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Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302330054-5 STAT flCLE APU14RP WASHINGTON TIMES .7 August Siberian radar facifity called most serious ABM violation By Bill Gertz THE WASHINGTON TIMES U.S. officials at a bilateral arms control commission reauested that the Soviet Union halt construction on years a ratio after facility two ter intelligence vio to showed that the radar would the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Tmea according to a secret re rt . on Soviet arms violations, A section of the report on the Soviet radar installation at Kras- noyarsk reveals that the facility fills "the last remaining gap" in Soviet radar coverage against incoming nuclear missiles and is incapable of tracking space launches, which the Soviets had claimed was its purpose. The analysis appeared in a classi- fied 1904' report titled "Soviet Non- Compj Ace with Arms Control Agreements:' It contradicts Soviet statements that the radar con- structietrtloes not violate the ABM Treaty because it is intended for tracking space vehicles. An unclassified version of the report was released last year. A copy of the secret report was obtained by The Washington Times from admin- istration sources. After the radar was first detected in July 1983, the report reveals, the U.S. representative to the Geneva Standing Consultative Comission on arms control, Gen. Richard Ellis, told his Soviet counterpart, Viktor Starodubov, that the radar installa- tion violated an ABM treaty prohibi- tion on building early warning radars away from a country's bord- ers. Gen. Ellis, a former commander of the Strategic Air Command, requested the Soviets halt con- struction on the radar until the dis- pute could be resolved. Mr. Starodubov rejected the request and said the U.S. charge was "groundless, the report states. The- radar is expected to become oper- ational by 1988. "We do not build or deploy such radars unless they are in compliance with the ABM Treaty," Mr. Starodubov is quoted as saying. Gen. Ellis could not be reached for comment on the exchange. An Arms Control and Disarmament Agency spokesman declined to comment on the SCC discussions, saying all diplo- matic exchanges "are highly confi- dential:' The new radar, located between the central Siberian cities of Kras- noyarsk and Abalakova,has been identified as a large, "phased-array" transmitter with a flat bank of fixed antennas 22 stories tall. The radar complex is 479 feet long and 288 feet wide. It operates by sending and receiving a spray of electronic pulses in varying wave- lengths, which permits the system to spot metal objects as far away as Alaska. The location and direction of the radar are believed to indicate that the Soviet Union is preparing a nationwide, defense against ballistic missiles. Krasnoyarsk is more than 450 miles from the closest border, with Mongolia, and the radar is pointed northeast, not directed toward the border. Experts believe its location would permit the radar, when used with rapid-processing computers, to coordinate attacks on incoming mis- sile warheads aimed at ICBM fields in the southwestern Soviet Union. The Reagan administration last year considered the radar to be "almost certainly" a violation of the ABM treaty. In a February report to Congress, the radar was described as a definite ABMviolation. Since the 1984 report, U.S. intel- ligence has detected other signs of an impending Soviet ABM breakout, including the recent discovery of six large silos at various points throughout the U.S.S.R. They are believed to be sites for the "Flat Twin" pop-up radars currently in use with missile defense interceptors around Moscow, a US- intelligence expert said. The Soviets operate the world's only operational ABM system, around Moscow, which is permitted under the treaty. Besides the radar, the Soviet con- current testing of ABM interceptors and tactical air defense missiles, the upgrading of surface-to-air missfles,? - the rapid reload of Moscow ABMs and ABM component mobility "sug- gests that the US.S.R. may be pre- paring an ABM defense of its national territory," a 1985 govern- ment report on Soviet violations states. Regarding the 1983 discussions on the Siberian radar, the report states that "the basic objective of the United States in these [SCC] discus- sions [in Geneva} was to minimize the possibility that Soviet LPAR's [long-range phased array radars] not limited by the ABM Treaty as ABM radars could provide a base for a national ABM defense in circum- vention of the provisions of Article I of the Treaty, the report states. Article I of the ABM treaty binds the United States and Soviet Union to a pledge not to "provide a base" for an anti-missile defense of its ter- ritory. "The discovery of Krasnoyarsk signalled the beginning of the end of ABM' eaty constraints on the Sovi- ets" said the expert, who requested anonymity. Critics of US. arms policy have charged that U.S. complaints about Soviet ABM violations are part of the Reagan administration's plan to negotiate amendments to the treaty that would permit development of the proposed Stategic Defense Ini- tiative, popularly known as "star wars!, Robert Jastrow, a U.S. space sci- ence expert, described the Kras- noyarsk radar construction as a "direct, literal" Soviet ABM viola. tion and the most serious breach since 1972. "Before the ink was dry on the [1972] SALT I agreement, the Sovi- ets began to test their surface-to-air missiles at altitudes around 100,000 feet;' Mr. Jastrow said in a recent speech. "No airplane flies at 100,000 feet, but missiles do" He said the ABM treaty forbids phased-array radars unless they are on the border and facing outward. Such radars are permitted by the treaty for "early warning, or not at all;' he added. The report on Krasnoyarsk rules out the possibility the radar is for Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302330054-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302330054-5 a early warning of ballistic missiles. It says the new Soviet radar could have provided an additional six minutes advance notice of incoming missiles if it were on the northeastern border and within treaty restraints. "This radar is far from Soviet borders and fairly close to a large field of Soviet ICBMS;' Mr. Jastrow said. "Its function is unmistakable:' The diplomatic exchange between the Soviets and the U.S. delegation two years ago in Geneva reveals the difficulty in addressing treaty violations by the Soviet Union. In the case of the Kras- noyarsk radar, the Soviet side pro- vided' justifications that were easily knocked down by 'U S. intelligence analysis. In defending Soviet construction of the radar, the leader of the Soviet delegation, Mr. Starodubov, told U.S. diplomats Krasnoyarsk "had the specific mission of tracking objects in outer. space:' He claimed the radar will monitor flights and land- ings of manned Soviet spacecraft launched from Tyuratam and Plesetsk missile ranges east of Kras- noyarsk. Mr. Starodubov, a negotiator at the Geneva arms talks, also said the, Krasnoyarsk will also track space objects "for verification of compli- ance by the sides with their obliga- tions in the use of outer space:" Mr. Jastrow said it was impossible for the Soviets to track space launches because the Soviet space center is hundreds of miles east of Krasnoyarsk and the turn of the earth would preclude accurate mon- itoring. "The U.S. Commissioner [Gen. Ellis] rebutted the Soviet response by stating that the U.S. side's analy- sis of current Soviet space programs indicates that the orientation and location of this radar would not allow it to monitor the launches, insertions into orbit, or landing of current Soviet manned space systems," the report states. The location and orientation of the Krasnoyarsk radar prevents it from improving existing radar cov- erage of space flights "even if they were launched with inclinations of up to 70 degrees;" U.S. analysts con- cluded. They also said a Soviet spacecraft, regardless of launch inclination, would enter orbit "sev- eral hundred kilometers" after it could be picked up by the Kras- noyarsk radar screen. Based on these findings, the report states that U.S. Commis- sioner Ellis dismissed the Soviet explanation with the following points: ? The radar "has numerous phys- ical similarities to other large phased array radars in the U.S.S.R. that have been identified by the Soviet side as ballistic missile early warning radars:' ? It "will have the inherent cap- ability to track ballistic missiles in flight trajectory." ? It "is located to fiU. alt obvious and significant gap in the coverage provided by Soviet radars for early warning of ballistic missile attack:' ? It "will also have the inherent capability to perform ABM func- tions:' ? The radar "could not monitor the insertion and landing phases of Soviet spacecraft launched from Soviet test ranges:' ? It "will not be able to contribute in any meaningful way as national technical means of verification of U.S. compliance with.... the ABM treaty or ... any other agreement:" ? The "U.S. side sees no practical application of this radar in future manned space programs:" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302330054-5