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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302330074-3 WASHINGTON TIMES 10 June 1985 Soviets don't honor SALT., but Russians spotted buildfrig up to 20 new ICBM bases B Bill G y ertz THE WASHINGTON TIMES U.S. intelligence has detected con- strue ton o up to new 5 intercontinental ballistic missile as o es thrw ho urthe oviet nion 1111111 - to a CIA P~+ rculating in ci intelligence circ to 1 les: p on Soviet Military power, issued ju t s two months ago, the Defense De t par - ment said that only two SSX bases are under construction. -25 An administration source, who requested anonymity, said the intel- ligence report describes the new bases as groups of garages with slid- ing roofs surrounded by other buildings. Each base contains u nine SSX p to -25 garages indicating a planned deployment of up to 180 missiles. The large number of new bases for the single warhead SS-25 indi- . Cates the Soviets are moving ahead more rapidly in deploying the new mobile missile than Defense Depart- ment planners previously had anticipated, the source said. firm an findinJ ~ s of the re rt, b t White House s o cesman $. ssaidr a, -_o ert ortions 51 o be Mr Sims could not provide details on the estimate but said information in the report was "impressive" and contained data on Soviet military have." Programs .,that the public should A d version of the eclassified al intelligence timatewill be released in the near future, Mr. Sims said. "These things have to be -done so carefully," Mr. Sims said of the de- classification process. "Parts of it n its latest public re ort may leak out, but we'll be careful about our review." The Reagan adminstration has charged that the mobile SSX-25 mis- sile violates a 1979 SALT II treaty prohibition against building a sec- ond new type of ICBM. President Reagan is expected to 'announce today his decision on continued U.S. compliance with the treaty that was signed but never ratified by the United States. The Soviets have dismissed the administration charge by arguing that the SSX-25 is a modified version of the SS-13, an ICBM already deployed when the SALT' treaty was agreed upon, and is therefore not a new missile. They say the United States underestimated the payload capacity of the SS-13, which the administration believes carries only half the throw weight of the SSX-2,5. The Pentagon's latest report on the Soviet defense posture, "Soviet Military Power,' describes the SSX-25 as "nearing deployment" The report says the two believed under construction are deweribed as lavncher garages equipped with sliding roofs and several support buildings to house the necessary mobile support equipment" The exact locations of the new bases have not yet been made public, but other published reports have revealed that the two suspected SSX-2.5 sites identified by the Penta- gon are located at the Yoskar Ola and Yurya Missile Complexes in Central Siberia. In an e f f o r t to bring public atten- tion tot '11,' 1 1 111 retxrrt t ree ? scn- ators sent President Rea pan a letter. Iasi ursdav reuu stin l th.rt. the findin gs of the estimate he made availahlt tothe2uhhcassoonaspus_ sititt The letter, signed h Senti Jesse Helms, R.-N.C., .lames McClure, R.- l{da c nom, n East - . states 1,cieu the tic muse on t c rn in ~s a the ea ., Quentin Crommelin, co-author of the recent hook "Soviet Military Supremacy," said that SSX-2Ss, while mobile, require base facilities for maintenance and deployment and that it was possible the Soviets are building the bases for this pur- pose 't'he soviets have deployed more than 40(1 mobile SS-20s, two-thirds of which are targeted against Western Europe, the Pentagon has said. The lk:fensc: 1)e.~partment has detected "some shifting" of' SS-208 "as the Soviets prepare for the deployment of the SSX-25;' the Defense f)epart- mcnt publication stated: "'t'hat:s one indication that the SS-20 should he considered an inter- continental missile," Mr. Crommelin said in an interview. The SSX-25 is a solid propellent ICBM mounted on a truck-like vehi- cle. Its range is 8.750 miles and it is capable of moving quickly on roads to avoid attackor detection. The only U.S. counterpart to the SSX-25 is the small, single-warhead ICBM Called the Midgetman that Preset tly rs a research project. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302330074-3