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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040006-3 .-1:ABW:SS CCMP : VW SOURCE: INTERNATIONAL PRESS CORRESPONDENCE, English Edition, Vol. 9, No. 62, November 1, 1929, p. 1345. TEN YEARS OF THE YOUNG COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Appeal of the E. C. Y. C. I. Moscow, 21st October 1929. The Executive Committee of the Young Communist Inter- national has issued an appeal to the working class and peasant youth of the whole world in connection with the tenth anniversary of the existence of the Y.C.I. The appeal describes the development of the revolutionary working class youth movement and the formation of the Young Communist International on the 20th November, 1919, in Berlin. It deals with the role played by Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht and Lenin in the youth movement and describes the struggle against the social democratic opportunists and the development of the socialist youth organizations into the Y.C.I., the war period in which the revolutionary, young workers adopted the slogan of Lenin, "Turn the imperialist war into a civil war for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie 1", and the slogan of Liebknecht, "Not Civil Peace but Civil War, Class War for-the proletarian Revolution Aand the post-war revolutionary period in which the Communist International was formed and the first congress of the Y.C.I. took place and drew a sharp dividing line between the revolutionary young workers and the social patriots and centrist phrase=mongers. In the ten years of its existence the Young Communist -aternational has stood in the front ranks of the struggle and its members participated in the Central German in- surrection in 1921, in the Bulgarian September insurrection in 1923, in.the Hamburg fighting in the same year in Germany, in the Esthonian insurrection in 1924, in Poland, in Greece, in Indonesia, in Morocco and in Syria, and on the barricades in Vienna in 1927 and in Berlin in May 1929. Tens of thousands of young workers laid down their lives in the struggle for the Chinese revolution, and the masses of the members of the Young Communist League in the Soviet Union have taken a foremost part in the building of socialism. In its whole activity the Y.C.I. has been the loyal helper of the Communist International and a ruthless defender of the Bolshevist Lenifist policy in the international com- munist movement. The Leagues played a prominent part in the formation of many of the Communist Parties and particularly in the struggle against the renegades Levi, Rossard, Trannael, Hoeglund, Scheflo, Brandler, Lovestone and Kilboom and in particular also in the struggle against the Trotzkyists. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040006-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040006-3 In the ten years of its existence the Y.C.I. has worked out the first theory of the revolutionary proletarian youth movement and has embodied it in the programme adopted by the fifth world congress of the Y.C.I. which was the document of the working youth in the struggle for the world dictatorship of the proletariat. The appeal enumerates the events proving the new rising wave of the proletarian revolution, analyses the role of the Second International as agent of the interna- tional bourgeoisie and the direct organiser of war against the Soviet Union, and points out that the Socialist Youth International has pursued its logical development towards social fascism. It calls for an increased struggle against fascism, social fascism and the danger of war with new methods of work in order to win the majority of the working youth for the proletarian revolution, and conduct in particular a merciless struggle against the right-wingers and conciliants within the ranks of the Communist and Young Communist Internationals. The appeal closes with the slogans: Down with Imperialist War l Long live the Defence of the 'Soviet Union l Down with Capitalist Rationalisation, with the in- creased exploitation of the youth and Unemployment1 Down with militarisation and fascism amongst the Youth! Long live the Anti-militarist Struggle in the Army and Navy I Long live the Proletarian Defence Organisations! Down with the Bourgeois and Social Fascist Organisations'. Long live the Red Class United Front of the Young Workers 1 Long live the Victory of the World Dictatorship of the proletariat under the bolshevist leadership of the Comintern I Long live the Communist International) Long live the Young Communist International1 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040006-3