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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504850024-7 V W'TSHTNGTON POST 26 March 1986 X20 Million U.S. Aid Given to Honduras Nicaraguans Said to Attack Across Border By Lou Cannon and Don Oberdorfer Washington Post Staff Writers President Reagan provided $20 million in emergency military as- sistance to Honduras yesterday to help repel what administration of- ficials said were attacks across the border by 1,500 Nicaraguan troops aimed at destroying a training cen- ter of the anti-Sandinista rebels. The Honduran government, in a statement issued by its embassy here, confirmed the large-scale "in- cursions" White House chief of staff Donald T. Regan said earlier in the day that U.S. pilots and helicop- ters already in Honduras for mili- tary exercises would be used to transport Honduran troops to the border area, but later reports from Honduras made it appear unlikely that such assistance would be re- quested. The Nicaraguan Embassy denied an invasion had taken place and said the Reagan administration was en- gaged in a "cheap maneuver" de- signed to win approval of its pend- ing $100 million aid package for the rebels, known as contras. The Sandinista attack was viewed by White House officials as bolstering political support for the aid request, which was rejected by the House last week but is expected to pass the Senate with some con- ditions attached. The attack was viewed with consternation and an- ger by House Democratic leaders who had opposed the aid request. "There's no question that this adds urgency and impetus to our side," said White House political assistant Mitchell Daniels. "The landscape has changed dramatical- ly," said Dennis Thomas, deputy to chief of staff Regan. The action "confirms the doubts and suspicions many people had" about the Sandi- nistas, he said. House S eaker Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill r. ass. react by calling Nicaraguan esi ent Dame Ortega "a bumbling, incompetent, Marxist-Leninist communist,- and said the incursion would cause some j)emocrats to change their votes an suapor ~e con ra ai pac cage. Sen. Patrick J. Leah (D-Vt.), vice chairman o t e nate ct m- arcas- i s mittee on ntelligence sa ticall that he "had heard a rumor tat ame rte a is secret y on the payroll o one o our 111w .- the t L a- mini ministration." Sen David F. nttr nherger (R- Minn.), Intelligence Committee of assist c airman an -a ing the contras said the in sion had probably guaranteed congres- sional oassaee of the aid package. which has $70 million in military assistance and 30 million in non- le a aid. The he $20 million provided to Hon- duras yesterday was formally re- quested by new Honduran Presi- . dent Jose Azcona for what White House spokesman Larry Speakes said was the "unforeseen emergen- cy" of the Sandinista cross-border attack. The State Department said the military aid requested includes "air defense weapons, conventional ordnance, emergency spare parts and armament for helicopters and essential training." Secretary of State George P. Shultz, traveling in Europe, said that the U.S. aid would "allow Hon- duras to do whatever it wants to do" in response to "the invasion by Ni- caraguan communist troops," staff writer Joanne Omang reported from Athens. While officials emphasized that the assistance was intended for Honduran military forces, the items requested are similar to those that the administration is seeking for the contras. Asked whether any of the equipment would wind up in contra hands, Speakes said, "I don't know." Honduras received $67.4 million in military aid in fiscal 1985 and $59.8 million in fiscal 1986 after cuts required by the Gramm- Rudman-Hollings budget-balancing legislation. The reque?t for fiscal 1987 is $88.8 million, The $20 million that Reagan re- leased yesterday comes from De- fense Department funds previously appropriated. The formal notifica- tion of the emergency aid that the president sent to Congress said "this assistance will be in the form of defense articles in the stocks of the Department of Defense, de- fense services of the Department of Defense and military education and training." Reagan complied with existing law by notifying Congress of the emergency aid, which Speakes said would be used "to repel this and future attacks." The White House spokesman said, "We have instruct- ed U.S. commanders that U.S. per- sonnel are not to be introduced into combat situations." The administration version of what happened in Nicaragua was detailed by State Department spokesman Charles Redman, who said that last Saturday, "within 48 hours of rejection of aid to the Ni- caraguan resistance, Sandinista mil- itary units crossed into Honduras in what appears to be a large-scale effort to locate and destroy resis- tance logistics bases, training cen- ters and medical facilities which they believe to be in the area. Con- trary to some reports, this does not seem to be a hot-pursuit operation by the Sandinistas, since no resis- tance units were withdrawing from Nicaragua at the time of the San- dinista attack." Redman said that on Sunday morning, a large Sandinista force conducted four assaults near a cen- ter for Nicaraguan refugees situ- ated more than 15 kilometers or nine miles north of the border in Honduras. He said these attacks "were reportedly repulsed by new resistance student volunteers which were armed that very morning." By late Sunday evening, several Sandinista "special counterinsur- gency battalions," normally accom- panied by Cuban advisers, were en- gaged in the battle, Redman said. One of the Nicaraguan battalions, which other officials said included about half of the Sandinista troops, attempted to withdraw at this point but found their route blocked by "a large resistance column," the spokesman said. The battle continued through Monday. Redman said the Sandinis- tas supported their forces with heavy artillery and rocket fire from Soviet-made launchers and helicop- ter gunships. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504850024-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504850024-7 Administration officials said that it was not clear late yesterday what the military situation was along the border. Redman quoted Honduran and contra sources as saying that four Sandinista battalions of rein- forcements were expected to join the attack. But other officials said that one Sandinista battalion had already withdrawn and that the oth- er was likely to do so as soon as it could disengage from combat. Speakes and Redman said that the contra forces had taken a num- ber of Sandinista prisoners. A senior administration official, asked why the Sandinistas had launched such an invasion at this' sensitive time, speculated that the Nicaraguans had seized an oppor- tunity to deal a supposedly quick and "crippling blow" to a large contra force. He said the Sandinis- tas apparently gambled that Hon- duras would not publicize the incur- sion, since this required acknowl- edgment that contra troops are based in Honduras. In fact, Hondu- ras initially refused to confirm the incursion. Another senior U.S. official said the Sandinista troops had tried to withdraw earlier but found them- selves "pinned down, caught in a crossfire." Reagan sent Gen. John Galvin, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, to Honduras to provide information and advice to the Hon- duran government and assess the situation on the ground, the White House announced. Staff writer David Hoffman contributed to this report. A Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504850024-7