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STAT 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08 :CIA-RDP90-009658000402860005-0 WASHIr`iGTON POST 20 March 1~~86 Senators Want Inquiry on Report Of Official SDI `I?isinformation' By Fred Hiatt Waehmglon Pont Staff Wnter Four U.S. senators asked the Senate Select Committee on Intel- ligence yesterday to investigate reports that the Reagan adminis- tration has provided classified in- formation to the Soviet Union on the "Star Wars" missile defense program while channeling "disinfor- mation" on the program to Con- gress and the U.S. public. Lt. Col. Simon P. Worden, special assistant to the director of the Star Wars program, formally known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), said in a public forum earlier this week that U.S. officials provid- ed a "classified briefing" on SDI to the Soviets. A spokesman for the SDI Organ- ization, Lt. Col. Lee DeLorme, said yesterday that Worden "misspoke." DeLorme said that Lt. Gen. James A, Abrahamson gave the Soviets an unclassified briefing at the arms control talks in Geneva, which be- came secret only because all details of negotiations must be kept secret. But according to a transcript of his remarks, Worden went on to explain why some classified infor- mation would be provided to the Soviets but still kept secret in the United States. "In some cases, it is useful for the U.S. to tell the Soviets what we know about them and it is not useful to tell, to have the debate publicly [on~ how we get that information," Worden said. The alleged disinformation cam- paign was reported this week in Aviation Week and Space Technol- ogy magazine, which said that the CIA and Defense Department have initiated a "disinformation program that it is applying to a number of its aircraft and weapons development Two Demceratic lawmakers among those seeking investigation of disclosures. projects," including SDI, in order to confuse the Soviets. The article said that some disin- formation might be transmitted in congressional hearings. Democratic Sens. William Prox- rnire (Wis.), J. Bennett Johnston (La.), Dale Bumpers (Ark.) and Lawton Chiles (Fla.), all members of the Appropriations Committee, asked the intelligence committee [ti investigate both "disturbing re- ports." An intelligence committee staff member said an inquiry will be conducted. Worden's remarks came in re- sponse to questions during a forum at the American Jewish Congre>, convention here Monday. [n re- sponse to a question about sharing SDI technology with the Soviets, as President Reagan has suggested, Worden said "we have given them a classified briefing on the SD[." "Indeed, we have some com- plaints from Congress that we gave the Soviets the same one we gave Congress," Worden added. Worden was then asked why in- formation given the Soviets would remain classified. "That's a good question," he re- ~ponded. "[ argue that it shouldn't be. The point is that we have an agreement with the Soviets that all details of the proceedings in Gene- va other than just general progress is at a secret level." Worden then went on to say that there are "two key areas" that can- not be fully disclosed in public, "in- telligence sources and methods" be- ina tl~e first. "1'he second one is a more com- L~lex one," Worden said. "There is only one official secrets act in the United States and that was the Atomic F,nergy Act of 1955. Be- cause the SD[ deals with nuclear weapons and defenses against them, that comes under an entirely different set of rules and regula- tions, and Congress has mandated that certain of that information must remain classified at that lev- el" Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08 :CIA-RDP90-009658000402860005-0