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Document Release Date: 
March 2, 2011
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Publication Date: 
July 8, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-01208R000100130004-5.pdf82.17 KB
I . Approved For Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100130004-5 ARTICLE t . ? ? ~u ON PAGE - _, Waldheim..tied to army orders for deportation By G. Jeffftson Price III Jerusalem Bureau of The Sun JERUSALEM - The World Jew- ish Congress yesterday disclosed a document showing that the German army unit to which Austrian Presi- dent-elect Kurt Waldheim belonged "ordered Jewish deportations" from Greece during World War U. The WJC officials said the docu- ment, obtained from west German archives in Freiburg, reveals that the unit to which Mr. Waldheim was attached in the eastern Aegean area not only issued those orders. but re- ceived field reports on their imple- mentation. The croup said Mr. Wal helm Ing admitt being the operational fgpn "The documents directly contra- dict Waldheim's repeated claims that he did not even know of such deportations," the WJC charged in a statement. "In a letter to WJC Presi- dent Edgar Bronfman March 7. Waldheim said. he had 'never been informed' about the deportation of Greek Jews." . - I The latest charge, which the WJC said went a step beyond previ- ous allegations that Mr. Waldheim BALTIMORE SUN 8 July 1986 knew about deportations; `came oa the eve of Mr. Waldhelm's tion today as president of Au-_ ter a campaign in which. the WJC's investigation of the former United Nations secretary-general's Nazi Past figured as a major issue. W dheim da spokesman enounced the for new charge las part of "an evil defamation campaig. "This is an old paper. which al ready was presented some time ago," said Gerold Christian, the Waldheim aide., it lacks all proof of veracity and any basis for suspicion or accu- sations." document resented'b the WJC aooears to e a urocresa repo dispatched . to German inter hesdcluarters in Greece i ntifed IG This was a unit command, Ina the eastern Aegean regI : I . which- / lldheim as .L_, -to o assistant to the intelligence ebl f The report etivers a dozen, sut legs from espionage to the disposi- tion of captured radio equipment: The description of the deportation of: Jews appears as the eighth item iri' the four-page report, in a single;. paragraph.- "End of, July, ' 1944 the depo"`. tion of Jews of non-Turkish. cltizeii.' ship from the entire area of cot- ma~nd'l~r' i~iicttons fiimti_tlie high. command" of . Military Group- E, IC/AO. Execution in the hands' of SD-Greece which sent a speciallcom- mando [unltl:for the purpose, to the command area. The documents have been held back because further documentation is required.` "The Jews on Rhodes and Crete, numbering some 2,500 men;women and children. were rounded up and stripped of their possessions during. the final weeks of July. 1944," ac- cording to the WJC statement "They. were shipped to-the Auschwitz death camp, ... where nearly all of them were annihilated; According to the WJC, Mr. Wald- heim reported to the U.S. Justice De- partmnt :April 6 that he served: as the deslgnated':."03" officer: in the IC/AO. The WJC ata!ement citi:+a merit.. iden ied an "03" as the c it, of the officer . . resoonsetle for all operational i-n tel rice and controiof'the inteili-: rice "Kurt Waidheimthas been proven, to be an 'amoral?opportunist a liar, Mr. Bronfman said at t-a press confer- ence here. . .. The WJC,' a U.&-based Jewish group, repeated Its demand that the U.S. Justice Department place Mr. Waldheim on its list of aliens forbid. den to visit the United States. Approved For Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100130004-5