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April 15, 1984
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/23: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100040070-2
ARTI C?r.E ~?t y f
013 Pl.G _SrtJ
By Peter R. Kombluh -
T is time for a new national debate on
the propriety of CIA covert
15 April 1984
derailing the Reagan administration's- -
effort to get $21 million more from Con- CIA operations ordered by Henry Kissin-
gress for its clandestine war against the, ger in Angola _'-
grace. Its
Sandinista government, has raised larger decline
was symbolized by from - the Carter
questions about the meaning of suchactiv-
ities for other governments, and our own:a
r director Richard Helms for lying
Do, covert operations against foreign goy- agency under oath to :~a :Senate subcommittee i
ernments further US. national security about CIA intervention in Chile. On Nov. 4,
interests? Does secret CIA intervention.1977 Helms became the first intelligence
promote American values abroad? And, chief in American history to be convicted
are these activities compatible with the of perjury charges.-"You now stand before
democratic principles and ideals that this court in disgrace and shame" the
serve rye as a foundation for American soci judge told Helms,- who had "pleaded no
. contest.
These issues have been debated before
Ten years ago, in the wake of Watergate
and Vietnam, press revelations that the
CIA had conducted assassination missions
Helms the 'National- Security Medal for
"exceptionally meritorious service" last
October, he became a symbol of the CIA's
resurgence under the Reagan administra-
American citizens, and engaged in the
tion. Indeed, "The Company" is back in
overthrow of the democratically elected. business.
government in Chile, ended the national - " Under the Reagan administration, the
quiescence on. covert operations that the CIA has expanded its operations around
agency had enjoyed throughout its postwar the globe. The agency's budget rose 25
percent in 1985. (as compared with the
The Church committee Pentagon's 18 percent), making it one of
the fastest-growing major departments in
The secrecy on which CIA agents and the U.S. government. Some of that money
policy-makers had depended to hide their ; is being used to recruit fresh blood into the
activities from the American public was ranks of covert operatives. "CENTRAL
shattered; the dark side of U.S. foreign ? ` INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ..: for those
policy was exposed. -"Covert action," the ... who want a different definition of. SUC-
late Sen. Frank Church, who chaired the CESS," read prominently placed adver-
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence tisements in major U.S. newspapers. These
which examined the history of the CIA's jobs offer "unique overseas assignments
cloak-and-dagger activities, later - that challenge your every talent;".... observed, was revealed to be "a semantic. Among those assignments is Central-
disguise.formurder, coercion. blackmail, : America, where. the agency has mounted.
bribery,:;die spreading of lies, whatever is its largest parailitary war in more than
deemed useful in : bending other countries a decade. "Special activities" - a euphe- '
to our: will".. ..'. mism favored by CIA director William J.
A new'public awarenessof-this sordid Casey - also have been conducted in the
realm of U.S. foreign policy led to. a Middle East and Africa. Casey is reported
national re-evaluation of the CIA. In 1974, to be such an enthusiast for covert
Congress established oversight commit- ' operations that he has secretly flown
actions. Less than a year later Congress ` action.
took an unprecedented step, voting to stop But if the CIA has been resurrected if
has not been reformed. Up to its old dirty
against foreign leaders, illegally spied on
tees to monitor and restrict future covert around the world to supervise his agents in
Continued on Page 8C
~11 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/23: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100040070-2