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Document Release Date: 
July 19, 2010
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Publication Date: 
May 14, 1981
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201150005-7 THE POST University of Ohio 14 May 1981 by LIS:1 RYAN V/lien recruiters frc i the Central tinte!iige. ce Agency came to OU Tuesday, Jonathan Smvaslh vas_ ready with trench coat and-.. Sowash, a .'eople for Peace member, entered Balser, Center Ballroom for a CIA presen tation, he wasn't loo king for a job. So:;Ets'Z and two other People for Peace members carne td the Lii! Y 11 ,1 L~!-J1,3UL'JV1 ZU L::L~111a LLV:1a1 /~~ Recn uitme nt Fair to protest the "We want to implant a grain of doubt in the students who are in tf rested in the CIA, just tell there to che.'i it out," said Pcop.'e for' Peace T e :? r non i ippert. ' i For some students the CIA may 4L ~~' have glamorous connot tions, said "T;,-.y recruit ' saying, :'See . tie. viorld.' They play on our sense.of a lventure-the kind of cops and robbers you play as kids. But for ke?eps," Griesinger said. The three said they ,were pro testing both inverriational andJ n Cincinnati, was in town to inter- meet to Nave a hold on the person," iaom~stic CIA actions. view University students interested Gunn said. ; "The CIA's purpose is to put in a CIA career. Connections with foreign P-avern- down t Third World and support "We're 'like. any employer. We m; ts-i :*f foreign-bow n~rent$ .rcpressi:?e regimes," Nippert said. use advertising to say what the or spouse, he added. He carried a placard saying; Ask CIA has to offer," Gunn.said. etween 80 and 100 students at- the CIA-about Chile, Iran and Cuba The CIA' is interested in students tended the International Recruit- and about vihat is moral. with backgrounds in computer went Fair, which also included in- CIA personnel representative science, engineering and 'other formation on the Peace Corps, Pro- Steve Gunn said the three-person technical areas, as well as' interna- ctor and Gamble and Catholic protest was the. first he. had en- tional relations or a, foreign Relief Services. countered in his recruiting careen. 'Ianguage, Gunni said. Although the CIA `protest' was "It was -the biggest - protest I've.. 'Security checks 'are' run on a small and low-keyed, Griesinger ever seen, acfu'lly the only one I've:; potential eir_ployee to see if the per- said the group achieved its purpose. ever seen. Maybe there were more in son has connections with foreign `.'Students noticed we were here. the early '70s," Gunn said. governments, Gunn said. - They're aware of What the CIA is Gunn, who works out of an office.. ' We don't want a foreign govern doing," she said. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201150005-7