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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1985
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870070-4 AFTICLE APPEARF.T) i PAGE THE WASHINGTON POST 4 February 1985 Defector was CIA Informant By Joanne Omang Washington Post Staff Writer Arkadv N. Shevchenko, a former aemor adviser to Soviet Foreign ~:iinister Andrei A. Gromyko who defected to the West in 1978, was a top CIA informant who provided the United States with crucial intelli- gence information for 32 months before he defected, according to excerpts from his memoirs pub- .lished today in Time magazine. When Shevchenko, 53, asked for asylum, he was undersecretary gen- eral of the United Nations and an arms control specialist, the highest- ranking diplomat to defect since World War II. Reports -circulated at the time, that he had been in touch with U.S. intelligence agencies, but they were not confirmed: In his new book, "Breaking With Moscow," being published later this month, Shevchenko says he first approached Americans about de- fecting in 1975 and was, told to pro- vide information first as a kind of sincerity test. In an interview broadcast last night on CBS News' "60 Minutes Shevchenko said the CIA made him keep working undercover longer than he wanted to. "I never had an idea of a long pe- riod of spying but ... what can I do, you know, and they could even betray me to the Soviets," he said. "I was actually in their hands." Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), who was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations at the time, told interviewer Mike Wallace that through Shevchenko, "for the first time we got an understanding of how Soviet foreign policy is made and how it is operating .... It was invaluable. Nothing like it had ever before occurred." Shevchenko said in the interview he had provided information on So- viet intentions in Africa and Central America and on Politburo debates over China. "There was a period when the Soviet Union ... was re- ally considering the idea of using nuclear weapons against China," he said. Gromyko is "half human, half a machine, or a computer," he said. Other leaders "live in almost com- plete isolation from the ordinary people," but they "don't intend to use nuclear warfare weapons against the United States. I'm sure of it," Shevchenko said. Moynihan said he helped conceal Shevchenko's role by "being as dis- agreeable in public as I possibly could" to him. His CIA handlers took extraor- dinary security measures, renting an apartment in Shevchenko's building to facilitate keeping in touch. When Kremlin leaders began to suspect Shevchenko's double life, he defected so abruptly he almost abandoned his wife, who knew noth- ing. Soviet officials said she later committed suicide. Shevchenko subsequently had a very well-publicized -relationship with Judy Chavez, a self-described call girl he met through the FBI. Their expensive travels and parties made the news and embarrassed the CIA. "I was stupid enough to pay [her] quite a substantial amount of mon- ey," Shevchenko said. He later mar- ried a U.S. citizen, Elaine Jackson. V Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504870070-4