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March 19, 1975
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100250037-6
,` 17 Democrats Visit C.I.A. C
Call for Tighter Scrutiny By RICHARD D. LYONS ;~ttcnara L. Uttuger of \'ear~
~r_a1 to rH~ dew Yc t _ ?~ Yor sat a members of tM
watched by Congress, , the C.I.A. conducts a clandes.
The consensus df the legis. 'CapitoltHill to seelc a proval?"
I ators, who attended the meet-
ing at the C.I.A.'s imitation, Mistakes Conceded
11 Hub Cod of Kentucky
was that for too long Congress s-rj _W
aid that
had remained in the dark on y had con-
the general Policies of the C.I.A. Ceded that the agency made
as well as to the specifics of mistakes in such operations as
how it conducted its activities. 1961 invasion of Cuba, the "de-
Members of the group were stabilization" of the . Govern.
virtually unanimous in saying meat of the late President
that Congress should exercise ile r Allende Gossens of
more legislative oversight on Chile and the monitoring of
the agency's activities, activities of antiwar activists
Yet a Congressional report in the United States.
dealing with the overseeing I asked him about the open-
plans of House committee, tag by the agency of mail going
which was made public today, overseas and he said that be-
devotes only one paragraph in I Veen 1953 and 19:3 lots of
its 81 pages to overseeing thei mail had been opened, but that
C.I.A., and even the lone refer- II this had stopped," Mr. Hubbard
once was couched in the most f said.
general terms. 1 jarnaeH Schej of New)
Those attending the meeting] York said he had gotten "thel
said that William E. Colby, di feeling that the C.I.A. is going
rector of Central Intelligence to operate with a great deal!
had told them little that they more restraint."
had rot already known. Further, i Mr. Scheue- said there was,
they said, he had refused to j some degree of Congressional'
answer some direct questions overseeing of t e agency "but;
about the agency's budget and it isn't enough." He noted that
personne!, as well as possible the House Foreign Affair; Goa
involvement in the assassina. mittee was to have cord_ctedi
dons of foreign heads of state-1 some of this monitoring worki
thug it was-that espionage op- cake questions were Invotved.
orations should be more-closely For example, he asked, "before
. that if they had learned any-' tnatd some extremely compli-
WASHINGTON. March 18 -1 group had come away "with a
After attending a briefing at the Very uncomfortable f:~eling-
Central Intelligence Acy how dog 'you control this
i. headquarters today, 17-en new monster?"
? Colby Silent on issue
"By declining to respond to
my questions about assassina-
fira:nt'on that ?thev had con-! said. "I don't t-use Yrat orsaa:-i
templated if not attempted such zation and I don't trust die(
assassinaaons," said Stephen 1 decisions of its officials."
a z of New York. "I- s;:ch reports weren't
but had no.,
Thomas J, D^.wney of tiear
Yore said the meeting ."real v
shook me up." The feel;-, 'ri
York said he considered
C.I.A.'s oriman- problem was'
that of its mission.
. "Who decides what 1
scotch them right there." govern-t
The Brooklyn Congressman, ments should be overthrown?":
w`.o was ;,-,-;o;ved in protest n7
he asked. "And who Hakes such
bop: t4., Vietnam war and Unite3 Stases foreign policy- in 'udg^~tents as :r ether we need
genera!, s--.:d "there is an ur?~ `''l`d or not?"
gent necessitv to bring .,."a But there was little in the
C.I.A. u-.le- a atrol with pro-i report of ,he House Government
ced?lres and safeguards to pre- Operarlcns C::'nmittee deai'na
vent actions anti:hetical to the 1with future nonitor:nom 'gat
L r.t:ed S-a:es." it concerned the D-o '.?ms c r`e
he r.ha ti- a large sta,.:ei ' ia,2?- Ir an attempt to sort
of Nathan Ha!e stood inti
cou-vard c` t:'4 agency's hec',1., :cut these proierns the House
qua..ers an-4 commented t~. +t; list month created a Seloot Com-~
the Re?,o!taonary War sn~. ! imittee on Inteli,zeace. Earlier,t
"was ro acre successful tha::i the Senate set L;) a sirntiar~
they are today." y Icomrnittee.
true," `.Ir. So!arz went on, "%I-.
Colby had an opportunit
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100250037-6