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11- STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 CIA-RDP90-01208R000100070064-6 19 MAY i9' 77 j I~ ON PAGE WASHINGTON POST rafts Plan for hitelfige'neCUM-ri- By George Lardner Jr. the committee said that in recent gence agency payments to clergymen,. washia;:23 Post Staff Writer weeks, it has "begun to teceive" the journalists and U.S. citizens now over-.- seas under special grants or pro;. The Senate Intelligence Committee details it needs. Apparently the com grams, the panel said. Use of such is drafting an "umbrella" charter that tnittee has smoothly established pro- people in intelligence activities.has . cedures.for keeping abreast of covert created in Intelligence substantial controversy in the would put the nation's intelligence action programs, but runs -into opposi- past. agencies under a powerful new Direr- tion each time it attempts: to establish Perhaps the liveliest segments-of tor for National Intelligence with oversight over other activities, such as the report were dissenting views by.. Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan (D-\.YJ, both budget-making and whistle-blow- clandestine intelligence-gathering pro- inv authority. grams. ? - , who criticized the report as "a pro' -? In its first annual report since it'. The Senate panel said it has re- foundly biased political document" for. was permanently established, the com- ceived close to 100 .allegations of im- failing to mention the Soviet Unlods mittee said the proposed new charter proprieties by U.S. intelligence agen- Committee for State Security -(the - would set down the authority for each cies over the past year, but it has dis- KGB) or "the reality or the totali.tar?- component-most notably the Central closed only one serious one in any de- ian threat". and by Sen. Joseph R. Bi. tail, the CIA electronic eavesdropping den Jr. (D?Del.) who said Moynihan- IntelIigerce Agency, the 'National Se- on Micronesians seeking; self-govern- "simply misses the point" of what has curity Agency, the Defense Intelli- went. A committee official estimated . been wrong with the U.S. intelligence'.: Bence Agency and the counterintelli- I that about 10 per cent of the allega community: 'The fact that most offi gence division of the FBI-and re- tions it investigated were "serious" in cials of the intelligence community do_ -- ;frictions aimed at protecting the nature. not should not know . be what doin they should and rights of American citizens. The committee has held 39 meetings g- STATrhe CIA. would have a separate, i over the past year, all but 10 of them buoordinate director under the new in secret. Its six subcommittees have scheme. At present, the CIA director held another 33 meetings; all but is also nominal head of the entire in- three of them in secret. The report. listed a number of case telligence co little Pea but practice over studies that have been undertaken on he as th Km had little real authority super-secret over the quality of UB. intelligence, such the mammoth NSA, a super as one concerning "Soviet Strategic arm of the Pentagon or li thee Weapons Developments" and another in comrn uucations intercepts, or on "Oil and the Arab Price Hikes, FBI, which is theoretically subser- . 1973.74," but none of these has been vient to the Justice Department. completed yet. The committee also The turgid, occasionally murky 40. 1 said it is still mulling the question of whether to make public an overall page report voiced confidence that intelligence spending figure, a step with the committee's secretly 'devel- ' that its predecessor committee, oped oversight procedures and the en- headed- by Sen. ? Frank Church (D- actment of effective new charters, Idaho), was on the verge of doing "We will not see a repetition of the' more than a year ago but then left in widespread abuses of the past." the hands of the new panel. Headed by Sen. Daniel K. Inouye In outlining the authority that (D-I?Iawaii), the Senate committee in. might be conferred on a new Director: dicated, however, that it still runs into for National Intelligence,-the commit- its own "procedural difficulties in ob-! tee suggested that he ought to have ? taming material related to some areas control over the annual budgets for : of intelligence activity." all national intelligence activities and- "Examples of this kind of problem," responsibility for all clandestine infor- the report said, "are sensitive clandes- oration collection and covert action tire collection activities and the activ programs. Ities of foreign Intelligence agents In In addition, the report said, "He' the United States." naturally would be responsible for re- The Senate committee has been in- porting violations of law or executive orders to the Attorney vestigating numerous allegations General and alerting the Congress of such notifica-- about the operations here of i - tions." The new director might also be genre agents from Iran, Chile, Taiwan required to keep "a full and complete and the Philippines. It is also attempt- record of intelligence activities and into to determine whether any U.S, in- theirlegal authorities:' telligence agencies knew of the South this would help to avoid difflcul=. Koreas CIA's lobbying operations ties in, obtaining the agencies' 'secret here. ? - resist- charters' or in finding the 'paper trail' : A c enco spokesman said C, . of questionable decisions," the report as encountered from the CIAA, said. - ~' ? =' apes was the NSA and the FBI in response to Among other restrictions being con carving requests for infromatioa, but sidered were a possible ban on intelli-.? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100070064-6