Director.
According to Hitt, adherents of "institutional self-protection"
view former intelligence officers turned critics of intelligence as
"nothing more than traitors," and cites as evidence the difficulties
experienced before the CIA Publication Review Board by authors
Victor Marchetti, Frank Snepp, John Stockwell, "Philip Eliot" and
Ralph McGehee.
In support of his contention about AFIO, Hitt cites the following
"While I was researching this article, for example, the executive
director of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, John K.
Greaney, graciously provided telephone numbers of former agents.
So long as the names I read off to him were 'friendly' officials, he
readily divulged the numbers."
"But, then the name John Stockwell was mentioned. Stockwell
is the author of a critical book about the agency and had a tough go
with the Board. 'Oh, you don't want to talk to that son of a bitch,'
Greaney said. 'He went sour, went around the bend. Like McGehee.' ".
Mr Greaney was not available for comment when his office was
contacted by Periscope.
than 10% of our members to Washington; 50% would
be a great turnout. It's up to you.
e. Publications. Periscope remains our main
medium of communications to you, supplemented by
the News Commentary. We have been blessed with two
professional editors of Periscope, and seek to keep it a
quality product. As noted, publication of booklets in sup-
port of our educational program is off to a good start, and
will grow, carefully.
f. Goals. Progress toward our goals is difficult to
measure, but we can measure effort. Most of the effort
was by you, in the trenches of society, correcting mal-
impressions, setting the record straight. Here, we have
been invited to testify several times, and to make
appearances in key fora. We just have to keep chipping
away, wherever and whenever we can.
Last, my sincere thanks for the opportunity to serve
the past two years as your President. It has been a great
honor, and a greater responsibility, to try to represent
you and our Association in the effort to restore and
maintain a rock intelligence capability for our country.
Our voice is heard, our opinion respected, our counsel
sought, because we speak from your experience and
because our only advocacy is the security and well-
being of our country.
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Officers of AFIO are:
Maj. Gen. Richard X. Larkin, USA(Ret.) ..... President
Robert D. Brown, Jr .................. Vice President
Robert J. Novak ......................... Treasurer
Charlotta P. Engrav ...................... Secretary
John K. Greaney ................. Executive Director
Edward F. Sayle ............... Editor of PERISCOPE
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