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Document Release Date: 
February 25, 2011
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Publication Date: 
July 21, 1985
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_ll III III ~ HUI L _LII Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/25: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100120014-5 ART4r1 , ^F ABED ~N WI.S HINGTON POST 21 July 1985 '48 Nazi Hunt Barred Jews STAT . U.S. Officers Said to fear `Lung-Ho' Outlook Would Aid Soviets By Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer LOS ANGELES-The U.S. military command in Eu- rope in 1948 barred immigrant American Jews, steeped in German language and culture, from further partic- ipation in the allied hunt for World War II, Nazi sympa- thizers, according to a secret U.S. memorandum ac- quired by Holocaust researchers. The memo, made, available to the Simon Wiesenthal Cen er here an Austrian-born American- who was a postwar Army investi for "in effect eliminated some of our best intelligence operatives from key posts in Europe . . even as criminals like aus Barbie were going onto our rote igence payrolls," said Rabbi ra- am Cooper. the center's Cooper said he has asked House Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter W. Rodino Jr. (D-NJ.) to investigate the hitherto unreported postwar policy. He said it sheds new light on the recent conclusion by the congressional General Accounting Office that many Nazi collaborators escaped detection because U.S. investigators "were. inexperienced and lacked necessary skills." . Labeled "civilian personnel memorandum no. 21" and. dated March 22, 1948, the document said that any American civilians henceforth hired as intelligence agents, criminal investigators or other "sensitive" po sitions "will be required to have had a minimum of 10 years U.S. citizenship.' Walter R. Bass; 73; a retired fashion designer living here, said he recently came upon the memo in his, files and turned it over to Cooper. No other official from the period could be reached to confirm its authenticity. He said the policy appeared to have been aimed at many Jews who, like himself, immigrated from Europe to es- cape Hitler in the late 1930s and-returned as U.S. cit- izens to fight in the war, then helped in de-Nazification .when the war ended in 1945. "We thought it was very unjust," Bass said of the 1948 memo. His contract as a civilian investigator with the military government in Germany was not renewed because of the policy. There were no overt protests at the time, Bass said. He noted that even he did not realize the severe con- sequences the policy might have had until he read re=. cent reports of several Nazis wanted for war crimes reaching the United States and, like Barbie,. even work- ing with U.S. forces after the war. The memo, signed by Lt. Gen. C.R. Huebner, based the policy on a requirement that "personnel who occupy intelligence, investigative and certain other sensitive positions be impartial and objective in their service, and above criticism as to their loyalty to the government of the United States." Bass said he and others. "who made sincere and strong efforts to produce a real de-Nazification encoun-_._ tered a lot of criticism and obstruction from other mil- itary government personnel." He said those who were "the most eager and sincere in their work .. were. called 'too gung-ho.' " The problem, Bass said, was the emerging Cold War and "a competition between the Russians and ourselves for the hearts of the Germans." Whenever the Soviets exempted certain classes of former Nazis from postwar penalties in their sector of Germany, the Americans would try to follow suit, Bass said. _,, T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/25: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100120014-5