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August 26, 1977
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/18: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100210006-4 STAT I Or Zdae 4a ~t WASHINGTON POST 26 AUGUST 1977 ThA-h CIA' Qv-kerat fflun% f a By John Jacobs and Bill Richards CIA headquarters to send more company . for the bug installations Washington rest Stall Writ!rs money. His bills for the apartment were sent to "Morgan Hall." Hawkins The apartment was a small duplex include Toulouse-Lautrec posters, a said. The apartment was listed In the with a magnificent view of San Fran. picture of a French can-can dancer San Francisco telephone directory un- cisco Say and with a Central Intel- and one item marked "portable toilet der Hall's name between 1956 and ligence Agency spy named Morgan for observation post." 1958. Hall who had a taste for martinis. When-someone apparently rammed Hawkins originally made his infor- For hours Hall would sit perched; on a downstairs neighbor's car parked mation known to freelance reporter a portable toilet watching. behind a. across the street from the, apartment, Paul Avery for Saa Francisco radio -two-way mirror while his employee, a Hall quickly settled up out of his own station KSAN. A second bugging ex- . . ,durg?addicted prostitute, entertained -pocket rather than risk blowing his pert who worked on the apartment unsuspecting visitors and slipped each cover, to a nosy insurance investiga- confirmed the story to The Washing. 'one an exotic chemical or biological tor, -according to the documents. ton Post :agent. William Hawkins, now an electron- Hall was Identified as the operator- Details of this bizarre secene were ics engineer in Santa Clara, Calif., of the CIA apartment In San Fran- ,supplied In the latest group of docu- said Hall used the name George, cisco during a hearing into the Intel- :ments released by the CIA yesterday White when he was called to install ligence agency's clandestine drug and and in interviews with persons famil- bugging equipment in the apartment mind control activities by the Senate 'jar with the project 'the- Intelligence at 225 Chestnut St-' is San Francisco. Subcommittee on Health. CIA offi- ,Rgency code named "Operation Mid- . rawkins, then a part-time student, vials have said he died two years ago. night Climax." . said he had no idea that the apart- The CLA documents released yester- The 1,647 pages of financial records meat was being used by the CIA.' day were part of the agency's top se. refer to the San Francisco scheme un- Hawkins said Hall always referred cret MK-ULTRA mind control expert. 'der the more businesslike title of Sub- to the apartment as a "pad," and kept mental program conducted during the C project 42. It pictures Hall as an agent photos of manacled Women wearing 1950s and 1960s. Among them is a tele. more possessed with financial worries black stockings in cabinets by the phone ? receipt J or $60.50 with a than voyeurism. . front window. "He kept a pitcher of scribbled explanation from Hall: "Money urgently needed to pay martinis in the refrigerator," he said, "Calls made by addict prostitute 'Sept, rent," Hall apparently wrote to "and he'd watch for a while as I in while under covert observation - nec- -his CIA superiors back in 1956, under- stalled a microphone ,,and then- slip essary in connection with under- lining "urgently." ofL" cover investigation - ." - - The financial documents show Hall Although 'Hall' called himself The documents list the purpose of : repeatedly and ..anxiously reminding "George White," bills by. Hawkins' - Hall's apartment as a place to field test "offensive" chemical and biolog- - Ical warfare weapons, The project apparently. began : in the early 1950s and lasted until at least .1965. STAT A memorandum indicates that the roject may have extended Still ter-, : p as part of another CIA program known as -'MK-SEARCH. Other 31K-ULTRA''-documents -re- - leased yesterday described:.,:. ? A' scholarly -project to -assess In .psychological terms the- Impact "of Communist. ideology -on the. popula? - tion . of an Asian nation, apparently China, although the- name was de- leted. ? A "human ecology" study -of low Income youths at basketball play- grounds, to. discovers among other things, how to channel "socially undo- Arable modes of behavior. exempt! . fled in delinquency; Into mare con- struetive modes."' . = ?'A study of chemical characterls? tics (LSD and other- compounds)- as -part of the agency's program to (r ?` ontrol human behav4or? An pml%L ? c tious project was designed to?screea-. In : "human trials".. effects such: as- -'anttconvulsant, anti-spasmodic auldw Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/18: CIA-RDP90-01208R000100210006-4":...~