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August 23, 1985
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504230011-9 A"" .I.F APPEAR ON PAGE- -"q Disappearances From Bonn Fuel Spy-Case Fears 6 By JAMES M. MARKHAM sped w to no New Yet Tim. BONN, Aug. 22 - A major spy scan- dal has begun unfolding in West Ger- many. It 12ESIW to spread today when a senior official of West Germany's coun- terintelligence agency 'was rted missing. He was the third Government emDloree to disaooear in the lastthras wanks. In addition, a Sean for L lobbying sroun who was a close iriffid of one of the Government workers has also disappeared. Officials said that Heinz Tiegde, who headed the agency's counterespionage effort aimed at East Germany, had not appeared at work since calling in sick on Monday. Cases Not Officially Lidded The Cologne-based agency, which is formally known as the Federal Office for the Defense of the Constitution, de. clined in a statement to connect Mr. Tlegde's disappearance to that of the other three, who are believed to have been East German spies. But Government sources acknowl- edged privately that West Germany might be facing the gravest espionage scandal since 1974, when Chancellor Willy Brandt was forced to resign after a top aide, Gunter Guillaume, was un- covered as an East German agent. The agency's statement said that Mr. Tiegde, a diabetic, was in "unsteady health." Others described the agent, who was said to have been involved in unmasking Mr. Guillaume, as de- pressed since the recent death of his wife. On Monday, the statement added, colleagues tried to reach Mr. Tiegde on a business matter, but did not find him at home. Members of his family also did not know his whereabouts, it added. The slowly unfolding scandal began NEW YORK TIMES 23 August 1985 with the disappearance of Sonja Lune. ,And this shows - there's no reason burg, a longstanding private secretary , to beat around the bush - that amur- ice Minister and chairman of the Free Democratic Party, the junior coalition partner in Bonn The 006year.old woman was said to have been on a vacation in Belgium and i the Netherlands, and Mr. Bangemann initially thought she might have suf- fered an accident. But Investigations revealed that Miss L wlw had become a close friend oft Bangs. mom family during her 12 yea with 'the politican, had two decades ce aurned the identity of another G ma?n~ woman who had once lived in France. Last Friday, Ursula Richter, a 53- year-old bookkeeper for the Associa_ tion of Expeuaes, an organization close to the governing Christian Democratic similarly vanished. She, too., wrevealed to have come to west Germany from abroad some 20 years ago, a after switching identi- pparently ties with a woman who had defected to East Germany. Investiga say they believe that both women are now in East Germany. Miss Richter, who is suspected of being the controller of a ring of spies, was said to have been episodically shad- owed by West German agents before she disappeared. The BonDbased lobbying orgsnisa. tian where she was employed is com- posed of former refugees from eastern Germany and territories lost in World War II, and it is y denounced as "revanchist" by~ other Communist-ruled East European countries. The suspicion that Miss Richter was a central figure in the spy network was strengthened with the revelation that a close friend, Lorenz Betzing, a 33-year. old employee of the administration of- fice of the West German Army, had also vanished. Involvement is Secret Work The man had previously worked for a company that installed air-condition. ing and ventilation ducts at a top-secret bunker in the Eifel hills out- side Bonn that is supposed to serve as a command center in wartime. In his la- test job, he may have had access to the personnel files of senior officers of the West German armed forces. In a television interview this evening, Chancellor Helmut Kohl to- day promised more stringent security cc6beecclkicss and warned ned that t East Germa- ny's espionage effort had strained rela- tions between the two ermanys. "When spying and elaare going on in our ministries, political parties, in business organize- dons and unions, indeed, everywhere where relatively important decisions are made, this inevitably creates mis. trust," he declared, interviewed at an Auspian vacation center, St. Giigen. antes of good neighborly relations and reality are often far apart," he contin. ued. "We really have to look at the dif- ference between propaganda and the real situation." IAng-Term Effort Mr. Kohl defended his Government by noting the patient investment of time and resources the East Germans had made. "If someone plans 30 years ahead, provides agents with a com- pletely new identity, infiltrates them Into the Federal Republic through for sip countries and builds up his net- work, he has naturally got good chance. of putting his people into place," he said. The evide4t East German infiltration technique exploited the fact that West Germans arriving from abroad do not have to present legal proof of their last j residence - in contrast to the system- atic police registration of West Ger-'i mans who move within the country. West German counterintelligence irking promised to be an enor- mous task in a nation addicted to world travel, and one that gets a steady flow of immgrants from East Germany. Some 40,000 legally left East Germany last year. Bonn politicians were disinclined to play down the access that secretaries have to state secrets. "A secretary knows a lot, even if she is just sitting next to someone," commented Ger- hard Jahn, a Social Democratic legis- lator and former Justice Minister. I 'One has to be fair - this could happen to any one of us." Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504230011-9