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Publication Date: 
November 5, 1980
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STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/28 :CIA-RDP90-009658000100170020-4 . - 'T' Eli' Y ia,I'.r:l o~ Face ~AC~C ;ANl3E~S~~1 THE WASHINGTON POST 5 November 1980 When President Carter's civil service~:;vf drug companies. A special panel of reform legislation was enacted- ,two 'federal investigators concluded in 1977 years ago, the White House ballyhooed` ~ ;that Finkel and. FDA management it as the greatest boon to governmental ::had concealed the truth and given in- efficiency amce the _ invention of ,the -`'complete and misleading testimony in paperclip. `.. ~ '~ a case involving the railroading of an Competent public aervanta `were 'to '- `FDA whistleblower. The report found be rewarded, not,; juste with s hearty ~ ~ Finkel's ,conduct "unacceptable" ? and cash in the form_of bonuses.. Whistle-""' + Jack Stempler, general.: counsel of protection and recognitiori~ for expos- .; ,President Nixon, ;Stempler directed-.. ingwaste and mismanagement. ': the Air Force response to charges,.by. Unfortunately, ? this Mary : Poppins'`~=cost analyst 'A. Ernest Fitzgerald. ex- acenariowasn't the way 'things worked , , posing a $2 billion cost overrun in the out. Ia practice, the cash bonuses were ; Co transport plane program: Fitzger- -handed out to entrenched senior` bu= old was smeared, fired and -when he reaucraf~with-political clout:=-'some ;won reinstatement after a long court of whom were actually involved in re- ', fight =-shunted into a do-nothing job. foliation against lower-echelon. whistle=~' ' The Senate Judiciary Committee is blowers. Virtue is still pretty much its:. ~~ investigating Stempler'srole in the own ward' for. the, working stiffs in 'Fitzgerald harassment. What is ironic ~. ~ tf.: federal government: ~ ` ". . , ,= is that Carter, campaigning in 1976, re- The handling of the bonus idea has ;' peatedly mentioned Fitzgerald as the turned so sour, in fact, that disillu-.: kind of public servant who would be sinned employes refer to the program;; rewarded in a Carter administration. as "cash for cronies." `~.``` r ': ? instead, the $20,000 reward went to , My reporters Indy Badhwar 'arid ; one of Fitzgerald's persecutors. Gloria Danziger have reviewed'a: long.;',' ? Claude J. Farinha, another high list of the recipients of cash bonuses = 'Air Force official, $20,000. Farinha was $3 million worth, ranging from $3,000' ".the brains behind Project Nlax, a mul- to $20,000._ Here's the sorry rundown: _ , timillion=dollar compute;"ized manage- on just a few of these bureaucratic `went system that congressional watch- bonusbabies:~~ ~ .. ? ~, . '" `;~,?,`~ dogs concluded was as worthless as it ? Manon `Finkel; ass~stant-'dn~ector -' .was expensive. The Air Force, with Fa- for new drug evaluation, Food and '? rinha's knowledge, continued to lavish Drug Administration, $10,000 -bonus. ' `' money on the program until it was For. years, she has been accusecYof her- ~ ` quietly scuttled.- .. , . assing??~ FDA=, scientists, `who'were ? Erich von Marbod,'de uty chief o .- deemed "adversarial" to the interests :,; ..the . e erase apartments ..security .: . , ~... ~,.r~ , , assistance a enc $10000. Von iV1ar- ~ came un er congressional fire ins or prove mg a ve rote - I gence i orma ion a s Mme t o arter a ra ion wag se g sop ti_ shah t lr ',' Nlarlood gave incur om ~a~in -mto oviet ds - as- surances w is were cum late and: corre ,contra c e '~IEer~a our, ie of tie Gen- ' eral Services Administration's Wash- ington,. D.C., :regional office, $3,500?. KalIaur was the subject of a . Justice .Department investigation in 1978 for his activities when he was on loan Ito the Carter-iVlondale .transition team. . He and an associate cooked up a way to get around GSA. regulations as ~a means of paying transition team mem-: bers until they were officially on the government payroll. Kallaur admits to using a "short cut" but. denies there.l .:was a Justice Department investiga- ~ 'tion. He says Justice "looked at" the ~ ' system he had devised to pay salary ~ advances, and concluded there was no-: thing wrong. ..., ~ . }? ?? Edward Scott, :former asaistmt secretary, Department of Transport~- tion, $20,000.. Scott's brainchild was. a costly scheme to replace secretaries (the clerical land) with TV-sized cum-1 putsr .terminals that .would receive,. J store and dispense messages while .i busy executives were. out to lunch: or a otherwise absent. Scott took the bonus and then left government service. , . ;, ? ; d Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/28 :CIA-RDP90-009658000100170020-4