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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Snolosiatre Aa. x tt}'~~:I` gi'iC I+i- hit is a .ary, by sn aathaar who signs y KA* as 0 , of what at the ninth ?ztentst plenary *#asiou of than oobIvo Com%itt?? of the Comm mist Iamttars- national hs boon said abokt Trotsky Azad the op- position by various none- sets Ces fists in the *our** of zhs debates in eonn.*tion with 11l kha rin' e re,~ort an th? sub jeot of *the opposition Within the... Party, and the international oppssttlan0. he 4&706&t* of the fseta* as re'v'ealet by thtt aua~-Qarf xap?atic?ro, says A.3., constitutes a "na irtterons intiotaont a&alast the opposition*, ant the *dunoral titmotlaa* is that *$he pretskist op- position arras not only the +eots ?Dsnaerae , bu,t 4180 the world Daurp of sie in (their) stra is a, Hunt the C aavNeataist International naafi the iovi o t Won", althou,dh, *Ocorti* to 1.3., *is the costions of the Cods Intorr&tiu1 tnemSelT$$, the op- position iaj sit",er ixtsi, nitisant, or alto&*t for non- ?alaatent, n, ria:a as sell as in 'Ihe opposition 14 sl14ind down tewaxlts 1 ansherisa, ~t4 'yin a nuatbor of eountrie s the fasion of Trotsxiaaa &z6 ',''snsh+ vlcm an an iat.rx atio 1 wale is ; 1re4 ;a val.["e s1-'* .. . Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 ation t -rtsie'"ie l b t, b-AD 11D s4W.M Af s, J^! . id . t,i 7 to s into Z*ur ti- i turu 1) 'It u* woOi ,.1 QO$$j'OIlltiart of `tb ! Trota l i $) "its lertol~-ioz~l Y1i J) "PrAoti ? 0911&aoz'* jon of $ . opposition ?Xith tom ~aoc-r~Q S.x~t~zrY -t and 4) Ot''f+ t .rt 2er alidxaa -dow o tot appa pit ic,z into $A* 4ag* j r.,ihoir.,ti t o inal"ormu io diy*j u .ar tu.* sover%j bowiinga aoa4raely z ee ;a for &i `Tarr iu z4aractar. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 04- "us "41 AI +e *,.sis or tlt. protatimt apposit i oat. * Iaa ftazwo, where that oppo*L*Li - st -trols *" 'iris littler Jat x s*, 93P PftPSV*t it 04"101A primoi a .l~ nP rtt ?-ti t, rein iatolls4t&r1s, AAA ae nw> Lft1U Ott l 4ers who In rsaont Tasie tar! aalroa4 tsswmr s.a os to routs va $ ruiaari r1W, t sA3s., >a *all* tortb "t,slings aI 4oe irritation** my way *=4#WyLAg 4418, 103- q t is a that when MA 0"001tLem"S VGA"* SU Qna? GirOl, WAs a aprsoh on It- ssa Irni* oowadsix, *a I?*borer, + iwn to the fast t. rto of JjWL Nation..., statedt *It Susan swa-''t stop spsrr-i igp, I *ULU Ar t Aer t o t 'MM w ` t hl t- rte tt1.4 to sa l'ia;o b all t ur 6r' of psari tela~tla tteax...'bo i* to r ?: v z to tit *1 thjn La ?iiiaf 1a Ifs tamenliiar",w., ft." to VA* 4Ue yt tl J CA *i'0064 arL,d'V *Tr3bek4, is Ait lato#ti dLOiiJ j't3%., jpzj.# Y a W ir#3i is tin's ?3! t' paxL. valf, , rro tip' &1 "k.-; .1 auvo tin "Ii b C , at i i, fret part , tut:ie Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 it turns out that in Asia letter to the Cons" Et intorn&tional", Trotaty ham been trying to sauce out "the street ieaona tra ti.n on Tovoaber 7" as "nor* propaganda", but, "noverthelesa, the woo Trotsky, in one of his dosuaents, eayte: straight; 'tar tact is to conquer the (political) power'* fhe illioi t leaf- let of tho 4apronov grosap, 'The labor roast to power', ie openly in favor 21 preparing the struggle agaiae t our government, in favor f a now revolution". dare- 3!er, " -proaov...asserts tbat the tateres tie 3f the labor classes wore ' be tru.4 eat' a ruaa,j at the time of the ninth and ziv, t atu ,part, ? 4iigre$uea, tMt te, at Party aengteeser w: ioc were oondnotod b4 Lenin"... C?ntinuin , 'hattharin states that Trotskjr alreadj in i enin' e t im+: ae "a foreign body within the iart.4 , and that now 04r Ate; 's policy has boon aond*snod, "One airht pad, by the uncle ocuntry". proof of whiohh the speaker pciruuives in the feet of a "hundred thousand now eremthore laborers frame the work-bon"", h+avinir v&.ned tae +}ar'1r . This met has shown that " t e eppo- si.tion hats IIao6 t, absolutoli no grog in our }arty" .., or istc;, "tae lower strata of t e Tarotskiat app,a-- ai tion have got into c as was t wi to Lite Sapronov group, altAougt1 .Apronov in hie late-,,t a eui exit eats u*t i'ro uskd' .1 a truggle against tae Jar t i4 ar uaprinoipla c trLggglo :car power''... Ln regards "tno zartieu abroaa, (;,karaae buahrin s tree ci urges now to overrates the fosse al the 4ppasi- t1..4i,... He thtsn says: "orie may rofee4 either one Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 of the two ?piniont ; either the Soviet state it a pro` le tarian a to te, and in the principal q ues trots of the polioy of tAt as well as in the question soneerning the s?nis* of war, the ':oaaaunist Intarna- tional mast be an the slide of the U. S. 3. i. - or nothing of the kind is the *as*. Nh? 0otamwtist Intamstivenal has to chose Acre: ai tier the as** or the other. b ere is no tAird possibility. $cei that the various op;4si tion groups adhere to a different line )f wmAaot in this prinji ?al questi ir1, Luer t,: tolerated in our reek".. . 1ftcr den wi')cs1n ;iov, autsk , ` rrris t, *n+a ft number of oth or nnm,?ap, Buklaaria a' Major: "Strugg a+Cainet tsee ~'" '' i-`:ue ut*e, is ieapo ksibls ae; Itrrj ae taste exist tr::t+ Vu,-1 :pus ewes of Tro tsi ,j . i thou t itatensiver agatnet ?rotakiss, native strugrsrle against t: H" )Li ?ai-Oemoaraef In also iaPoeeiblc. should 47 ttvor thin to restore the labor elements to the (ommant t tnterrnational, But the prin=si.pal dan- ger in the "Iftmunie t Internati.ulal as well as without itr: ren t,a t *i th "V4racasx, za ta, iou- va rlmo, and others"*.* 'rho Trotekt-t y .:~: aal b1 a..., a 0: ,j1e %eA.g a *s ten ..., has f Sven tultI14) broaten ur into : erie? ai groupo which phr'l j- rrid" i aet v and ?.iraoyit:t - o ?noe to adert the !art.;,- ;ao;sitifn, noL xoithout hearstosacra, sosedinP grariua?lj from ' 2rutatciura, sAi sa "ao mare , rtes r oorroatness of tke olitival lira of .E?a scud the Cse'niet Intern t 1" (Italian of taaaslatsr)... "The remai*in.g- ineiginifioaut tromp of adherents of Trotstiau... triad to aahif . the venter of 3rravit,; of its leak sow to top other e.etioas of the Guist Inter- national", and in thi.ra oazmatiou 1,6 "appeals first of all to oppanly Opportunistic and ooaxnt*r-retrolutiOmury eleaieaats, asaecta .u arise atad 1-aue"... 1 a1av, Korsoh, *to,, trying also to "daa* ever to its side tree ! saa,r and Sena t te" in Prance... Uzuejejand-jolat t 1to11- and) and r,ore( iua} are al.sfl mentioned... On the Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 are ear isllyinf eat thr- Mrotskist platfosw of otratrgle &0026t the t'. 8. a3. R. , the All?Qiti e?r e o_ nip t Party, and the ^.orotais t International"", The rosolntioa ooselwAse iota the follswln# Pas- sa;oa "US, pi oaasy sosaitn of the i aesr tivo Qo_i t tee of the 04Mttatst International kelds that th. ev'eluti on towards $ sta1-Deneeraties an wMarr by tie Trot. .. shirt 0"ositLea, its opw&4 anti?$oviot position wits ob is thoroackly **stile to the tiotataaesbip of the prole tasia t, It* saiiaaa tie our tltedi in the 4e%i s t Parties, have resulted in tnat of1ri ltotiera ri%A the Trotslrist opposition, ee118 ria stion ( idontifle&tiea) with its views, acre in fataro taus tib3.s with affi. iistien with the ':eeuaaaaist Interratisttsl. *The T 3wiMs t P*ttien east awry swan ataamaeper 4%44 s tr ale for the lig*ita tt in of tie Tritskie t zrssps, esaoeatwtlJkfr Welt etra#g1e, first of all, upon the top s taut ba, At the sane time It i s necessary to scottiatws the ieeeloftsal struggle for winning ever those laborers who are vaoillattng, bat bare net pet brSiren wlsh the op oarttisit. "The aowuMst Parties a not also in every rwyr ia- eresee the work of >vtataskinp the Trotakiet opposition in front of the irriad maesee of the labor olasses, beasuse the aeoentuatjar of the etrapgle of the Ceee- onnists againet the international 80oia1-Desseratey implies inevitably aseeatuation of the stret le against the s n ti-G nie t croup of the Tretskis tat, to the Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 l+r~t~yr pJ*I Vw tsiLsis* *t tM P geodes of No 1s st 31Missswl-f~1MMa~ tL C... Idstek ssm, to Nss"t r st $ s~ st "Waft am"Luo !Ma t 1 tl~r~ s tlw1T Mad O"Outsly $ at#it4s if $Mp1wMLMy aft" on Al 1*$saa tLssa1 asstst is tlas t tsrMts iSi s -sitlrsrw, w"Ok is ss~tpWstir+rslttLewwy *%A sutlac lat is Mtii- as is. C asalast Vw l-ll l-M~t 1st jwV Est l"MNtTUS ) $M "Viet ales A" $ $s Mgt ~tilsMatllra3. Do - .ti sMSlssrs *S the #L1 Lea t alst ) (et ~~rits) a" all tM SMIUSION, st ww ?sist irtssrMatfalal s*ssist t*Ls as'itau" 46s1aiss st SM wrs lat state of the 1ls$ latsv- aatisMa1 as Ow t w o$las at lsstrktisso elLa taslsisU Is the UM is + 1a that It sss 3s s3lr mss obs o! tlas ii1111rst aM asat t ? aM raising the oar tos-roValt IALOW'y 1,.t sat his friends on bras srioli. AM that's Why the s+tpre or,; r n of world, torwtta' has han"4 town a 410 1ss oa on tM of lrot r #a~ oat the s$ .o with " 'rotshiaa. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 hart's tIM aa"als j a is t1M it slaatessi ) Met oaly oa tho basis of tlM s ntis*M of the T. ? Si.A. ? but 51s0 to a sarsiasta1111.0 w aaaar0 ea t__ In s tiOSM , the wey"Meatat iYss at the too" s i ja COaaaaaasaaiat Portia. sae. t1PMIaj tlnalt the plstsxist $rO Lp is is trot nit at all a lstt sofa, bat a b-lik-u-salit ari jag AR lire apses !rtes k its is not fiaars 112 t I&n 1s-t ~,~,, -; ?' 2ss*$X7' a treepsi s abroat ass spim1 sswtins their own spssial pathos, airs j %pea the Cowwauiat !artiss the ssst wresea*4 1111s'? the Saa1ovists in G.rM"w an 496LOULL a sss ply ? t i . Lr 414a ti st#a ZQXAO Oftts# oS LsalaWNSO" (7) . the pyjaaaies thick *M ' iii 55V0*' 4saat04t the* 1oss Rite 4,140 stolsa r s Of the ! a-0+i+sa ? just as t ho mine ee iats*iitsa $$$U the saLsk of 'tYolut i one') ? wit s by his sssssi part; is is fast only a *loft' wi>atjlst, as wall OWW Of the forma MwLal-Dowesmeye iitwSO* the ?.tsiti$t ova#* a" the *l#0 ~~ yas esis>Iiie hSt it0s sastast. @aiast*e We is app sisal of ra lot is joist *a, the v.; . t,j. is sits La tie less soaps. ys r the W"Whatth u=6 this is tosti#i" Is r the maahe v r fall., (is the IMMM assia -)v*ssra$ls Jorauanal DIZ Y1 ). JA #00netio* With the lost MMSY" Mats 0! ' ~- (a 9apts Y? Saba stalest *10 ti MritLSi3 past of both prep sas IL i * *0 SAL uri- jaili0aa Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 oh"*4tir zatiou of US ?aSAMIs state at t1w oo u try cart the position of US labor Slaw, tbs tondsanay of sooirl ant politioa1 tsislopia*t in the spook of the nor oooassis poliayr, the s marks u. Lag of sapitalistio property oloaaesnts sat tbs growth of tbnir inflnIfll* on the pokey of the distatoarship all thla s tition qjM* at t w Ila t t t t - ,~ ~i !la soi>atsiaivxaso is ossaploto: ++ or4 for work.". The so mwabsr-rml -tionmry frotskist S" Ups 11s * rot xp so p1sts1y In than :Sma iai-i saratis bog. Thy is plain both. to tAa-o 1-ia* CrMpmist Pao* (of boll iYiks) as n to Us whel - Coselw -ist I*tsrMtiosaal. Mffo oaoas" leraatwooa as sad athsaa*0 between the Com- sanist lalrerzaagio ,l sal the oppssitiata, are titlsroi oyes baetwson the .^sYolttiaawryr worlitsaasa ant, tbs aathsp-keep* between the battler ask tie oppsa $uist sa.D-tall.wer, bet" em CSMUa iaas ant is+eoiaa-keaaerasy. between ors- oolatian eat oa r.isvolutio*. Ike Coaata , ist Intern Lanai 1s lotus +orra re that the spssitLQ grav1ty of the 'titaaoist e lsotaakoit groups is xwr&7.ioi1bls. fat this ams nt at all moan tint one eb maid be coast nt to slap Trota.kiss on the wrist. on tins osatra s s a' ttss war" nest be oaasst on Troto iss, Trotskisa is as loss ttaamn the & peril In the international CI .tat move arra t. Vwt fte e bee" 46 tM s is wear toig1 ass s-s weataaatisitt of the silo botwtoa Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0 OopP! xM~ $OQR: PTAT Ltd' nAM =rAAV or "M GAITIUTI3 ?vii rIOHTfl$ CI sir TIM) , by G. Geller, Published by the Central 0essittee of the YQIt of the U,>, i. R. , Ioso ow, .10*S. s 61 and 63. (?rassletioaa. TO TO YCIR Et I?0 TIFTS ANNIflUART * ? ) ? s ? ? ? 0 omra~ds UQDM - is the RN Us Amerie 0e^mmnist The YCR is compelled to work tender oirearstanesfes Of aggravated class conflicts, when the boukrgsel sire is endeavoring to smother the revolutionary proletarian move- meat by means of the cruelest repressions. The osamele of the murder of $sseo and Vaase tti , whom the class f as- ties of my country executed in the electric chair for no wrong, proves best of all to what limits its atdaa, its blind malicious terror will go. The class war which is now taking place demands the greatest off or* and self-sacrifioiag solidarity fires 0e proletariat, *As MR embodies this solidarity -. it proved this by its five-]tsars' work in rendering assistance to the victims of the revolution in the whole world. Long live the NOPRI Long live the world revolutie al sknown in Znglish as the NZAtOrSaft0mal Red Aid** * *) Oal~r the meat important of the many grs.f reoeivod by the IM on its fifth anniversary, are p rated (sic), Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040009-0