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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1984
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STAT 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100560007-9 P! r-., . 7 -:77r -' WASHINGTON POST 3 October 1984 Published in British Magazine LNsa Analyst Arrested in Photo Sale By Paul W. Valentine Washington Post Statt Writer A civilian naval intelligence an- alyst and grandson of the Navy's foremost historian has been ar- rested by the FBI and charged with providing classified U.S. satellite photographs of a new Soviet air- craft carrier to a British military magazine. Samuel Loring Morison, 40, was STA -rested Monday night at > Dulles ternational. Airport as he was about to board a plane for England and charged with unauthorized dis- closure of three photographs show-. ing the nuclear-powered carrier under construction in a Soviet ship- yard on the Black Sea. According to the FBI and the Na- val Investigative Service, Morison took the photographs from his of- fice at the Naval Intelligence Sup- port Center in Suitland last summer and sold them to Jane's Defence Weekly, a newly established mag- azine published in London by the company that produces a series of authoritative books on the world's naval, air and ground defenses that often are based on classified infor- mation. After pictures of the new carrier .were published in the magazine Aug. 7, they were distributed by wire services and appeared in many newspapers, including The Wash- ington Post. The leaked photographs were said by Pentagon sources yesterday to have caused concern in the "high- est reaches of the government." Defense Secretary Caspar W. Wein- berger was described as extremely upset at the time the pictures were. published, not so much because of :. the pictures themselves but be- cause of the information-collection capabilities they demonstrated. - Morison-whose grandfather, the late Samuel Eliot Morison, was awarded the rank of rear admiral for a distinguished writing career that included the official history of the Navy during World War II- lives in Crofton, Md., where he was described by neighbors as a quiet, scholarly man with*an apartment full of books. His arrest coincided almost to the hour with the arrest in New York Monday of an East German woman charged by the FBI with violating U.S. espionage laws by attempting to pass classified information to the Soviet Union. The two cases are _unrelated, agents said. Two women accompanying Mor- ison at the time of hen arrest were questioned by agents but released, the FBI said. , According to a court affidavit, the three satellite photographs of the Soviet aircraft carrier disappeared in late-July from the desk of one of Morison's colleagues. When.'fhe' pictures were published a veeriater, U.S. authorities ob- tained the original prints in London and "positively identified a latent fin- gerprint.which appeared on the glosss sy side of one of the .:... photographs as that of Samuel Loring Morison," according tp the affidavit. Next, FBI experts seized the rib- bon cartridge from Morison's office electric typewriter, transcribed the typings on the ribbon and found cor- respondence in which Morison told Jane's editors he. would be sending them various "items" of interest, the affidavit said. - Morison, who the FBI said earned' $5,000 a year as a part-time editor of Jane's publications, also described his naval office as a "pit," according to the affidavit, and in- dicated he wanted to work full time for the 'British publisher. "My loy alty to Jane's is above question," he said, according to the affidavit. "I'd rather quit here than there." - Members of Morison's family said yesterday he had an early in- terest in 'naval matters, apparently acquired from his historian grand- father. He also "was a heavy spend.. er." said Edward D.W. Spingarn, an. uncle by .marriage. who lives in Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11 Washingto>it. "He liked to take friends out and entertain lavishly." Morison was being held in Alex- andria pending a removal hearing Oct. 11 on his transfer to Maryland. Bail was set a't $500,000. Also contributing to this story were Washington Post staff writers San- dra ?R Greg Fred Hiatt and Eve ' Zibart.