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June 5, 1982
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STAT / I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0100150093-6 APPEARED ON PAGE j -___ THE WASHINGTON POST 5 qune 1982 Correction: In a recent column I quoted a CIA document that ap- praised the accuracy of the Soviets' SS20 missile at.02 nautical miles, or 122 feet. Actually, the SS20's accu- racy is .2 of a nautical mile, or 1,215 feet. With a nuclear warhead, that's scant comfort. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/29: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0100150093-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100150093-6 ,I ON F, THE WASHINGTON POST 1 April 1982 Missiles `Freeze' Is Brezhnev's April Fool Joke To be fitting, Leonid Brezhnev should have waited until today to an- nounce his missile "freeze." It would have been a grim April Fool joke. Top-secret documents make it clear that the Soviet boss is playing a deadly shell game with his nuclear missiles. And it could well be a game of winner-take-alL Brezhnev's offer to halt deploy. ment of his SS20 medium-range rock- ets in the western Soviet Union was an empty gesture. Not only would it lock NATO into a dangerous disad- vantage (if the West agreed not to deploy 572 additional nuclear systems starting next year), but the Soviets were giving away nothing.. Brezhnev was offering to stop at the 300-missile level-but that's the number the So- viets had always planned to stop at. With 300 missiles to secure his Eu- ropean flank, Brezhnev could easily afford not to deploy future SS20 mis- siles west of the Urals. In fact, intel- ligence sources told my associate Dale Van Atta there's a harrowing possi- bility that the purported "pullback" of SS20s would give the Kremlin many more missiles capable of reaching the United States. Here's why: By attaching a third-stage rocket, the Russians' two-stage, intermediate. range SS20 becomes a full-fledged SS16 intercontinental ballistic missile that can hit targets in North America . And adding the 10-foot third-stage component to an SS20 is a relatively simple process. The Soviets' SS16 ICBM is a fear- some weapon that has been developed and tested in extraordinary secrecy since at least 1973. According to top- secret CIA reports, the Russians went to elaborate lengths to keep the SS16's performance from being mon- itored by Western intelligence agen- cies. The precautions included "the use of canvas and camouflage netting at test ranges, test-firing only at night, and building roofs over rail sid- ings at a production plant"-all de- signed to thwart U.S. spy satellites. Despite these measures, the CIA was able to gather information on the super-secret SS16. The agency counted a total of 32 test firings, and detected five failures. The final launches were made by soldiers dur- ing troop exercises, which indicated that the ICBM was about ready for deployment. Toward the end of their- series of SS16 tests, the Soviets began regular tests of its precocious "kid brother," the SS20. The CIA discovered a scary thing: both missiles use the same basic elements and the same'niobile truck launchers. As a result, the CIA report said, "it may not be possible to determine which missile a support base contains." The only way to tell for sure is to check 'the missile's .per- formance after launching. The SS20 is a'sWer smart:missile. It has, according to the CIA,="w ac- curacy of about .02 nautical m'iles~if a -pre-surveyed launch position- Is used.". That's less than half the length of. a football field. Not only that, but the SSSO is fully mobile; it's fired from the same truck that carries it around. It ? `cair be launched within 30 seconds if if is at its highest state of readines8," the CIA reported, adding: "Otherwise, about 20 to 30 minutes are - required And a new missile' cari be launched within a few - seconds if major re-aiming isn't needed. _ That's the SS20, the missile ar- rayed against our Western' European allies. Brezhnev has offered, not to deploy more than the 300 already in place-if no new U.S. missile" are sent to Europe. What many Europeans fail to un- derstand, though, is that each . SS20 can be converted into a .long-range missile. Realizing this, U.S. -negotia- tors at the SALT II talks got the Rus- sians to agree not to produce- the third-stage "conversion kit" for its SS20s. That concession, of .course, is now inoperative. . _ , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000100150093-6