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March 20, 1975
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CTOT ~ _ _-. -- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 :CIA-RDP9 Q ~ ~d A ~_ ~ R?+ ~..i J vi j ~ is ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~5, ~~.~~,I~~~~~~. 1 William Colby, director of the Cen- al Intelligence Agenclr, was i~erview- 1 by Washington Star Staff Writer le- mia5 O'Leary. Question: Clark Clifford. who as ounsel to P..*esident Truman partici- ated in writing the law which estab- shed the CIA, said recently that the round rules need [a be updated, to e renovated. Do you concur with sat view? Colby: Well. I've made certain ~comraendations for changing our ct already. A year and a half ago Shen I was confirmed. I suggested tat we add the word "foreign" to the cord "intelligence" wherever it sp- ears is our act so it's clear it's for- ign intelligence chat's the job of this gency and not domestic. I recom- iended other things to clarify xactly what the CIA ought to be able ~ do in the United States and what it 'aauld not be able to do in the United rates. Q: That requires an act of Con- ress ? A: Yes. It hasn't been passed. but sere was legislation last year - I ~.tpparted it ~- and I'm sure these congressional investigating) com- tittces will get into a rather funds- rental look at some of these ques- ons. Q: IVould you ever go out of the i ~trsiness e% operating in terms of our ow?n security within the United 'rates, in places like ~Yecv fork There the U.Y. is located, or in laces like 3:ia:ri, where there are . Tany Cubans? A: ~Vell, I think, in the first place, ~ sat we ought to be able to collect for- i?~t intelligence in America. I think re ou~?ht to collect it voluntarily roan Americans, and we ought to be ble to collect it from foreigners. Q: Interc?ietvina returned trac?el- rs ? A: That sort of thine, yes. We do a neat deal of that, and there are an wful lot of Americans who very indly help us and support us on this. Je do mai~:e commitments that we ;on't expose them as our sources. 'hat's goin;; to be one of the things 'm iruistin~: on -- that we not expose gem in t: e coarse of these investi~a- 20 I~iARCH 1975 } lions. And I think I've recei~?ed a very syn:p~thetic response from Sen. ~ Church an this. If there's a reasona- i ble basis for uur withholding an icien- lily or som:thin, he cerainly has ri:?en every indication that he will eve full consideration to that. i Q: Gii?cn the scrutiny 6y the Rxkefeller commission, by several committees of Congress, by the press - can the CIA operate effectively as a cla.^.westine service under these ccnditions? A: Well. it's having a hard time. We have a number of individual agents abroad who have told us that they really don't want to work for us anymore. have the pre is used as shoutabouti tries around I think we h. ous probiet ccnsider ca we want to and take a ink him in helping hit leaks that W this stage, his politics ly. Q: What feet of boy Philip Ag names and a great numo~- ofidentities? Q: Elgents? , A: Foreigners, working foreigners. ~ A: Well. I think that's S'Je have had a number of Americans absolutely unconscionable who have indicated that they don't and reprehensible for an want to work with us anymore -not officer who served with us. employes, but Americans who have accepted our discipline. helped us in various ways. ~Ye have a agreed with our activities. number of foreign intelligence sere- signed a very warm and ices that have indicated great con- fr:endIy letter on his resig- cern about collaboration with us - _ nation indicating that he whether this will be exposed, and valued highly his associa- they will be subjected to intense lion with us, and that he would forever maintain the criticism in their country. I relationship as one of pride chink this is a very serious and trust, that if he could problem for our country. ever do anything for us he We are in the process of los- would be happy to ...I've ing some of the information got an idea or so as to what that otherwise we would be ~ he might do. He has named getting. every name he could think Q: You mean that some of of that w as anyhow associ- these other services and sled with us. There is~at other individuals are no least one family who has longer confident? been put under consider- . able pressure as a result of ihls. A girl hounded out of A: They re beginning to school because her father's pull back, or some of them name appears in it. ~:'e have just stopped working have had to make rather with us. And, of course, massive changes in our more serious and yet not situation in that area to pre- measurable is the number vent people being subjected who would have agreed to to hardships because of this work with us, but now won't ~ revelation. Aral the danger agree to work with us. I is that ta`ris kind of tiring can have seen a couple of cases so into. the whole action of where individuals had indi- various terrorist move- cated they thought they meats. ?1iir. biitrione, as you would work with us, and know, was murdered in then came around here very Latin America. There is a recently and said, "I know I school of thought that says did.agree. but I don't think I that was a patriotic act be- , Q: Have 3?our actual operations overseas been affected by the current furor? A: Oh, yes, I think the current furor has laid a par- ticular problem on us in iliac people exaggerate CIA. I see that in Mexico there was an accusation this week that we organized the excitement at the universi- ty, which, of course, we had CIA officer. He was not a CIA officer. A,d I contend that that kind of a murder i~ totally unjustifiable. But bit. Agee has put a number of people under direct threat of ex2ctty ta'tat thine happening to them. createu uy .,..~ - _.._ military did move against him. If you ask whether that was a CIA success or i failure. I would say it was a ` failure, because the pro- gram we had in mind did not take place. which was that the democratic forces would succeed eventually through elections in Chile. Q: l:'as the agency aware I that the Chilean armed . forces intended to moti?a crhen ~heydid? A: ?'e had certain inielli- sencecoverage of it and we had a Beres of alerts indi- catre t_`t&t it was about to happen. They key to it was whether several different forces would get together to do it, and ve had several in- dics:ions that they would on a ce-'s:n date and then they di'1:: t. And then t.'tey would oa anoth:r date, and then t?:ey didn't. And. than that they would in September and they did. Q: Did tl:e ju.~ra ask the L'r~ced States or the CIA c;-I:ether the new regime - would be recagrtiaed ? A: They certainly did not ask the CIA. and I don't lalow of any other requests. Q: There have been a number of reports that you gave a verbal addendum to . President Ford after sub- mi[rng your SD-page repot[ ini ol~ ing the word "assas- sination." Did you make such a report? A: I think I'll let the President speak for himself Q: A couple of c?ears ago, on that. Fie has spoken on it, there ts?as a similar furor and I think it's appropriate. and public investigation in, Oihenc?ise, I frankly think volvin~ the agency and ITT that this is a subject that I in G~.ile. t:"rat is [he truth, wot:Id lire to just stay in a about the agency's role m total no comment position. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 :CIA-RDP90-012088000100250035-8 ?,~ ~.,~~~..,r,