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Publication Date: 
October 5, 1985
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870052-4 STAT Y ARTICLE ON PAGE NRC Cites Concerns on China Treaty Uncertainties Seen About Arms' Spread By Joanne Omang Washington Post Staff Writer The Nuclear Regulatory Com- ,mission is concerned that the Rea- gan administration's proposed nu- clear cooperation agreement with China contains elements that could produce "future misunderstand- ings" over U.S. efforts to halt the spread of nuclear weapons, Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis.) said yes- terday. Proxmire, a leading critic of the pact, released the text of an Oct. 2 letter from NRC Chairman Nunzio J. Palladino responding to questions about the pact's clarity and the agreement's reliance on verbal as- surances, rather than written lan- guage, regarding Peking's commit- ment to curbing nuclear prolifera- tion. The NRC letter is almost certain to increase controversy over the pact, which was the highlight of President Reagan's April 1984 trip to China but was so widely criti- cized it was never submitted to Congress. China had for years ad- vocated the spread of nuclear weap- ons worldwide, and intelligence re- ports last year said Chinese tech- nicians had been spotted at e a- istan site of an alleged secret nu- WASHINGTON POST 5 October 1985 clear weapons development com- p ex. ter several further conferences with Chinese officials, the admin- istration sent the pact to Congress during the July visit to Washington of President Li Xiannian, saying new assurances from the Chinese had resolved any problems. But the NRC was reported at the time to have expressed continuing misgiv- ings in a classified document. "The commission is concerned with the assurances provided by the PRC [People's Republic of China]. As presently constituted, they could lead to future misunderstandings," Palladino wrote Proxmire. "Because these concerns involve classified information, we are unable to dis- cuss them in detail in this re- sponse." He also said the commission "would have preferred that the agreement contain a clear state- ment" of U.S. rights to veto the re- processing or enrichment of any nuclear material it supplies or that is used in U.S.-supplied reactors. Those processes can lead to weap- ons production. "Such a statement could eliminate the potential for future misunderstanding," the let- ter said. A provision elevating the pact over any internal law "could be read as reducing the flexibility of the U.S., including that of Congress," in trying to modify nuclear relations with China in the future, Palladino continued. Asked about China's alleged aid to Pakistan and other nations in de- veloping nuclear weapons, Palladino said the commission "cannot com- ment on this question in an unclas- sified fashion." Proxmire said, "What they're saying is, 'Look before you leap' ... signaling to us that this agree-. ment may have some serious pit- falls. I hope those signals will prompt Congress to review this agreement intensively." The proposal would set rules for U.S. industry bids for a share of China's nuclear power future, which could involve $6 billion or more in foreign contracts. The industry has not sold a domestic reactor since 1978 and is eager for a chance to compete in China with European firms already at work. Administration officials argue that the language of the proposed pact is clear on U.S. rights and as- sures future U.S. flexibility. They have said China's verbal assurances are firm and binding. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has scheduled a closed hearing on the agreement Tuesday and a public one Wednesday. The House Foreign Affairs Committee held a private hearing this week. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870052-4