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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201090019-9 ARTICLE APPEARED WALL STREET JOURNAL ON PAGE 15 August 1984 01 The Left's Selective Moral utrage By STEPHEN MORRIS President Reagan's objective of trying to prevent communist takeovers in Central America is being most vigorously op- posed-in the universities, the media, the churches and Congress-by people who were part of, or inspired by, the anti-war movement of the 1960s and 1970s. The cur- rent opponents adopt the same moralistic postures as the "peace marchers" of the past, and again contrast themselves with the purportedly cruel and duplicitous ad- ministrations they oppose. The anti-war movement of America's Vietnam era was never monolithic. But by 1970, a coalition of New Leftists and radi- calized liberals had established its organi- zational and ideological dominance within the movement. Currently, it is most of these same people who lead the militant opposition to U.S. policy in Central Amer- ica. The list of sponsors of United States Out of Central America (USOCA)-a San Francisco-based organization engaged in agitation and propaganda on behalf of all Central American revolutionaries-pro- vides some of the best examples of this political recycle. The universities are once again the base for the most intense assaults upon the pol- icy of containing communism. USOCA's Nobel Prize-winning scientists George Wald and Linus Pauling sponsor shiploads of supplies for the Sandinista regime in or- der to demonstrate their "solidarity," as they did more than a decade ago with North Vietnam. Mr. Wald, who endorses the claims of the Guatemalan communists about repression in their country, has nev- ertheless failed to protest against the mas- sive repression in communist Vietnam, and was silent about Khmer Rouge atroci- ties in Cambodia while Po1 Pot was in power. Mr. Chomsky's Views But USOCA's most influential academic sponsor is the celebrated Massachusetts Institute of Technology linguist Noam Chomsky. As was the case during the era of American involvement in Indochina, Prof. Chomsky draws capacity crowds of doting students to his lectures on campuses across the nation. There, once again, he denounces the real and imagined crimes of I the U.S. and its clients, while portraying their communist adversaries as morally untarnished victims. Mr. Chomsky appar- ently still believes, as he wrote in 1979, that "Washington has become the torture and political murder capital of the world." Before undemurring audiences, he identi- fies the views of intellectuals who support a resolutely anticommunist policy in Cen- tral America-such as Norman Podhoretz, the Jewish neoconservative editor of com- mentary, and the Jewish editors of the lib- eral New Republic-with the views of the Nazis. It is thus interesting to look back on Mr. Chomsky's attitude to the "peacetime" record of the last communist revolutions he supported-in Indochina. In various ar- ticles, books and speeches, Mr. Chomsky challenged firsthand accounts of a Vietna- mese gulag of prisons, "reeducation camps" and New Economic Zones. At a I.l ne when perhaps mph than a MORE Cambodians had died at the hands o ruling communist revolutionaries, he also attempted to discredit reports of a Cambodian holocaust, based on refugee testimon , as "distortions at fourth hand." Mr. Chomskv suspected Thai or Central In- to tgence Agency connivance in fabricat_ g ing many of these stories. He was more pressed with the accounts of veteran pro-Hanoi researchers, such as Ben Kier- nan, Michael Vickery and Institute for Pol- icy Studies associate D. Gareth Porter who, using largely communist sources, tes- tified before a congressional subcommittee in May 197: .. the notion that the leadership of Democratic Kampuchea adopted a policy of physically eliminating whole classes of people, of purging anyone who was con- nected with the Lon No] government, or punishing the entire urban population by putting them to work in the countryside after the 'death march' from the cities, is a myth... . Mr. Chomsky continued to vilify critics of the Khmer Rouge for several more years. But the campaign of holocaust de- nial by other anti-war academics, includ- ing IPS associates, suddenly wound down form), imagine Oxfam-America to be non- in 1978. In that year the Vietnamese and partisan. In fact Oxfam-America engages Cambodian communists openly announced in political advocacy. Its publications dem- th i di r e sagreement with one another, the result being an escalating border war. Most Western anti-war activists suddenly began to develop new perspectives on the Khmer Rouge. A mini-replay of the Sino- Soviet dispute had forced "progressives" to choose sides. Most chose Hanoi. Along with the radical academics, the "progressive" Protestant church groups- those influenced by "liberation" theology- today play an important role in supporting the communists in Central America. They funnel money to pro-Sandinista organiza- tions inside Nicaragua, and provide impor- tant propaganda work in the U.S. on behalf of the Sandinista regime, and the Salva- doran and Guatemalan insurgents. These same progressive church circles. especially the rterican Friends' Service Committee, the Mennpnite Central Corr>i mittee, the Methodist office for the United ations and the Church World Service, were activ-e io east anti-war movement. flieyha`ve remained unswerving a vocates o Vietnamese communist foreign Doi v. When the pacifist Joan Baez protested against unman rig isolations in Peiname AFSC disseminated a docu- men , ortgina tng in Havana, a tshon- es y smeared one of sources (Doan Van Toat) as a stooge of Nguyen Van Thieu and the CIA. The "progressive" church activists have also given money to Hanoi for the building of New Economic Zones-the Viet- namese equivalent of Siberian exile-to which Hanoi deports people it considers po- litically or socially undesirable. During the period 1975-77, when the Khmer Rouge was publicly on good terms with Hanoi, the "progressive" Protestants were silent about the regime. But as with the academic and political communities, after the split between the Indochinese communists, these same people suddenly became fervent critics of the "Pol Pot genocidal regime." In October 1980, after the U.N. had already condemned the Viet- namese invasion of Cambodia, representa- tives of the major "progressive" Protes- tant groups held a welcoming reception for the Vietnamese foreign minister, Nguyen Co Thach, at the U.N. and expressed their "solidarity." The influence of anti-war movement id- eology has also made itself felt within sec- ular "relief" agencies. The most signifi- cant of these is Oxfam-America, an organi- zation that describes its purpose as "inter- national development and disaster relief." Most Americans, including Sen. Edward Kennedy (who has spoken on its plat- onstrate not merely hostility to the Guate- malan government but sympathy with the cause of Guatemalan communist guer- rillas. Oxfam-America provides aid to or- ganizations controlled by the communist regime in,Nicaragua. Oxfam-America's conception of "inter- national development and disaster relief" is even more starkly brought out by its Continued Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201090019-9