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November 4, 1985
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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000605320004-5 ON PAGE .I- DD,ODR~OTH~Y~~+ RABINOWITZ. Plagued by AIDS paranoia he news that in the opinion of a major Soviet publica- tion the U.S. government had produced the AIDS epi- demic via a program of germ war- fare induced that special comfort one feels in the. fulfillment of any natural cycle: as in thunder after lightning, night after day; the reas- surance, in short, of a predictable rhythm in the universe. Still, it was not necessary to go so far abroad as the Soviet Union for such a theory. Especially since, just last week, we learned the results of a. poll conducted by one of the na- tion's most influential homosexual news weeklies: a poll which told us that a substantial percentage of re- spondents hold roughly the same view. According to the New York Na- tive, 37 percent of the respondents - a sizable chunk - think that AIDS is a disease created by an arm of the federal government. A slightly smaller number (32 percent) believe they understand how the government has gone about effecting the grand plan to annihilate homosexuals - namely, by "the use of some substance the government. put into drugs" that are used by ho- mosexual men, and drug-abusers,' .by the by. In fact, 45 percent of those polled disagree. Still, to think that this gov- ernment would not set about delib- erately to kill a selected body of its citizens was, the paper's editor later said, "extremely naive." Such naivete, could not be charged, of course, to that 37 percent to whom the true cause of the AIDS epidemic now stood re- vealed. For, as one respondent noted, he,. had himself long suspected some conspiracy. Otherwise why, "after a great stretch of homosexual his- . tory," should the "death-dealing dis- ease, come, as it weref.-out of no- where? WASHINGTON TIMES 4 November 1985 Now "nowhere" is not the most precise way to-describe the particu- lar great stretch of homosexual his- tory that emerged out of the 1970s: the era of liberation whose sexual freedom in its various forms has be- come known to the world as a prime generator of the AIDS plague. A college professor offered the prediction that if he lived a normal It espan, he wou "see the CIA who 1111111 e as the perpetrator One correspondent, let it be noted, was sufficiently open-minded to think that the germ warfare respon- sible for AIDS might have been waged either by "our government" or the Soviets. (None of the respondents and cer- tainly nothing in the poll-report pro- vided an answer to the mystery of why in the face of such a plot the government had chosen to exempt lesbians, who, as far as we know, aren't touched by AIDS?) What, then, are we to make of this phenomenon - of a study of a pop- ulation which has, as we have heard these many years, learned pride, dignity, and self-esteem, thanks to its liberation movement? It's in good part a population which, if this poll is to be believed, holds views of re- ality that at the least can be said to merit psychiatric attention. Postulating a whole world - one's own government, indeed - so preoc- cupied with its hatred as to engineer a plot to murder homosexuals: this is liberation? No, this is pathology - as not a few of the enraged respondents among the 45 percent taking issue with the conspiracy view recog- niz d e . One pointed out that the questions bordered on "hysterical paranoia." Another put the point more directly, admonishing the editors to "stop be- ing so ridiculous." Ridiculous, indeed, but telling as well - chiefly about the promotion of paranoia and its uses, one of the essentials of such liberation move- ments. It tells us, as well, of the means by which even the AIDS plague was pressed into service in the interest of advancing the move- ment. It is worth remembering, in these last weeks' struggles over the bath- houses, the enormous war which journalists homosexual journal- Vs - had to wage in San Francisco before being able to overcome the opposition of activists militantly op- posed to any disclosures of the AIDS danger. For disclosure, they argued, threatened to abridge the political advancement of gay rights. The bathhouse controversy is now, to be sure, famous in its own right for the extraordinary degree of cowardice it has yielded, mainly in politicians who continue to incant that the bathhouses should not be closed because they are places where education against AIDS will best take root. Or as New York Rep. William Green put it: the epidemic would ac- tually worsen without the educa- tional opportunities. lost to us by closing the bathhouses. Who, hearing such stuff, can fail to be struck afresh by the extremes of absurdity which issues of this po- litically delicate kind can induce in the forces of enlightenment? Does there remain a patch on the globe where this information is lack- ing? Or any child over 6 who cannot by now list the rules of "safe sex;' as we have come to know and love them? Homosexuals should go to, the bathhouses for the preservation of health - a notion in its departure from reality on a par with the view that the government of the United States deliberately contrived to spread the plague of AIDS among homosexuals. 'Ib both of these notions the re- sponse of the letter writer to the New York Native applies: Don't be ridiculous. Dorothy Rabinowitz is a nation- ally syndicated columnist. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000605320004-5