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Document Release Date: 
February 22, 2011
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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1974
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-01208R000100250080-8.pdf74.99 KB
6 it; t ffl Fhtn The cgA S Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100250080-8 1r1L' ULUDD (P'IcLean) 1 1 APR 1974 4 by Joseph Gatins Has the Central Intelligence Agency tapped the telephones. chocked and intercepted he mail, and followed the movements of a 45-year old ex- Scoutmaster and church- going Oakton resident for the past five years? Victor L. Marchetti, now a Vienna youth soccer league coach, says it has. Why should the CIA want to watch over Marchetti, an apparently unobtrusive homebody? He says it's because he was a CIA agent himself and has co-authored a 'book on the agency which he hopes will be published this May but which the CIA has bottl- ed up in litigation since the first outline was drafted over 18 months ago. The book, "The CIA and t/The Cult of Intelligence," is rumored to be the biggest piece of "whistle-blowing" non-fiction to be vitten on C. C the intelligence agency to date. Marchetti is also the highest ranking ox-CIA of- ficer to possibly come forth with information on the CIA's clandestine operations. He resigend in 1969 with top marks on his latest efficiency rating, after a 14-year stint in the agen- cy. He rose from the position of junior officer trainee in clandestine operations to 0 executive assistant to the Marchetti says the book CIA's deputy director. I does, however, name some While Marchetti was at foreign officials tied to th one time enjoined by the CIA, talks of "what happen ' CIA not to talk about his manuscript, he says that the litigation is now at the stage where publication will occur, with or without the deletions which the agency has re- quested in court. The CIA which originally sought to halt publication of the book, has now requested 340 deletions . which Marchetti says would cut 15 to 20 per cent of the book. These deletions, ranging from one word to three page cuts, requested under various security regulations have now been whittled down to 162, 140 of which were recently denied by a federal court. The CIA is appealing that decision. Marchetti says the book has a goal of reform; is not an appeal to the "lunatics." He contends that both he and co-author John Marks, a former foreign service of- ficer, "believe in some legitimate areas" of the CIA's intelligence collection and analysis, The book, Marchetti says, does not dis- cuss names of agents whose disclosure would jeopardize life, nor does it discuss or reveal techniques and analytical methods which he thinks are legitimate. ad in Chile." the - CIA relations with the press, an refers to the gamut . o clandestine operation! which Marchetti says in elude acquisition of private airlines abroad, manipulative coup d'etats, shoring up dic tatorships, propaganda, ani penetration of cultura organizations in foreigi countries. of the agency's clandestin operations division after traininq session at Cam Peary near Williamsburg an worked for ten years as a Soviet military intelligence analyst. He says his decision to leave came after he spent three years in "the executive suite" in the Langley office where he saw how the CIA .fits into the U.S. intelligence comm1:.ity and how much emphasis was placed on clandestine Although the CIA had many rationalizations for do- ing so. Marchetti says, it was the "ominous develop- ment of a growing domestic operations section in the CIA - which came to full flower in the late 1960's - which also made him - question his role and the CIA role in general.. "Dgmestic operations is the ,single most secret compo- nent of,the CiA," Marchetti says. "I couldn't find out a ;'thing on it." STAT ~,, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100250080-8