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Document Release Date: 
February 25, 2011
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Publication Date: 
January 10, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/25: CIA-RDP90-01 nrD US Loses Gust Nazi Suspect laiperdeks LOS ANGELES TIMES 10 January 1985 Former prisoners and people still living in Riga. Latvia, which is now part of the Soviet Union, were among those who testified in per- son and via tape recordings during the hearing. Laipenieks admitted during the hearing that he .'roughed up' a few communist prisoners after being recruited by the Nazis, but denied seriously hurting or killing anyone. Before the war, Laipenieks had been t schoolteacher and a star athlete, competing in the 5,000_ meter run at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. He said he joined the invad- ing Nazis after Russian troops murdered his parents and fa- ther-in-law. After the war, he traveled to Chile, where he coached -;at coun- try's Olympic track team. In 1960 he obtained a U.S. visa and became a physical education professor and coach at the University of Denver. It was during that time that Laipenieks said he was first con- tacted by the CIA, which was seeking information about commu- nists in Latvia. In 1969, he came came to Califor- nia to coach track at La Jolla Country Day School and applied for U.S. citizenship in 1973. His appli- cation, he was told, was rejected because his name was on a list o-317 alleged war criminals living in the United States..- . A federal law provides for depor- tation of aliens who took part in the persecution of any person because of race, religion, national origin or political opinion in collaboration with a government in German-oc- cupied territory between 1933 and 1944. According the Court of Appeals' majority opinion written by Judge Thomas tang, the government failed to prove that Laipenieks had persecuted people solely because of their political opinions. "W=,7hile we certainly do not con- done the treatment that prisoners apparently received at the (Riga) prison, we do not find Laipenieks' admission (that he occasionally struck prisoners) sufficient to sup- port deportability." Tang wrote. Tang, joined by Judge Robert Beezer, rejected written state- ment_ from nine Soviet witnesses, saying that their depositions against Laipenieks may have been written in the Soviet Union under ntimi Rating" circumstances. But dissenting Judge Robert Boochever said the court should have dcferrec to earlier findings of the Board of Immigration Appeals, which ruled that the Soviets had been imprisoned solely on the basis of their beliefs. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/25: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100120055-0 By DAVID FREED, Times Staff Writer SAN DIEGO- A federal- appeal court on Wednesday reiected long- tine U attempts to oepor; ac- cused v: ar criminal and former CIA pmplovee Ed LaiDenieks of La Jolla a Latvian who admitted beat- ing communists while working for Nazi occupation forces during World W, a7. Il. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2 to 1 that U.S. Justice Department officials failed to Drove allegations that Laipen- ieks, 71, persecuted Jews and polit- ical prisoners held at the infamous Riga Central Prison in Latvia. According to the court, evidence showed that Laipenieks persecuted only communists while working as an investigator for the Latvian Political Police, a Nazi puppet organization. The), said I was responsible for killing 60.000 Jews." Laipenieks told The Times in an interview Wednesday. "My God. I never had thine? to do with the: Jews. I was in the Latviar. Politica. Police. like the : ~: or IA tracing Russian and communist killers. That was my only job." .e said ne is employed today as a security guard, living in a trailer on a construction site in La Jolla. Deportation. Hearing The Justice Department's Office of Special investigations in June, 1991, sued to have Laipenieks ex- pelled from the country, claiming that he had concealed his role as head jailer at the Riga prison during World War II. Witnesses who testified in 1932 at a deporta- tion hearing in San Diego said Laipenieks was responsible for or- dering the execution there of at least 200 prisoners from 1941 to 1943.