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Document Release Date:
July 30, 2010
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Publication Date:
October 28, 1980
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140072-4
un1L.L 1.U1J1:1
28 OCTOBER 1980
CIA needed for defense
-ro the eurtor _ .. ; -
ThisisanopenlettertoRayParrishi aself-styled defender of American
freedoms.. , .- -
All communists-have as their goal the ultimate enslavement of the
entiro free world. The best way for them to gain their ends is to make sure j
that the countries they wish to conquer are unable to defend Ihrmselves:?
e.g, Afghanistan,. Hungary, Poland.
Apparently, you have been supporting all of the Russian policies. fiats. ,
declarations, and imperialistic incursions in a seeming eftort to under-
mine and defeat all attempts by all who are truly "freedom lovers" to
defend themselves from Russian domination:.
communists would like to see all training of U.S. citizens for defense of
our country cease. What better way is there than defeating draft registra--
tion._to ensure that -we_ do not, have the trained: -manpower to defend
ourselves? You are certainly doing everything in your power tt see that
our ability to defend ourselves is made impotent. The Central _Inntt Jjjg 4n ;~Aga'y y, the arm of our defense that keeps
our presr dent-the Congress and our military defenders-inturmed as to
what the Russians are doing to conquer the world through their imperial-
ism. By the way,.1 dent see you deprecating the Russian KGB The CIA is
an absolutely'essential arm of our continued existence. and yet--you are
doing all you can to weaken it:
You harangue about the so-called interference of the United States in
the politics of other countries and yet you encourage the infiltration and
subversion of all countries by communists andtheirdupes. I haven't heard
you speak out in horror- about the-napalming-and bombing of helpless
.children and-women and men by the Russians in Afghanistan:
You criticize the efforts our country to improve the working conditions
and the enhancement of freedom in other countries as interference in their
internal affairs. Why don't you ever deplore the way Russia and Cuba
interfere with and subvert governments all around the world'
Unfortunately, there are some naive students who believe all your
words. I would hope that this letter would show them for what they are-a
lot of bull.
CIA doesn't belon at. Ul
-2 J
To the editor:.
It has come to our attention that, the CIA %vi.11 again be on campus
recruiting on October 28 and 29. We wish to make kn
own our
dissatisfaction and implore Stan Levy, vice chancellorfor student affairs.
not to allow the University to be-used by this terroristic organization.
- In its short 35 years of existence, the CIA has an infamously long record '
of spyingon U.S. citizens, of channeling money covertly to political parties-_
in dictators and training their military forces in the ways of torture. and of
destabilizing .progressive regimes- Chile, Guatemala. Jamaica, Italy..
is Brazil, Zaire, Iran, Vietnam, Angola, and Thailand are just some of the
many countries in which these activities have occurred. } : .
Because the CIA aids regimes, like that of Pinochet in Chile. which.
systematically deny pdople basic human rights, not to mention the fact
that such regimes try to eliminate all vestiges of academic?freedom. it
would be an insult to the entire University community and an affront to this
institution's commitment to democracy and intellectual freedom to per-
: mit the CIA to use our buildings and other facilities.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/30: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140072-4